CrankGameplays One-Shots

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                                                                          ~My Hero~

                                                                  ~2015, Indianapolis~

(Ethan's POV)

I smiled as the next person walked up. I immediatley recognized her as my ex girlfriend, Mia. "How you doing prick?" She asked. Several people gasped. "Great, you?" I asked, controlling myself. "Not to bad. Derek and I have been getting along great, ever since you were out of my life." She said. G leaned over to my ear. "Want me to call security?" He asked. I nodded. He yelled security over and she was taken away. After that, it made me realize, the world was a shitty place. When we walked back to our hotels, I asked G to go grab me a coffee, leaving me alone to my thoughts. I sighed and walked out onto the balcony. I looked down. I climbed onto the railing. I sat down on the railing and watched people and cars pass. G walked back in. I looked back with a smile. He smiled and walked out. "That's really stupid and dangerous." He said with a laugh as he handed me my coffee. I smiled and took it. "Thanks." I said as he handed me my change. He sat on the railing next to me. "I'm sorry about Mia." He said. I smiled slightly. "It's fine." I said. G smiled and sipped his coffee. Wind blew past. "I'll be right back." G said. I nodded. I hummed and then suddenly, I lost my balance. I screamed as I grabbed onto the railing. I could hear people screaming from below me. "G!" I shouted. G ran out and seen me. My fingers slipped and I screamed, closing my eyes. I then felt G grab my arm before I fell. I could feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "G..." I whimpered out. "It's alright Ethan." G said. He tried to pull me up, but groaned and stopped pulling. I had fought with my mom before I had left...was that the last time I would've seen her? I felt myself slipping from G's grip. He quickly grabbed onto me with his other hand.

(Hazel's POV)

"Oh my god, he's slipping." Rachel said. We stood in horror as we watched. I watched as the boy slipped from the other person's grip and began falling. People screamed. My instincts kicked it and I ran forward. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around the boy. We slid across the footpath. I quickly let go of him and looked at him. His eyes were closed and his face was relaxed. I put my head against his chest. Nothing. I put my hands on his chest and began pushing. I stopped and leaned my head down again. Still nothing. I repeated this until I sighed. I pinched his nose shut and opened his mouth. I moved my face to his and began blowing air into his mouth. After a minute or two his eyes fluttered open. I pulled back and gasped for air. I looked at him. He was looking around. People stood around him. "Give him some room!" I shouted. Sirens were then heard. I helped him up and he immediatley hugged me. I hugged back. His breathing was heavy, his knees were wobbling, and his heart was pounding. (Knees weak, arm's are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti hehe)

                                                                                ~Time Skip~

I sat next to Ethan as the doctor's inspected him. "You're very lucky that Hazel caught you out of the sky. And that she knew CPR." The doctor said and turned to me. I smiled. Ethan also smiled. "Indeed I am, she's my hero." He said, his eyes looking me up and down. "Alright, I'll get your discharge papers." The doctor said and left. I smiled. Suddenly the door burst open. A woman ran into the room and hugged Ethan tightly. Ethan hugged back. I smiled slightly. A man then ran into the room. I assumed these were his parents. "Excuse me, young lady, are you Hazel Andrews?" The male asked. I nodded. "Wait how do you know my name?" I asked. "You're all over the news, you're the girl who saved my son." He said and hugged me. I, not knowing what to do, just hugged back. The man released me and someone embraced me in a much tighter hug. It was hit mother. "Thank you so much for saving my baby..." She said. I smiled. "Mom, you're crushing her." Ethan said. His mother let go of me and I giggled. After Ethan was left out, I ran out to catch him before he drove away. "Ethan!" I shouted as I ran. He looked back. I stopped as I ran in front of him. I hugged him. He hugged back. "I want to stay in touch, in case you need someone to save you again." I said with a wink as I handed him my phone. He smiled and took my phone. He handed me his phone. I typed my number in with the contact name of "HazelNut". He handed me my phone back and I looked at the contact. "Etan" and it had a blue hart next to it. I smiled. I looked up at him. He pushed my hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek. My eyes widened and I blushed. "Bye Hazel." He said and got into the back of his mom and dad's car. I touched my cheek with a smile. "Bye Ethan..." I whispered to myself. 

Hey guys, it's Alex! Thank you all so much for 30K reads! It's amazing how far we've gotten in just four months! You all mean so much to me, and you're all so inspiring and positive! I wanted to thank you all, without you guys, this wouldn't be possible. I love you all so, so much. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you had or are having a lovely day. If 'tis thou's birthday, *inhales* HAPPY B-DAY GUUUUUUURL!  XoXo         ~Alex

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