CrankGameplays One-Shots

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                                                                            ~Meant To Be?~

                                                                          ~2017, California~

(Andie's POV)

I typed in a username and made a password. I logged on. It then gave me a test. I filled out all the information and it sent me a list of people who have the same interests as me. Someone by the username of "CrinkGumplz'' was there. I don't know why that name sounded so familiar. This dating website was kind of a blind date kind of thing. You couldn't know their first name or last name unless it was in their username. You wouldn't know what they looked like. It said that CrinkGumplz was online so I messaged him.

AnimeTrash- Hi!

I waited for a couple minutes.

CrinkGumplz- Hello!

AnimeTrash- I saw your profile and you interest me!

CrinkGumplz- Wow I interest someone? Fascinating XD

AnimeTrash- xD So how have you been?

CrinkGumplz- Great! And you my lovely lady? (At least I hope you're a woman)

AnimeTrash- xD Yes, I am a woman and I am having a lovely day

Crinkgumplz- That's good.

I didn't really know what it reply to that so I just thought for a moment.

AnimeTrash- So what's your favourite video game?

CrinkGumplz- I don't know...there's so many to choose from!

AnimeTrash- I know right!

CrinkGumplz- Hey uh I know it's kind of sudden, but would you like to meet up soon?

AnimeTrash- I'd love to! Where would you like to meet up?

CrinkGumplz- How about the local park?

AnimeTrash- Sounds good! Bye!

CrinkGumplz- Wait what time?

AnimeTrash- Oh uhh how about 6 PM tomorrow?

Crinkgumplz- Sounds good!

I smiled to myself and clicked off of the dating site. I sighed and clicked onto YouTube to see if any of the YouTubers that I watched had uploaded yet. I clicked onto my favourite YouTuber's link, CrankGameplays. He literally just uploaded. I clicked the video and it was that new horror game Tattletail. I hadn't watched any other YouTuber's play this yet because I wanted to see Ethan play it. I watched the video on, laughing to myself at times at funny moments when he freaked out. I heard my door open and close. "Lizzie?" I called. "It's Edie!" My one of two roommates, Edie yelled. "Where's Lizzie she was supposed to be home two hours ago!" I yelled. "She's out with Dani I think!" Edie yelled back. The sound of her setting something down was heard. "Oh yeah I forgot that they are working on a project!" I yelled. "Yeah, you finished yours right?" Edie called. "Yeah! Me and Evan finished today!" I yelled. She walked into my room. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Watching YouTube." I said. She walked up and watched from behind me. "So how'd your dating website going?" She asked. "Me and someone are meeting up tomorrow." I said. She smiled. "I knew you would find someone eventually." She said. "'Eventually'? Excuse me?!" I asked. She giggled. I then got a phone call. I picked it up. It was Lizzie. "Hey!" She said. ''Hey Lizzie." I said. "I'm sleeping over Dani's me and her are gonna try and get this done before tomorrow, we don't wanna be working on this for a second week." Lizzie said. I giggled. "Alright, see ya." I said. "See ya!" She said. I ended the call. "What did she want?" Edie asked. "She said she's sleeping over Dani's." I said. "Sweet, I'm gonna eat her sweets." Edie said and left my room. "Don't eat her Double Deckers! I call dibs on those!" I shouted. "Fine." Edie called. We ad smuggled some of our British sweets to America. I sighed and looked around my room. Pictures I had drawn and took photos up were hanging around the room. I had a major for photography but I liked to sketch. I grabbed my camera and my bag that hung around my body. "Hey I'm gonna walk around the park and take some pictures." I said. "Alright." Edie said. I grabbed my water bottle and filled it up. I then walked outside with only a light hoodie. I walked to the park and looked around for something to draw or take a picture of. I seen a couple sitting against a tree, cuddling with each other. I walked over to them. "Excuse me." I said. They looked over. The woman smiled. "Yes?" She asked. "Would you mind if I took some pictures of you two, you're just adorable." I said. They both smiled. "Of course." The man said. I smiled. "Just act how you were acting before I came up to you." I said and backed up. She rested her head on his shoulder and he rested his head on her head and they closed their eyes. I got a good angle and I shot a few pictures. I walked back over. "Do you like them?" I asked. They smiled. "Wow, those came out very nicely! Would you mind giving us a copy?" The woman said. "Of course! Do you two come here very often?" I asked. "Every Thursday, 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM." The man said. "Then you should see me next Thursday!" I said with a smile. They nodded. I looked around more. When I found no inspiration, I sat down on a bench and took out my sketchpad and pencils from my bag and gently set my camera in my bag. I flipped it open and looked at the picture I had been working on for quite a bit. It was a picture of a woman and a man. The woman had her hand stretched out as she reached for the man, while the man had his back turned to her and the door covered some of him. I had just finished the woman. I began working on the man. I only had the basic setup for the human figure. After about an hour of working I got a phone call. "Hello?" I asked. "Dude! It's almost 7 o'clock! Where are you?!" Edie's British voice yelled at me through the phone. "It's already almost 7?" I asked. I looked at my watch. It indeed was almost 7. ''I didn't even notice, I should be there in about 15 minutes." I said. "Alright." Edie said and hung up. I looked at what I had accomplished in the drawing. The man was almost done, I just had to finish some more details. Then I would do the background and then I would work on shading. I closed my sketchbook and set it on the bench. I took my camera out of my bag and hung it around my neck. I put my pencils and my sketchbook in my bag. I then stood up and began walking back to my apartment. I walked in through the front doors and walked up the stairs. When I got to my floor, I knocked on my door since I had left my key there. Edie opened the door. I walked in and her boyfriend, Mark was there. Mark was a bit older and was a famous YouTuber known as Markiplier. "Hey Mark." I said and set my bag down on the couch. "Hey Andie." His deep voice spoke. I smiled and walked to my room. I closed the door and looked around my room. I walked over to my beanbag chair and picked my pajamas off of it. I put my shorty shorts on and put my normal baggy t-shirt on. I threw my other clothes in my hamper. Just as I was about to leave, my computer made a noise. I walked over to my computer where the dating site page was now pulled up.

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