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A/N I am SO sorry I didn't update sooner! My life has been crazy. Also I'm pretty lazy so their won't be many (if any) journal entries on Tala's part. (Not ones I'll write now at least.)

Tala sat crisscross on her bed. She stared at the new entry she had just written. She secretly wished Wrench would kiss her, and she had written about that when going over her date in the entry. However she knew she would probably have to wait for him, and for once she found herself with a large amount of patience. She tucked the notebook away and layed across the bed. She rolled over and turned off her lamp plunging the room into darkness. She snuggled into the covers and drifted off to a pretty peacefully sleep, for her standards anyway.
She awoke the next morning to a knock on her bedroom door. She knew it wasn't Sitara, because if it was, Sitara wouldn't have knocked. She rolled out of bed, and groggily stumbled to the door and pulled it open. She was greeted with Wrenches smiling mask looking down at her. She then realized that Wrench is a few inches taller than her, to her own dismay. "Good afternoon!" He chirped. "What?" She mumbled groggily, while walking past him to the kitchen. "Its 1:46." He said following her. "I have never slept in that much before." She mumbled while opening the freezer. She pulls out an eggo waffle and pops it into the toaster. It was the one breakfast item Sitara had taught her how to make. "How is that even possible?" He says more of a statement than a question. "I guess I stayed up late last night without realizing it." She says shrugging. She takes out the syrup, silverware, and a plate. "What were you doing." He says not as a question, but a kind of command, his mask displaying two dashes. "Writ-nothing." She says catching her self. "What were you writing?" He asks seeing through her ruse. Just then the toster poped giving her a convenient distraction. She pulled out the waffle, placing it on a plate. She poured syrup on it. "Are you just going to pretend you didn't hear that, or are you going to tell me what you were writing." He said sitting at the table. She sat across from him with her food. "Gay porn." She said strait faced. His mask showed O o. She rolled her eyes. "Im jokeing you idiot." She said fakeing annoyance. "Oh, good." He said not really believing her. "Can I read it!" He said smiling. "Its a journal, so you would be disappointed." She said. "I do not want to read gay porn." He said glareing. " Mhm." She says eyeing him suspiciously. "I'm not going to let you read it anyway, it's not ment for that." She said seriously. He decided not to dig himself more into this hole, so he changed the subject. "DedSec is having a regional party, in celebration of its anniversary. Since you're a member you are invited." He said. "It starts at eight." He added. She almost choked on her waffle. "What?!? Why didn't you tell me before?" She demanded. He shrugged sheepishly. She sighed, already forgiving him. "Do I have to wear a dress?" She asked, clearly against the idea, her mind pictures herself in a dress and uncomfortable heels, she shudders. "Preferably." He says winking. She sighs again "Fine, but I am wearing normal shoes, fuck Heels." She says unhapily. He smiled. "Are you going to wear the same dress as our first date?" He asks. She sighs "Sitara is probably going to drag me to a store to buy a new one." She says mildly annoyed. He smiles "At least you'll look good in it." She side eyes him. "Are you saying I don't look good in this?" She says sarcastically while gesturing to yesterdays outfit that she was to lazy to change out of. "You always look good!" He says trying to defend himself. She rolls her eyes, not amused by his lack luster response. "Anyway I have to go, see you at the party!" He says as he starts to leave. "Coward." She says with a small cocky smirk. "Its called a 'strategic retreat', thank you very much!" He responds as he closes the door. She half smiles at his dorky response, and finished her waffle in silence, then put her dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Just as she had finished Sitara entered the apartment, and rushed over to Tala. "We're going to a party, and you can't get out of it!" She says smiling as she grabs Tala's arm in a feeble attempt to drag her out the door. "I know the stupid 'Anniversary of Dedsec' thing." Tala responded as she wrenched her arm out of Sitara's grip. "Its not stupid." Sitara said offended. "I assume your going to drag me to a store then." Tala says with a sigh, ignoring Sitara's comment. "Nope." Sitara responds with a mischievous look. "A friend of mine gave me a bunch of her old clothes, so if one of those dresses fits you you'll be good to go." She finishes. Tala eyes her suspicious. "And?" She says. "There in a couple boxes in my car, and I'm not gong to cary them up here so you'll have too." She says with a sly smirk. Tala shrugs Sitara smiles triumphantly saying "The two boxes are in the trunk.". Sitara is just happy she doesn't have to do any work. Tala exsits the apartment and makes her way out of the building. She makes it to the parking lot when she realizes that. A: She doesn't have the keys to unlock Sitara's car. And B: She doesn't even know which car is Sitara's. She sighed and turned around to go back to the building.

A/N VOTE FOR POSSIBLE NEXT CHAPTER BELOW! I'm at a crossroads and I don't know what to do. Do you want either
A) The next big plot point happens the biggining of next chapter. (I.E. before the party (causeing the party not to happen))
B) The next big plot point happens after the party. (I.E. Yours truly has to write about the party. (More content = more work for me))
Just comment A or B to vote! I'm only going to wait like three of four days before I begin writeing so vote soon. Also if its close I'll probably do B just because you guys deserve more content for putting up with my hiatus.
Side note, this chapter has been a hot mess so I apologise.

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