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A/N Remember when I updated daily? Heh heh heh *sweats nervously*.
Tala opened her eyes, and realized she wasn't alone. A woman with short reddish brown hair and brown eyes was leaning against the wall in the room.
"Your awake." She says with no emotion. "I suppose you want to know where you are. Right now we're in a secret underground facility. It is impossible to escape, well for you that is." She says with a slight smirk. Tala narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Who was this woman, and why was she giving away crutial information? Its not like she was going to complain about it though. "What no witty comments about your strength? Bo~ring." She teases.
"Where are my wings?" Tala spats.
"She speaks." The lady says smirking. "Now why would we let you keep your wings in here? That's like giving an AK47 to a school shooter. Tala, I am well aware of your capabilities, I was pleased to see the kind of killing power you demonstrated at the FBI. Anyway, we will reattach your wings later. We've done that many times while you grew up, because as you grew, your wings needed to get bigger. However we made sure you wouldn't remember that." She looks at her nails in boredom, like she is talking about the weather.
"How do you know my name?" Tala demands.
The lady laughs coldly. "Dearie I know everything. It wasn't a mistake you escaped, or blew up the other lab. In fact that was rather usefull. I was able to lie and say that you had died, its best to cut all loose ends you know. Plus you had begun to show signs of emotion, which we specifically tryed to suppress. We wanted to test how far you overcame our suppressors. Yes, I know all about your little escapades with 'Wrench'. It's funny, you both are emotionally constipated, truly a match made in hell. You never truly felt love though." She jeered.
"What would you know about love, bitch!" Tala yelled.
"Seems I struck a nerve. You were always very capable of anger. Though some emotions you will never truly feel, even if you think you do. Its like how humans can only see a certain amount of the color spectrum. We can't even imagine other colors. You only responded how you were supposed to, like a robot programmed to smile." The woman said bored. Tala clenched her fists.
"What's your point?" Tala hissed.
"Tut tut tut. What a disobedient child. Don't you know you were never truly in control? The remotes were lies to distract you and lul you into a false sense of security. Its not like telling you this matters, are just going to wipe your memory. Its just fun toying with you." The lady shrugged. Tala's eyes widened. "You just realized didn't you. Your going to forget all about your darling Wrench. But don't worry, I'll let you kill him." The woman smiled evilly. A tear fell from Tala's eye. The woman walked over and wiped it from her face. "Don't worry, when you wake up you won't even remember that you were crying. And you will finally be the perfect oldest daughter."

A/N I was going to wait to publish this because the story evolves as I write it... So if some details change please tell me and forgive my scatter brain.

-Abnormal- Wrench x OC (Watch Dogs 2)Where stories live. Discover now