CrankGameplays One-Shots

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Guys I am so sorry for the delay, I've been having some trouble writing because my brain just decided "Hey you like writing, right?" "Um yeah?" "Too bad! I'm gonna fuck it up so you can't write!" "NOOOOO!!!" Ok maybe it didn't go quite like that but my brain hasn't been functioning properly XD This was a request from my other friend. She asked for it a long time ago, but I never got to it because I'm a lazy piece of shit, so I hope you enjoy! 

                                             ~If This is Wrong, I Don't Wanna be Right~

                                                                    ~2017, California~

(Y/n's POV)

Everyone sat in their desks waiting for the teacher to come in. We were supposed to have a sub, but he was late. Someone stormed through the door. He tripped himself and caught his balance. Some kids giggled at him. He adjusted his glasses and moved to his chair, taking his satchel off. "U-Uh good morning class, today I will be your substitute. My name is Mr. Nestor." He said. His hair was dyed blue and he had acne splotted on his face. He was short for a male. He didn't look too much older than me. Maybe in his 20s? "Any questions?" He asked. "Someone call Jacksepticeye, he wants his hairstyle back." Someone shouted. "Yeah give him a call for me, tell him that he can kiss my ass." Mr. Nestor said causing everyone to laugh. He smiled and walked over to his desk. "Alright everyone open up to 398 and I will come around and collect your homework." He said. Crap. I didn't do the homework. I opened my Chemistry book and sat with my hands crossed as he walked around and collected the papers. I gotta admit. He was hot. He came over to me. He smiled slightly. "Where's your homework?" He asked. "I...didn't do it." I said. I waited for my punishment. He smiled slightly. I could see him mark homework done on his clipboard. "Shh." He said with a wink and a smile as he walked up to the girl in front of me. I smiled. I was going to like this teacher. He taught us our lesson of the day. He was hilarious and kind. Way nicer than Mrs. Roberts. She was a grumpy old woman. The bell rang. "Alright class. No homework for tonight and hopefully I'll see you tomorrow." He said with a smile. "Bye Mr. Nestor!" Everyone said as we left. It was study hall. I opened my locker and put my Algebra book and binder and grabbed my Astronomy book and binder. I liked to draw and my Astronomy binder had a picture of a heart. Not like an anime heart, it was an organ heart. My friend ran up to me. "Dude Mr. Nestor is so nice. He let me go on my homework." She said. "He did the same with me." I said with a smile. "He's gonna be our teacher from now on." She said. "What?" I asked and looked over at her. "Mrs. Grumps had a heart attack. She's either dead or in a coma. Hopefully dead." She said. "F/n!" I said with a smile. She smiled. Mr. Nestor walked past. "MacKenzie was drooling all over him." She said. "I don't blame her." I said and watched as he walked into the men's bathroom. "Is it me or is his voice a little higher pitched than most men's?" F/n asked. "Yeah, but I think it just makes him more unique." I said. "How old is he?" She asked. "I'd say somewhere between 20 and 25." I said. She nodded. The bell than rang. "See you at lunch!" I said as I walked to Astronomy.

