CrankGameplays One-Shots

2.6K 59 44

Hey guys! I am sorry that this is shorter than most of my one-shots but I am very tired and I've been under the weather. I'm sorry, but hopefully Corinne wil have her chapter up today! And thank you guys so much for 3K reads! That's amazing, just a week or two ago, we only had 2K reads! It's amazing how fast this story is growing, I can't describe how happy this makes me! I wish I could repay you guys some how! I love you guys and I hope you enjoy this one-shot! 

                                                                            ~Late Night Songs~

                                                                                  ~2022, Maine~

(Y/n's POV)

I awoke to the sound of our daughter crying. I groaned and got up. I grabbed Ethan's ukulele before I left the room. I walked into her room. She was crying and hiding under her covers. "Maya what's wrong?" I asked. "I had a bad dream again..." She whimpered. I gently removed the covers from over her. "What was it about?" I asked. "It was that you and Daddy left me on the street and drove away..." She said. I hugged her. "Hunny we would never do that." I whispered into her hair. She sniffled and hugged back. "A-Are you gonna sing me a song?" She asked and pulled away from the hug, wiping under her nose. She must've noticed that I had the ukulele. "What song do you want to hear?" I asked. "Can you sing You Are My Sunshine?" She asked. I nodded and pulled her skinny chair over. I sat on it and held the ukulele. I sighed and began singing softly, not to wake Ethan.

"You are my sunshine

My only sunshine.

You make me happy

When skies are gray.

You'll never know dear,

How much I love you.

Please don't take my sunshine away.

The other night, dear,

As I lay sleeping,

I dreamed I held you in my arms.

When I awoke, dear,

I was mistaken

And I hung my head and cried.

You are my sunshine.

My only sunshine.

You make me happy

When skies are gray.

You'll never know dear,

How much I love you.

Please don't take my sunshine away.

Please don't take my sunshine away." I sang. I looked at her. She was already asleep. She gets that from me. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits my pillow. I smiled and walked back to my room. I set his ukulele back on our beanbag chair. I layed back down in bed and went under the covers. Ethan rolled on his side. "You're an amazing mother..." He whispered and wrapped his arm around me. I smiled. "You're an amazing father." I said and rested my head in his neck. I breathed in his scent. He always smelled nice. I fell asleep in his arms. "Mom! Dad!" Maya shouted as she profusely banged on the door. Me and Ethan got up and ran to the door We opened the door and seen Maya looking like she'd just saw a ghost. "Mom! Dad! Someone was in the house!" She shouted. Ethan's eyes widened. We walked into the kitchen. Ethan grabbed a knife. We searched the house and nothing was missing and nothing was broken. It looked the way it'd looked when we went to bad last night. "Maya." I said. She looked up at me. "I think you just had a bad dream." I said. "I keep having bad dreams..." She said. I sighed and brought her to my room. I reached under the bed until I felt my old dream catcher. "What's that?" She asked. "It's a dream catcher. It takes away all your nightmares." I said. She smiled and took it. "It's pretty." She said. I smiled. "Go hang it on your doorknob.'' I said. She smiled and ran out of my and Ethan's room and into her room. Ethan walked back into our room. I couldn't help but admire him. His gray sweatpants hung low on one side so the waistband of his boxers showed on one side. He didn't have a shirt on. He was ripped with muscle, but he definitely had muscled that were obvious. He had abs and pretty good biceps. "Stop staring." He said and kissed my cheek. I smiled. "It's hard not to." I said and pecked him on the lips. He smiled and walked to our closet. I followed him. I put black leggings on and a gray jumper on. I slipped my UGGS on since it was cold. Ethan put his normal black skinny jeans on along with a white t-shirt and his gray hoodie. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, sprayed perfume on, put deodorant on and left. Ethan went in. After he was done he kissed my cheek. "I'm gonna go record some videos." He said. I nodded and watched as he walked into our room and closed the door. I walked into the kitchen and poured Maya some cereal along with some for myself. I then heard Ethan's adorable squeal. "Is Daddy ok?" Maya asked. "He's just playing video games." I said. "He plays video games a lot." Maya said. I smiled. "That's his job." I said. "Woah! He gets to play video games for a living?!'' She asked with excitement. "Yep and maybe one day you can do that too." I said and pulled the hoodie of her lion onesie up. She smiled and ran into her room. I smiled and finished my cereal. After about like an hour of watching TV I walked to my recording room. I had a separate one since Ethan's was in our room. I had told my fans that I would start singing since when on my livestream, so many people said that I had an amazing voice. I sighed and thought of a song to sing. I decided on Can't Help Falling in Love. I sat down at my piano seat and set the microphone up. I sighed and turned my camera on. I began playing the song.

