CrankGameplays One-Shots

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Hey guys! It's Alex. This was a request from Awkward_Holli! I hope you all enjoy it! 

                                                                 ~My Crazy Little Bean~

                                                                          ~2013, Maine~

(Red's POV)

I walked down the hallways of my school, my books in my hand while talking to my best friend, Jessica. "Patrick asked me to the prom." She blurted out of nowhere. I smiled. "Oh my god that's amazing!" I said. She smiled with a squeal. "Has Ethan asked you to the prom yet?" She asked with a nudge. I raised my eyebrow as I stopped at my locker and put the combination in my lock. "Ethan?" I asked. "Yeah." She said. "Why would Ethan ask me to the prom?" I asked as I grabbed my Biology books. "Oh my god you are so oblivious!" She said. "What?" I asked. "He is so into you!" She said. "Ethan and I are just good friends." I said. "C'mon, you can't not be friends with him for a few years and not developed a crush on him, I mean I find him adorable sometimes." She said. I blushed lightly. "Well-" The bell rang saving me from telling Jessica my story. "Gotta go!" I said and ran down the hallway. "You better tell me what you were gonna say!" She shouted from down the hallway as I ran into my classroom.

                                                                    ~Time Skip to Lunch~

I sat at the lunch table with my lunch, poking at the disgusting goop that they called food. Ethan sat down across from me. "I forgot m-" He interrupted me by handing me his "I mustache you a question" mug. I smiled and opened it. I took a sip. I went to hand it back to him. "You can finish it, I don't like lemonade that much." He said. I smiled and continued sipping the delicious lemon drink. "How's your studies been going on what the food is?" He asked with a slight giggle. I smiled as I poked it. "My researches have proved that this is a new species of aliens." I said with a slight giggle. Ethan giggled. After I couldn't sip anything else out of the mug I opened it to see if there was any left. I seem something written at the bottom of the mug. I titled my head and looked closer. I could make out the letters P, O, and M. I pieced the puzzle together and realized it said "PROM". I smiled and looked up at Ethan. He smiled at me. I smiled back and nodded, biting my lip. His eyes lit up with joy. I smiled at the crazy lil' bean. We continued lunch and walked down the hallway together. The bell then rang. I looked at Ethan and he looked at me. "See you tonight." He whispered and kissed my cheek. He ran to his classroom. I smiled and touched my cheek. Tonight was gonna be great.

                                                                      ~Later That Night~

I sat as my mom styled my hair. I smiled as I seen that she was crying. "Mom..." I said. "I can't believe you're going to prom..." She whispered and wiped her eyes. I bit my lip. "You're gonna make me cry mom, stop." I said. She laughed slightly. "You never told me who's taking you to prom." She said. "Uh-" I was interrupted by a car horn. "Guess we're gonna find out." She said with a smile as she tied a hair tie in my hair. She walked downstairs. I stepped into my high heels and walked downstairs. The doorbell then rang. I smiled and walked behind my parents as they opened the door. "Hello Ethan." My mom said. "Hello Mrs. (Red's last name)." Ethan said. My dad moved aside and I saw how handsome Ethan looked. He wore a black tuxedo, a white button up, and a red tie. "W-Wow Red..." He said as he looked me up and down. I blushed lightly. "Alright love birds, we want some pictures." My dad said, ruining the moment. I nodded with a smile and we walked over to the wall where several pictures hung. Some of them me and my parents and others Ethan and I. We were childhood friends. We stood up against the wall, Ethan's arm around my waist and my arm around his. "Smile." My dad said. He took a few pictures, blinding both Ethan and me. They eventually let us go and we walked outside. Ethan opened his car door for me and I smiled. I got in and watched as he ran to the driver's side. We drove off to the school.

                                                                  ~At the Prom~

Ethan and I sat at a table with Patrick and Jessica. "You two are the cutest." Jessica said. I smiled. Then the song switched to a slow song. Jessica dragged Patrick up to the dance floor. "Want to" Ethan asked. I nodded with a smile. He grabbed my hand and we walked up to the dance floor. He out his arms around my waist and I draped my arms across his shoulder. "So how's the YouTube channel going?" I asked. "Great, you should be in a video some day." He said with a smile. I smiled back. "We'll see." I said with a smile as I rest my head in his chest. I listened to Ethan's heartbeat as we gently swayed back and forth. "Guess when I gave all the hints that I liked you, you didn't pick them up." He said with a slight giggle. I began to feel bad about not noticing. "I'm sorry, I just-" "Thought nothing of it?" He finished. I nodded. "That's what I figured would happen." He said. I smiled slightly and lifted my head. I looked into his beautiful green eyes. He looked into mine. We both began leaning closer and before we knew it, we were both kissing. His lips were soft and warm. I pulled back for air. "I wouldn't have wanted my first kiss to go any other way." I said with a smile. He smiled as well. "Neither would I..." He said. I rested my head on his chest once again and listened to the soothing beat of my lover's heart. I loved my crazy little bean.

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