                                                                      ~Later That Day~

I tapped my foot as I waited for my mom. I pulled out my phone. "Mom where are you?" I growled as I dialed her number. She picked up. "Hey hunny." She slurred. Shitfaced like usual. "Where are you?" I growled. "Sleepin' with John." She slurred. She slept with a different man each night. I have no idea how she won custody over me. Unfortunately my father had moved away to Michigan. I ended the call out of frustration. I put it in my pocket and yelled out in frustration. "Everything alright Y/n?" Mr. Nestor asked. "No...everything's far from fucking ok- sorry." I said as I sat down on the pavement with a sigh. He came over and sat down next to me. "I don't mind." He said. He looked over. "What's wrong?" He asked. I sighed. "I-I don't want to bother you..." I said. "Don't worry." He said. I looked over at him. He smiled slightly. I sighed and looked ahead. "My mom wasn't here to pick me up. I called her, she was drunk. I asked her where she was, sleeping with another guy. She sleeps with a new guy every night! I hate her...I hate her so much..." I got quieter by the end and tears were building up in my eyes. Mr. Nestor wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. "It's you have anywhere to go? What about your father?" He asked. "He's in Michigan..." I said. "Do you wanna stay with me for a bit?" He asked. "I don't want to be a bother." I said. "N-No! You won't be a bother! You might be bothered by my roommates though." He said. I smiled and wiped my eyes. "They can't be that bad." I said and looked at him. ''Do you watch Markiplier?" He asked. I nodded. He smirked. "C'mon." He said. He brought me over to his car and we drove off. We drove for a while until he asked me this. "I-If it's not too personal to be answered...why did your father leave?" He asked. "If I knew the answer I'd tell you." I said. He sighed and kept driving. "Mr. Nesto-" "Ethan." He said. "H-Huh?" I asked. "You can call me Ethan outside of school." He said. I smiled slightly. "Um Ethan, how many roommates do you have?" I asked. "Four." He said. "Four?!" I asked. He chuckled. "Yeah and if you want some quiet, you might have to lock yourself in one of the rooms with headphones on." He said. I smiled. "You don't look much older, if it's not rude of me asking, how old are you?" I asked. "I'm 20." He said. He was only four years older than me. We pulled into the driveway of a large house. He led me inside. "Mark! Tyler! I'm home!" He shouted. "Welcome home hunny!" A deep voice said jokingly. Ethan chuckled. "I hope you don't mind, but I have a guest." He said. "You already brought someone home on your first day at school?" Another voice asked. "Shut up, she's one of my students. Her mother uh..." he looked over at me. I nodded. "Had something going on..." He said. I smiled. We walked over into what I assumed was the living room. When I seen the man with the deeper my eyes widened. "Holy shit." I said. He chuckled. "Y-You're Markiplier!" I said. He smiled with a nod. I turned to Mr. Nestor. "You must be CrankGameplays then!" I said happily. No way. My teacher was one of my favourite YouTubers. He nodded with a smile. "Mark! Who's that?" A female voice called. I looked over and seen a blonde girl walking towards me. I smiled. It was Mark's girlfriend, Amy. "This is Y/n, one of my students. She needed somewhere to stay." Ethan said. Amy smiled and gently grabbed a strand of my hair. "I love your hair!" She said. I smiled. "Thanks." I said shyly. I walked over to what seemed to be the kitchen table. I set my book bag on one of the chairs and sat down. I opened up my bag. I pulled out my phone and took out my (f/c) earbuds and plugged them into my phone. I searched through my music and picked my favourite song. I pulled out my notebook then took out my literature book. About two hours later I was working on my math. I ran a hand through my hair and groaned in frustration. I had just realized that my music was no longer playing. I must've gone through my whole playlist. "Everything ok?" Mark's deep voice asked. "Just struggling with math..." I said. "Want some help?" He asked. I looked up. My mother never offered me help. I nodded with a smile. He pulled the chair over next to me and began to explain the lesson to me. I smiled. He was so helpful. I completely understand it now. "Thanks Mark!" I said happily. He smiled and walked out of the kitchen. It was around 10 PM when I finished my homework. I put all my books away and put my hoodie on. "Who's taking me home?" I asked. Everyone looked around. "I'm pretty sure Ethan said that you were staying the night." Tyler said. I blinked a few times. "I didn't bring any clothes though..." I said. "You can borrow my clothes!" Amy said. I smiled. I did like Amy's style. I smiled. "Are you guys sure?" I asked. They all smiled with a nod. I could hear Mr. Nestor screaming from upstairs. He must've been making a video. I still wasn't comfortable calling my teacher by his actual name, but I guess that if I was staying with him for a bit, I might as well get used to calling him by his real name. I'd still been waiting for my mother to call me, asking me where I was, but she wasn't that caring. She didn't love me enough to call me to make sure I was ok. I was just a pet that she had to feed. I felt a tear drip down my face as I walked upstairs to the spare guest room that Amy had shown me. "Hey Y/n." Mr. Nestor said. I looked over. "Yes Mr. Nestor?" I asked. "Ethan." He said. "E-Ethan." I said. "Since you're coming to school with me, you're going to have to be up by 6 AM, you can sleep in my chair when we get there." He said. I groaned. He chuckled "Night Y/n." He said. "Night Ethan." I said and closed my door. I dropped down on my bed and thought. I was staying with Markiplier and CrankGameplays. CrankGameplays was my teacher. Let me rephrase that. My hot teacher. I sighed and closed my eyes. I was going to need to go to bed early if I was going to wake up at 6 in the freaking morning.

