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A/N I was listening to Angel With A Shotgun while writing this, it kind of really fit at the beggining. Also I'm posting this a day early to celebrate my school being closed due to weather.
"Fuck!" Tala screamed when the call was declined. She never knew how strongly she cared about him untill it mattered. She immediately called Sitara. "Sitara can you track Wrenches phone?" She asked rushed. "Uh yeah, he is at the garage." Sitara says yawning. "Thanks, I got to go, I'll explain later."  Tala says turning off her phone and running out of her apartment. She flew to the garage, literally. She burst through the door, to a sight she wished she never would have to see. Wrench was sitting on the floor crying into his hands. He looked up, and when he made eye contact with her he looked terrified and he tried to get up to run, but Tala wrapped her arms around his torso holding him in place. In a kind of one sided hug. She said softly in his ear. "First of all, when I said damn, I didn't mean it in a bad way. I was just surprised. Secondly I'm sorry, I know that your sensitive and I could have handled it much better. Thirdly, its not fair to you that you were exposed like that," She paused. "I-i uh, we should be even." She said nervously. As she pulled away. He wiped his eyes, and looked at her slightly confused, and still uneasy. She took a deep breath, and took of her sweatshirt. She exposed her countless surgery scars, and the metal access plate she had over where her heart is. He stared at her in shock and awe. She shifted nervously saying "Your not alone, everyone has something to hide." She said quietly, giveing him a small smile. He returned it. "So what did you mean when you said damn?" He asked. Tala blushed slightly, "N-nothing, I just, um, you were, uh are, more handsome than I expected." She said the last part really quietly, he almost didn't catch it. He blushed "You must have not expected much." He joked. She let's out a small laugh. He really wanted to kiss her, but he thought that was a little to soon, even though she was literally topless except for a bra. He settled on complimenting her instead. "You know they're really hot right, like the scars and the electronic parts are really bad ass." He says bluntly. She looks surprised. "I always thought they were separating me from being normal, like they were the reason I can't have a life." She mumbled to herself. "They're part of who you are, I wouldn't want you any other way." He said hugging her. She hugged back. "I should say the same to you." She says smiling. He smiles too "Touche."
Suddenly the door to the garage flies open. A worried and frazzeled Sitara and Marcus rush in. Sitara smirks when she sees the position Tala and Wrench are in and says "Oh sorry, were obviously interrupting something." Both Wrench and Tala turn bright red, and quickly separate. Tala scoffs and snaps back "Excuse me, but the only 'project' you too were working on last night, was making a baby, so you have not room to judge." Marcus gets flustered and exclaims "How do you even know that?" Sitara laughed "She didn't, but you just admitted it." Sitara then dragged Marcus out of the garage. Once they were gone Wrench and Tala made eye contact, and they both acwardly look away. Two thing were sure: Wrench was pretty damn sure that Tala liked him. And Tala was pretty damn sure that Wrench liked her. The only question: Who would make the first move?

A/N *Laughs demonically* like either of these sinammon rolls are going to do that! (I've already wrote chapter 6 and started 7)

-Abnormal- Wrench x OC (Watch Dogs 2)Where stories live. Discover now