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A/N Last chapter (except for the  epilogue) *Warning: this chapter is disappointing*

When Tala awoke her first thought was 'these chains are overkill'.

To say the least DedSec had been busy while she was unconscious.

Sitara's, friend's, Aunt, is a doctor who was sworn to secrecy in order to help them with their 'unfortunate' situation. Dr. Kennedy allowed them to get a C.A.T. scan. And long story short, let's just say that Tala no longer can be tracked or emotionally suppressed. It was an extremely risky procedure but Dr. Kennedy's fiance is a neurosurgeon so they figured it out.

Tala had been unconscious for close to three months, Wrench was restless the whole time. So when she woke up, it was only minutes before he arrived. Not only were her hands and feet restrained, but there were four industrial chains wrapped around her.

They weren't taking any chances.

They had three months to prepare for this, so Wrench had a kind of question and answer form on a clipboard that Sitara had given him, and his mask on his face.

The second the stepped into the room however, he got asked a question.

"Where am I" She asked instantly. "This room is clearly not in the lab, this looks to temporary."

"I'm not allowed to tell you." He responds. "Do you remember me at all."

She cocks her head to the side "Am I supposed to?"

He grips the clipboard. "Yeah." He manages to get out between his clenched teeth.

"Oh." She frowns, noticing his discomfort. "What happened?"

"You already seemed to have forgotten us before we removed your emotional suppressors, So its not from the surgery. Short answer, we dont know." He admits.

"My creators are probably pretty pissed." She points out.

He smiled sadly "Yeah they tried killing us." Through you. He left the last part out.

She raised her eyebrows amused. "Kudos to you for not dying."

He paused, deciding to change the direction of the conversation. "Believe it or not, but you are our friend." He states.

She scoffs "Who would want to be friends with me?"

"Me?" He offers.

"Says the guy who has me chained up." She remarks sarcastically.

"You attacked me last time." He defends.

"Now why would I do that? Best friend." She quips.

He winced at 'best friend', "I was gonna ask you but you don't even remember."

She frowns, the words 'I don't remember it, but I regret it' almost flying off her tongue. She finds him annoyingly easy to talk to, and she already trusts him. Her newfound pesky strong emotions already at play. She definitely didn't miss him flinching when she called him her 'best friend'. She isn't stupid. She already guessed that if he wasn't her best friend, he was probably her boyfriend. Which surprised her, she had figured herself undateable, for obvious reasons. Unless he was equally as fucked up, which would make sense considering that he has this alluring mysterious aura and killer fashion sense, he had to have a major flaw somewhere considering she had snagged him. But this was all an assumption, for all she knows he was taken by someone else. She felt a pang of something in her gut, jealousy she guessed. She wasnt sure, emotions are weird.

He had asked another question while she had spaced out, and he was waiting for an answer, she realized with a start. "Sorry, what did you say."

"I asked what the last thing you remember was?" He repeated,suspicious.

"It was just another day at the lab, I trained in hand to hand combat after supper, then I took a shower and went to bed." She said slowly. "Although I definitely believe you about the whole amnesia thing, because that memory feels weirdly old."

"The lab you grew up in?" He asks.


"The one you blew up?"

"Man, what other cool shit am I missing out on?" She wonders. "Have I killed anyone yet?"

"Yeah, you mowed down like thirty guys like it was nothing."

"Awesome, why though? Was I on a rampage or something?" She inquiries.

"Something like that." He replies distracted, currently remembering that day, and rewatching the footage of the fight countless times.

"So." She trails off "When are you gonna let me out?"

He sighs emotionality and physically exhausted from the past months. "I honestly don't know. Sitara said that we would free you depending on how you reacted after waking up. We were hoping that you would get your memories back, which brings me to this." He holds up a notebook. "I never read it but you said it was a journal of sorts, so we were hoping it would trigger something." He frowns "But your hands are literally tied."

She laughs "That was well thought out huh."

Her laugh was light and unhindered. A beautiful sound really, and he was mesmerized.

"So are you going to unchain my hands?" She pressed. Snapping him back to reality.

"Ugh, yeah hold on." He walked around behind her and undid the chains around her arms and hands. He handed her the notebook.

She flipped open the cover. Looking at the terrible chicken scratches that barely resemble writing she didn't have to read it to know she was the author. She read the first page and snorted at her 'fuck off' at the end. She was sure she wrote this, the whole thing was so familiar, yet so new. She flips the page and dives into her lost days.

The whole thing was bittersweet, reading about all the happy memories, while not being able to recall them. Its weird reading about falling in love with someone, while not knowing them.

The page where he reveals his face was especially difficult. She knew she loved him, she felt it. She longed more than anything to remember. She wanted to memorize every small thing about his face, the wrinkles as he smiles, the way his eyes sparkle, like light glistening on water, but at this moment she just wants to remember the faintest memory, anything would be better than this empty void. Only filled by the vague discription she wrote when she remembered it all, and took it all for granted.

She got to the second date, unprepared for the soul crushing heart to heart, she wished she could recall. It felt too real, yet so separate. At some point, she realized, she had started to tear up.

She flipped the page, only to find a blank one starring up at her.

She took a deep raggad inhale. "F-fuck" her voice broke as she started to sob. Within seconds Wrench had wrapped his arms around her. She tucked her head into his neck, returning the hug, and cried. "I-i'm so s-sorry Wrench." She manages between sobs.

She managed to stop crying, her breathing still eratic, as they separate. She rubs her eyes.

"You don't remember do you." He asks softly.

She shakes her head. "God, I wish I did, more than you know." She still is on the verge of crumbling.

He gently places his hand on her back and rubs in a small circular motion. "We can make new memories." he smiles sadly.

"Yeah, but it won't be the same, it won't be normal." She mumbles

"We were never normal." He smiles.


More in the epilogue :3

-Abnormal- Wrench x OC (Watch Dogs 2)Where stories live. Discover now