(Ethan's POV)

I put my tie on then looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed and put my glasses on. I decided that I looked decent, so I grabbed my satchel and walked out of my room. I gently knocked on Y/n's door. The door opened to reveal a fully dressed Y/n. She was wearing some of Amy's clothes. "You ready?" I asked. She nodded with a sleepy smile. We walked downstairs and she grabbed her backpack and put her shoes on we then left. When we arrived at the school I had to wake her up. "Alright we have to make this quick, I'm not supposed to be with you." I said. She nodded. We speed walked down the hallway and into my classroom. "Alright you can sleep in my chair, I have some stuff to look over." I said. She nodded and walked over to my chair and curled up in it and immediately fell asleep. I smiled and sat at one of the student desks and began flipping through my book to see what boring lesson today held. I smirked when I seen something. Today was going to be a fun day. Around 8:30, the bell rang signaling the door were open. I would wake her up at 8:50 because my glass didn't start until 9, but some kids came in here early to get all their stuff gathered. I looked at my watch. 8:50. I got up and walked over to her. I lightly shook her. Her eyes fluttered open. "C'mon, class is starting in 10 minutes, but I have to open the door now." I said. She nodded and got up, stretching. She set her backpack next to the desk in front of my desk and sat down. I picked up a piece of chalk and walked over to the board. "Open up to page 495. Pick a partner to do this with." I wrote down. Mrs. 'Grumpy' didn't like it when they worked in partners so this would've been the first time they got to be partners. Y/n's eyes widened with joy when she read the note. She opened her Algebra book and got her notebook out. I smiled and adjusted my glasses as I read the book that I had been reading for a bit. "What're you reading Mr. Nestor?" She asked. "My good friend, Mark, told me to read this, it's called the Collector by Nora Roberts." I said with a slight smirk. She raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Mark reads those kind of book?" She mouthed. I nodded with a chuckle. Students began walking in, looking like zombies. A girl that I had seen Y/n talking to, walked in and sat down next to Y/n. I smiled to myself as I admired her features. She was beautiful. Her (h/c) hair, her beautiful (e/c) eyes, she was perfect in general..."Ethan! Stop thinking about that! She's a student!" I thought. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

(Y/n's POV)

F/n sat down next to me. "Where were you?" She asked. "I came in with Mr. Nestor." I whispered. "Oh my god, did you two do 'it'?" She asked. "No!" I said. She giggled. "My mom couldn't pick me up so Mr. Nestor let me stay with him." I said. "No way!" She said. I smiled. "He's CrankGameplays." I said. "You gotta be joshin' me." I said. I smiled widely and shook my head no. "I need deta-" "Alright class, if you haven't read the note already, flip to page 495 and pick your partners." Mr. Nestor said. I looked over at F/n and she looked at me. We worked out the lesson, every once and a while I'd shoot Ethan a wink and he'd go red. When the class was over, I walked back over to Mr. Nestor's desk as everyone left. "Where should I meet you today?" I asked. "Outside by the car." He said. I nodded with a smile. I went to leave, but he pinned me against the wall out of sight of the door. "If you tease me again, you're going to get punished." He growled. I whimpered with a nod. He smirked and bit his lip. He got off of me and returned to his desk. I walked into the hallway, my face red as a tomato. F/n walked towards me. "What happened to you?" She asked. I explained everything to her. "Girl! He is so into you." She said. "I-I don't know..." I said. "Trust me, go get 'em." She said with a smile as she walked off. When school was over I walked into Ethan's classroom. "Hello Y/n." He said with a smile. I smiled back and walked towards him. I sat on a clear space on his desk. He looked at me. I had closed the door when I walked in here. We talked for a bit as he cleaned everything up. I took off the flannel Amy let me borrow. I had a black tank top on underneath. I could see Ethan staring.

(Ethan's POV)

I couldn't help but stare. She was beautiful. Suddenly I lost control and pinned her against the chalkboard and kissed her. She kissed back. It turned into a bit of a make out session before Y/n pulled back and layed her forehead against mine. "This is wrong Ethan..." She whispered. "If this is wrong, I don't wanna be right..." I whispered before reconnecting my lips with hers. This was wrong, hell, I could've lost my job, but I loved her. When I was kissed her it felt wrong....then again I've never been someone to like right.  

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