CrankGameplays One-Shots

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Hey guys! I want to thank you so much! We're so close to 4K! It's amazing! I love you guys so much! I hope you enjoy this, it was a little idea that popped into my head! Enjoy! 

                                                               ~It All Started At Recess~

                                                                          ~2002, Maine~

(Y/n's POV)

I played with my pencil as I waited for the clock to hit 1:30. "Does anyone know 11 + 11?" The teacher asked. I raised my hand along with a bunch of other kids. "Ethan?" The teacher called on the boy who sat three seats away from me. I liked him, he was cool and I really wanted to be his friend. He was funny, nice, and he even shared his cookies with me one time! "22." He said confidently. "Correct! You get another star!" Mrs. Green said. She walked to her desk and grabbed a golden star sticker. She put one on Ethan's row of stars. The bell rang signaling it was least I was pretty sure that was why that bell went off. "Today we're going to stay off of the pavement! There are people there today. Several kids awed. We lined up at the door and waited for the teacher to come. It was the middle of spring so no one was wearing a coat. We all ran down the hall and to the playground. I wasn't very social so I usually sat in the corner and watched the other kids play. I sat down in the corner as usual. I watched as the kids ju,led and swinger on the play sets. I sighed and began braiding my (h/c) hair. Ethan then sat down next to me. "Hey Y/n." He said. I smiled and let go of my hair. "Hello Ethan." I said. He smiled and held out a piece of red chalk. "I stole it from MacKenzie." He said with a mischievous smirk. I smiled and took the chalk. He pulled out a blue chalk and purple chalk. I drew a heart, but Ethan drew over one side with blue. "Blue and red makes purple." He said and colored the heart in with purple chalk. I looked at it then looked up at him and smiled. "Do you wanna be my friend?" He asked. I nodded with a smile and hugged him. He hugged me back. I wiped my finger on his face, getting red chalk all over it. He smirked and wiped it on my face. We spent the rest of recess, smearing chalk on each other. All the children lined up and we walked back into the classroom. "Ethan! Y/n! What is on your faces?" The teacher asked. Ethan looked at me and I looked at him. "MacKenzie drew on our faces." Ethan said. MacKenzie was the popular girl and she was always getting me in trouble for things I didn't do. "MacKenzie!" Mrs. Green shouted. "But I didn't-" "Go move your card and take a star down." Mrs. Green said. She grumpily made her way over to her card and her sticker chart. She moved her card and removed a sticker. I smiled as she sat down. I ad to sit next to her unfortunately. "I see why you like blaming things on people now." I whispered with a smirk. She growled. I smiled and looked over at Ethan. He smiled. That day I made my first friend, and little did I know, that my first friend would become my best friend.

                                                                           ~2008, Maine~

I stood against the wall of the building whimpering. "Give it to us shortso." My bully shouted. They were 13. I reached into my pocket, my hands shaky. One of them slapped me and I cried out. "Hey!" Ethan's voice shouted. I looked over. Ethan stood there. "Hey look it's her boyfriend, coming to the rescue." One of the bullies said. They walked over. They pinned Ethan down. I couldn't help...but an adult could. As they shouted at him, I ran to a window and banged on it. The teacher opened the window. "Why aren't you in cl-" "Please! They're beating up my best friend!" I said. Her eyes widened and she quickly walked out of her room. A second later the recess doors opened and there wasn't gonna be any excuse for what she saw. Two older children were holding down an 10 year old's arms and legs while the other one was on top of him, holding him by the collar of his shirt with a fist raised in the air. "In. Now." She said. The boys glared at me and quickly walked in. I ran over and helped Ethan up. "Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded and groaned. The teacher came over. "Get him to the nurse, I'll tell your teacher that you're going to be late to class." The teacher said. I nodded. I put Ethan's arm over my shoulder and held his hand, keeping his arm there. I helped him down to the nurse and those boys got expelled. If anyone ever hurt my Ethan again, they would regret it.

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