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Just as Tala turned around to head back inside she decided to pull out her phone to text Sitara. Before she could she suddenly blacked out. Dropping her phone into the pavement.

Two men wearing black outfits grabbed her and threw her into the back of a black van. They got in quickly and peeled out of the parking lot within seconds.

Sitara stood up hfrom the couch in the apartment. "Fuck." She mumbled, she just realized she forgot to give Tala her keys. She sighed and reluctantly went to the parking lot. The whole point of sending Tala was so she didn't have to do any work, although she knows its her fault she has to go down. She walks outside of the building to a empty parking lot. She looked around confused. "Where is everyone?" She asked to the empty lot. The cars were still there, but it was void of life. She stepped forward to search for Tala, when she stepped on something. Looking down her stomach sunk with dread, it was Tala's phone. She picked it up and ran to her car, fearing the worst. She called the group as she sped out of the parking lot.

Pain. That is all Tala felt at first, pain and darkness. The splitting headache prevented her from thinking clearly, she didn't realize her eyes were squeezed closed in pain, or the fact that she was strapped to a table. Her consciousness lasted only a few more seconds, then she drifted back into the abyss.

The next time Tala awoke the pain had lessoned enough for her to survey her surroundings. She was strapped to a table in a plain cement room. A single metal door was on one wall. The straps attaching her to the table were high quality, and at full strength she knew they would be a pain to break. She wasn't injured aside from the headache, and she just felt woosy. She could feel her consciousness slipping away. Just before she blacked out she saw the door start to swing open.

"What do you mean she dissapeared?" Wrench yelled.
"I told you, when I went to the parking lot she was gone and her phone was lying on the ground." Sitara said as she sat down on the futon.
"Why is everyone sitting around, we need to fucking look for her!" Wrench raged.
"Dude, we dont know what happened, she could have dropped her phone and wandered off." Marcus said, trying to calm him down.
"Are you fucking kidding me? Listen to yourself!" Wrench said pounding his fist against the table. Josh stood in the corner of the room, trying to stay out of Wrenches war path.
"Where would we even start?" Sitara asks. Wrench looks away.
"Her tracker." He says quietly.
"What the fuck Wrench, you put a tracker in your girlfriend!" Sitara angrily yells.
"No! I it was already there!" He yelled in return. "I encrypted it so CtOs couldn't use it." He adds.
"But you didn't disable it, your worse than I am." Ray interjects, shaking his head.

Tala woke up again. This time her headache was tolerable, and she was alone. She looked around and noted that her situation hadn't changed. Then something dawned on her.

Her wings were gone.

A/N I'm so sorry this was late! (Im such a broken record!) I'll try to update sooner! (And actually write a long chapter geez) I had to post soon (because of the voting). I promise there are more interesting plot points and boring exposition to come! XD
If there are any grammatical errors feel free to shout them out.
On a completely unrelated note, I got a DedSec tee-shirt and I'm so hyped! (I'm going to wear it tomorrow XD) *my Nerd is showing*

-Abnormal- Wrench x OC (Watch Dogs 2)Where stories live. Discover now