The Thinker

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April 3rd 2117

My friends are getting this new tech the Thinker. It thinks for you so you can just "sit back, and enjoy life" as they used too say, but I find the enjoyment in life is thinking. I am super curious about everything. Since the repurposing of global corporate infrastructure to altruistic ends. Our life has been full of luxury. Do we really need something that does the thinking for you.? Our enlightened human community needs critical thinking by actual humans not computers.

So anyways Adam was a first adopter of the tech. Ze used too be a Time Famine Freak, but everybody says Adam is all mellow yellow now. I am going over too see Ze today, that is another thing that is querky about me I lov visiting people, More people should physically visit people, I know it is a dying thing but I find physical interactions way better then any tech. I like determining my own perception, of reality. Anyways meeting Adam in 30 minutes I am off.

Meeting Adam at a space juice bar, you get the true feeling of space in juice bar, no gravity your drinks just float too you all this without leaving earth so fun. Anyways, the first couple questions I asked Adam, Adam used the thinker too answer they were eloquent answers but not really what I was after. Adam answered one saying all mass is frozen light and that would mean that no matter what we are humans, ants anything that we are all entangled photons meaning we are all one even if we know violence and death. I asked Ze too turn the thinker off, and asked Adam the same questions and I got a three word answer universe is light. It was like the Adam I previously new wasn't there, so now the inquestive mind has peaked what is going on? I am going too check around and see if some other people are noticing the same thing. There is warning on the Thinker some brain atropy may occur but too this extent? I just got a hit Punja, has been working on some research countering the thinkers beta test results. I am off too meet Ze, Punja lives really far but it won't take me too long with the new tube too get there. So meeting Punja at a Library, yes they still exist. Punja was not used too meeting vibrant people like me. I was dressed a little bizarre I guess but I thought everybody does the half zebra half priest look! Punja was not comfortable at all, oh well Punja eventually settled, I just had too talk to Ze like I did my father, all old school. So Ze says the preliminary results from Punja's study, show a significant cognitive decline with long term thinker use, this decline was reversed after discontinued use. It seems the beta testers were tested after discontinued use, scuing the test results. Wow that really was gnarly, sorry I just had too throw that in there, I lov the word gnarly. Don't you gnarly gnarly. Anyways it looks like Punja was on too something. Why all the push too use the Thinker? The ads are everywhere, hey I just thought of something, voting is happening soon and who operates the Thinker gooapple tech, and who is a voting option there owner Trump Kennedy hmm I smell a rat! I always wanted too say that, what do rats smell like anyways? haven't seen one in forever, oh I just got the rat smell from the tech that is nasty! I am off topic again, and yes this could be a big story if Punja findings ring true. I should tell this too Khan Khan. Ze runs a big blog with many likes. Khan Khan last blog mentioned the DB dark brilliance of Trump Kennedy how he was denying the claim that facts are supposed to have on an argument. Truth is what you can get away with like his great grandfather Trump He is subverting facts too gain power. Khan Khan said The challenge is to resist these temptations, to insist on the integrity of facts in the face of a politics that simply denies their relevance. Ze message me and said facts are needed. Ha ha Okay Khan Khan wants facts, fact one according too the write up on Thinker it is suppose too enhance ones own thoughts, kind of like some old tech does, but it takes this a step further puts the thinking on autopilot. So you could do work and vacation at the same time, but I suspect there is something strange with its brain interface. Maybe it's not completely using ones thoughts. Okay before I write this up and send it too Khan Khan I have too go ask Sam a few questions this mystery is a little too techy for me. So Sam should be able too help me, while Ze uses his oversized noggin to figure this out.

I am doing some old school cooking, yes cooking! with actual pots and pans Use your tech, if you want too learn how, my dad taught me, I am making something called Mac and cheese, it is kind of difficult for the first timer, I would recommend making toast. Just don't burn the toast it smells absolutely horrible. Fun Fact An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it makes a better soup.

I got a message Sam says my suspicions are correct, Ze did a little old school hacking and found a link in Thinker code too a cloud, Sam suspects the cloud is full of an AI, that is doing some of the thinking for the person. Oh this is evil personified I just got word that Punja study got shut down, but Sam just put the code Ze found on an open forum, and I just gave everything I had too Khan Khan. Ze wrote a story which is getting tons of reads. Your fired trump! People are asking for Trump Kennedy head! I hope they get Trump Kennedy real head I have seen Trump Kennedy use several different heads. You want to know something cool, my blog just got really popular tons of likes. I love it when a plan comes together. Now I just have to find some more mysteries to keep the likes coming.

"So once again we triumph the evil in this world," I think that is an old school comic quote, I love comics my dad had a ton of them. More people should read comics they rock, If you dont know what comics are use your tech. Okay time too get off my soap box and eat the dinner of champions, Mac and Cheese mmmm the smell fills my place all ready, smell it with your tech yummy!
See you in the funny pages!

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