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**IMPORTANT Author's note is at the end of the chapter**

-Recap- (because it has been three months since I updated last (sorry!))

M.M. sent a memory wiped Tala to assassinate the members of DedSec. When Dedsec located Tala Wrench ran off to find her before the rest of the team.

-Present Time-

Tala stepped out of the garage, squinting to sheild her eyes from the harsh sunlight beaming onto her face. She strolled down the street looking at the buildings, she had never been able to walk around the city before. She only got to leave the lab when learning how to fly... The lab.

She spun around suddenly. Speaking of the lab, she had never remembered it having a garage attached to a street, let alone next to a large dock. Had she even been in the lab the last few days? She didn't know, but the whole thing felt weird.

She mulled over her situation as she walked down the street. She had never been left alone outside.  Then they send her on a high stakes mission alone, without her wings, which they had specifically trained her to use in combat.

Her train of thought was abruptly ended when she reached the end of the street because M.M. started to give her directions through the glasses she was wearing. As she traveled through the city she mostly went through the alleyways and stayed in the shadows; however, she did not get far unnoticed. As she stepped out onto the street from an alleyway a voice rang out from behind her.

"Tala?" She froze, something about that name stopped her in her tracks. She turned around. At the end of the ally stood a masked figure, who she quickly identified as the target Wrench.

"Take him out" She heard the female voice command. She whipped out her gun and in a swift motion fired it at his forehead, relying on her "perfect" aim.

The bullet whizzed past his head harmlessly, only a few centimeters from his ear.

"What the fuck!" Wrench swore as he jumped to the side, far too late to actually protect himself. "What the hell Tala?" He yelled pissed.

"It missed." She murmured to herself. The weapon didn't appear to be damaged, She looked up and fired three more shots. Each one missed his head by a few centimeters. She grew more frustrated with each miss. M.M. said she couldn't miss, so what the fuck is going on?

She turned around fireing at a stop sign a block away. It hit dead center. This only added to her building confusion and frustration.

The more emotional she got the more a throbbing pressure began to build behind her temples.

"Tala?" Wrench asked concerned far more for her well being than his own. He started slowly walking toward her.

With each step he took she fired a shot, and this painful pressure built further in Tala's head. Each shot missed until he was a few meters away. She held the gun at his chest, she had tears rolling down her cheeks although she didn't understand why. Her head was pounding and she pulled the trigger for the final time.

Except she didn't, she couldn't, her body wouldn't let her. She let out and enraged, painfilled, scream and collapsed on the ground, just before going unconscious she whimpered. "Who's Tala?"


M.M stood up from her surveillance room, slamming her headset into the ground as she glared furiously at the screens.

"Miss." One of her scientists asked timidly.

"What?" She snapped.

"She must have got so mad the emotional suppressors f-figured they would do a reset." He said, clearly intimidated by his livid boss.

-Abnormal- Wrench x OC (Watch Dogs 2)Where stories live. Discover now