CrankGameplays One-Shots

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Hey guys, sorry this took so long, I'm getting back on track and I've set a schedule for me, so I'm not stressing out about when I'm gonna write and when I'm not. A few people wanted me to make a part 2 on this so I decided to do that since I had fun writing It All Started at Recess. I hope you guys enjoy! Love ~Alex

                                                                 ~It All Started at Recess~

                                                                        ~2017, California~

(Y/n's POV)

"10" I looked over at Ethan. "9" He walked over to me. "8" I started walking towards him. "7" I stopped and smiled at him. "6" He smiled back. "5" I grabbed his hand. "4" He grabbed mine. "3" I leaned in. "2" He leaned in too and I closed my eyes. "1" We kissed. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone in the house shouted. I pulled back from our kiss and leaned my forehead against his. "I love you..." He whispered. "I love you too." I whispered back.

                                                                             ~2020, Maine~

I set the last box in our living room. I sighed and looked over at Ethan with a smile. "I already miss Chica." I said with a smile. Ethan chuckled and closed the front door. I looked around our now new house. "We'll get a dog." He said and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Really?" I asked with a smile as I layed my head on his chest. "Sure." He said. "Can we get a Siberian Husky?" I asked. "We'll see." He said with a slight giggle. I smiled. "I should call Mark, he told me to call him when we finished moving all our shit." I said. He nodded with a smile and began opening boxes. I pulled out my phone. I dialed Mark's number, which I had memorized by heart. "Hey guuurl." He said. I giggled. "Sup boii." I said. "Anything break?" He asked. "Hopefully, no." I said. "It's gonna feel empty with you and Ethan gone." Mark said. "We can visit..." I said. "It won't be the same." He said in a childish voice. I could almost hear his smile. "Hey Y/n?" Ethan called. "Hold on Mark." I said. "Alright." He said. "What's up E?" I asked. "First of all don't call me E, second of all can you come give me a hand with these boxes?" He called. I smiled. "Yeah, just give me a second." I said. "Alright." He called. I put my phone back up to my ear. "I'm sorry Mark, but I'm afraid I've got to go." I said. "Alright, if you need anything just call." He said. I smiled. "Bye Mark." I said. "Bye." He said. I ended the call and set my phone down on the counter and walked back into the living room to help Ethan with the boxes.

                                                                            ~2023, Maine~

I smiled as me and Ethan walked around the park. "Sit on that bench, close your eyes." Ethan said. I sat down on the bench and closed my eyes. After maybe thirty seconds he told me to open them. I opened my eyes and covered my mouth. Ethan stood on one knee with a small velvet box held open in front of him. "Y/n, I know that I'm a fuck up and don't deserve someone as beautiful as you, and this proposal isn't very good, but will you make me the happiest man alive and make me happy to call you Y/n Nestor?" He asked. I jumped up and tackled him into the grass. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" I shouted repeatedly. "How sweet." A familiar deep voice said. I looked behind me. Mark, Tyler, Bob, Wade, Amy and Kathryn all stood with smiles on their faces. I looked back at Ethan. "Surprise." He said and lightly pecked my lips. I smiled and stood up. We all ended up going out for dinner and they stayed with us.

                                                                                    ~2025, Maine~

I stood in my wedding dress, in front of the doors. I sighed and looked up at Mark. "It'll be fine Y/n, you look beautiful." He said in a soothing tone. Mark's voice was the most relaxing thing I'd ever heard. I nodded with a smile. The music started. Mark linked his arm with mine and the doors opened. We walked down the aisle. Ethan looked so handsome. I walked over to Ethan and Mark sat down. Bob had agreed to be our priest. "-Through life and through death, through health through sickness, do you Ethan Nestor, take Y/n L/n to be your loftily wedded wife?" Bob asked. "I do." He whispered and sniffled. Oh no. He was gonna start crying, which would make me cry. "And Y/n, do you, take Ethan to be your loftily wedded husband?" Bob asked. "I do." I said. Bob smiled and closed the book he was reading out of. "You may now kiss the bri-" Ethan pulled me towards him and immediately kissed me. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. People were cheering. I pulled back and smiled. He smiled back. After that we danced, ate some food, talked with family, then came time that we got to spend alone. We were back in our house and in our room. Ethan came up to me and gently pinned me to the wall. He kissed me softly, but passionately. I kissed back, reaching my hands down to his shirt. He gently grabbed my wrist. "You sure about this?" He asked. "I've dreamed of having kids with you, let's just pray it goes right." I said and removed his shirt.

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