"Wise men say

Only fools rush in.

But I can't help falling in love with you.

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin?

If I can't help falling in love with you.

Like a river flows,

Surely to the sea.

Darling as it goes

Somethings are meant to be.

Take my hand

Take my whole life too.

For I can't help falling in love with you

Oh, for I, I can't help falling in love with you." I sang. I smiled at the camera and ended the video. I then just noticed Maya standing in my doorway. "You have a beautiful voice Mommy." She said. "Hunny did I leave the door open?" I asked. "You left it cracked, why?" She answered. "I just don't want to bother Daddy." I said. She smiled with a nod. "Stay Cranky, bye!" I heard from Ethan's room. "Why does Daddy tell people to stay cranky?" She asked. "Because his name on his job website is CrankGameplays." I said. She smiled. "That's a weird name." She said. "It is." I said with a smile. She giggled. "Maya, I need to go edit this, would mind going in the living room and watching TV?" I asked. She nodded and ran into the living room. I smiled and sat down at my computer. I began editing and then uploaded it to my channel. I was a gamer, but every once and a while I would do a speed paint and I guess a new singing series started on my channel. After I edited the sound and video I uploaded it. I walked outside of my recording room. I knew that Ethan didn't really like to be disturbed while recording, which I respected but it was lunch time and he hadn't eaten breakfast. I gently opened the door. He looked up and smiled. "Would you like something to eat?" I asked. "Could you possibly make me a sandwich?" He asked. I nodded with a smile. "Love you!" He said as I closed the door. "Love you too." I said before closing it. I walked into the kitchen and made him a sandwich. I walked back into his recording room and set it on his desk. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and walked out of our room. I sat down with Maya. "Mommy can we do another livestream? I liked people complimenting how cute I was!" She said. I smiled. "Sure." I said. I set up a camera in the living room and my laptop and got everything ready. I tweeted out saying I was about to go live. I clicked the camera and we were currently live. "Hey guys! Sorry this was so unplanned, but Maya wanted to see all of you again!" I said. She jumped into view and waved. People were saying in the chat about how cute she was. One question asked where Ethan was. "Ethan is-" "Right here!" Ethan shouted and plopped onto the couch. He kissed my cheek. I smiled. "Ew they always kiss!" Maya said to the camera. I smiled. She was so adorable. She had Ethan's hazel eyes my hair color and she was pale. "So since we have nothing planned, you guys should make up some challenges for us to do!" I said. Many comments said we should play Whose Line. "Maya do you want to play?" I asked. "How do you play?" She asked. "I'm gonna give you a scenario and you and Daddy are gonna be actors!" I said. She smiled and nodded. "Alright, you're good friends opening up a donut shop, but you're very very tired." I read from the chat. "Maya...I'm so tired." Ethan said. "Why'd we stay up so late?" Maya asked. "I don't know...where's the key?" Ethan asked. "I don't have the key." Maya said. "What do you mean you don't have the key?" Ethan asked. "I just don't." She made herself yawn. "I'll look in my pocke-'' Ethan fell onto the couch pretending to be asleep. "Get u-" Maya fell on top of Ethan. I giggled. We played a few more rounds of this which people loved. We played some online games with the fans, talked for a bit, but it was around 10 PM when it was Maya's bed time. "C'mon Maya, time to go to bed." I said. "Awww!" She whined. "I'll sing to you." I said. She smiled. "Can you sing that song you sang earlier?" She asked. I nodded and lead her to her room.

(Ethan's POV)

I watched as she walked down the hallway. I smiled and looked at the camera. "I'm such a lucky man to have them in my life...Y/n has made my life so much better and so had Maya..." I said with a smile. I heard Y/n singing "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley. It sounded like she was using my ukulele, by which at this point was our ukulele. I talked to the camera before she came back and decided to end it. "C''s late, let's go to bed." I said. She nodded and we walked to our room. I took my shirt off and put my gray sweatpants on. She put her plaid pajama pants on and a gray tank top. We layed down, and fell asleep cuddling. I truly was the luckiest man alive. 

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