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A/N You'll understand the picture soon.
The night was hell to her. Tala had a long heart wrenching nightmare. She dreamt of all the nurses that looked after her as a child, of how she would meet them on Monday, and by Sunday they would be gone. She remembered all of them, especially the nice motherly ones. She woke up trembling as she realized she never really knew anyone for more than a few months. She wondered just how long her relationship with DedSec would last. She got up out of bed and walked to the door she opened it and stepped into the hallway. She could smell something good, but didn't know what it was. The distraction calmed her down some. As she entered the kitchen Sitara looked up from her cooking to see a very disheveled Tala watching her. "Good morning!" She smiled. "Good morning." Tala mumbled in response. "I am making eggs and bacon for breakfast." Sitara said happily. "They should be done soon." Tala sat down at the table. In a few minutes Sitara had set the table and finished makeing the food. Tala took a bite of bacon for the first time and instantly fell in love with it, however she didn't get to enjoy it long. "So, are you and Wrench going out?" Sitara asked out of the blue. Tala furrowed here eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?" Sitara laughed but quickly regained composure. "I mean are you two dating, like romantically involved." Tala froze "No, what would give you that idea." She hadn't really thought of Wrench in that way. It dawned on her that she couldn't say she wasn't interested. "Well," Sitara began "You two seem awfully close, and you totally fell asleep on him." Tala instantly felt defensive. "He has just talked to me the most out of all of you that's all. Plus he fell asleep on me too." Sitara rolled her eyes "That's my point." Tala's eyes widened. "You think he's interested?" She asked trying to hide the hopefull tone. However Sitara noticed, and made a mental note to try and get them closer. "Mabe, he seems to open up to you a lot, he normally has problems trusting people." She said. Tala continued eating. She figured he wore a mask because he didn't trust others. She felt a pang of jealousy, his problem had a solution, however she could never fit in. "Marcus, Ray, and I are going to get some spare parts, for a project were working on, so if you want you can come with us." Sitara offers. Tala immediately wondered what Wrench was doing, but she didn't want to be that forward about it. "What are Wrench and Josh doing?" She asks. "Um, Josh is probably working on some code at HQ, and Wrench said something about needing to fix Wrench Jr. So he is probably at the garage." Sitara answers. "Uh what's Wrench Jr?" She asks confused. "Oh, he is a robot." Tala nodded in understanding. "I didn't know you guys had a garage." She says eventually. "Oh yeah, I should show it to you. We can go after we finish eating." Sitara says with a smile.
After they finishd breakfast they headed out. After a ten minute, or so, walk they arrive at the garage. When they walk inside they see Wrench. Who, sure enough, is hovering over a robot with a panel missing, and is fiddling with some wires. He sees the girls enter and his mask flashes ^ ^ emotes. "Hey, what brings you two into the man cave." He says. Sitara rolls her eyes "I'm showing Tala around." She looks down at her phone. "Shit, I didn't realize the time, I gotta go see you two later." She says smiling and waveing as she rushes away. She wasn't really in a hurry she just wanted to leave them alone together. Wrench and Tala both think her actions are suspicious, but neither of them comment on it. Tala broke the silence. "So what are you working on?" He looked down at Wrench Jr again. "I'm adding more prossesing power, so his Artificial Intelligence can come up with better responses." Tala nods, not quite getting it, but she is not about to ask him to elaborate. He picks up a bottle of beer and sips from it using a straw, so he doesn't have to remove his mask. Tala was admiring his ingenuity, and he caught her starring. "Do you want a beer too?" He asked, his mask displaying ^ ^. "Uh, sure." Tala responded unsure what a beer was but wasn't going to be rude. It then hit her. 'wasn't going to be rude'. Normally she couldn't give two shits about what other people thought. She remembered her conversation with Sitara, maybe she did want to date him. She sighed, why did her life have to be so damn complicated. Wrench placed another bottle in front of her, the noise of him opening it took her attention away from her thoughts. "Stop drinking as soon as you start to feel weird, I don't want you to get drunk your first time drinking." He warned. She didn't understand but nodded anyway. She took a sip. The bitter taste made her recoil slightly but she swallowed anyway. As they talked she found herself drinking more and more of it. She barely paid attention to it until it was gone. She thought she felt fine, but she couldn't be sure. She wasn't paying close enough attention to it. She realized that she did none of the talking in their conversation, she just would nod. She stared at the bottle as she thought to herself. "Woah, your done with it already!" Wrench said in surprise. His mask showed exclamation points which quickly changed to / \. "Are you feeling okay?" She nodded and asked. "Can I have another." She didn't even realize she was slurring, but he did. "Fuck, you're drunk already!" He said shocked. "Can I have another." She slurred. "No, like I said you're drunk." He said sternly. She got up and walked unsteadily over and grabbed another bottle. Wrench tried to stop her, but even drunk she was really fucking strong. She opened the bottle without using a bottle opener and started drinking. "When you wake up with a really bad hangover its not my fault." He says seriously. "Its okay." she slurred. She paused. "Do you have any pets" she asked out of no where. "No all animals are evolving to replace us on the food chain." He said seriously. "Why did you ask?" She slouched over and rested her head on the table. "Because when I was younger one of the nurses who looked after me had a bunch of pets. You remind me of one of them." She said sloppily. Question marks appeared on his mask. "Which one?" She stood up and walked over to him. "The hedgehog, cuz they don't really get close to new people. And they always hide behind their spikey exterior." She says as she rests her head on his studded shoulder and runs a hand over his spikey vest. He freezes. She was so spot on it was scary. "There also really fucking cute." She adds. He wasn't sure if she ment that for the animal or for him, be he hoped for the latter. He knew he probably should not ask her meaningfull questions while drunk, but she seems to be the 'honest drunk' type. "Uh, do you think my mask is creepy?" He says quietly almost to himself. He regrets the question instantly, but there is no going back. "It sorta is, but its also mysterious and hot. Its not like I have room to judge though. I'm a fucking abomination. I am in first place, for having the shittiest childhood." She sighs. He was amazed by the fact that drunk Tala could just call someone hot, or cute, like it was nothing. Although when she talked about her childhood it threw him off. He wasn't mentally prepared to have a heart to heart with her. He realized they are kind of similar in that way. "I was going to argue with you on that, but I'll take a close second on that one." He said halfheartedly." She looked at him quizzically, but instead of asking about it, she just sat down at the table and passed out. He was still in shock, shit just got real, and then she passed out drunk at 10:46 in the morning. He picked her up and laid her in the backseat of a car that he was working on in the garage. He figured that if she was going to wake up with a hangover, at least her neck won't hurt. He just continued to work on various things. Four hours later at 2:53 she awoke. She had a spitting headache and in general felt like shit. "Fu-uck" she groaned, rubbing her temples. "She's alive!" Wrench exclaimed. Knowing the refrance would go unnoticed. "Not so god damned loud" she hissed in irritation. "Sorry your hangover is so bad." He whispered. "What happened?" She moaned in pain. "You drank a beer, got sort of drunk, forced me out of the way to get another beer, and then after that you passed out on the table. I moved you to the car, because its more comfortable." He said softly. "Thanks?" She said, kind of as a question. He left out a lot of stuff on purpose, it's not like she would remember. Or so he thought.

A/N if I don't tell you what Wrench's mask has on it, you can assume its x's.
Also, I have never been drunk in my life, but you probably guessed that. *gestures to my shitty writing of how a drink person would act*

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