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A/N M.M. is the chick from earlier. She didn't give her name to Tala because that would be another loose end.
Reader: A long chapter?!?
Author: Lol nope, Q+A at end.

"These are your top priorities." M.M. said as the slid a tan folder onto the table. Her brown eyes slightly narrowed, her face hardened and serious.
"These are my targets?" Tala asked monotonously.
"Yes, they are from a famous hacking group called DedSec." M.M. said as she tucked a strand of her reddish brown hair behind her ear. Tala felt a unexplained wave of désà vu at the name, she couldn't place where she had heard it before. M.M. opened the folder and pulled out some criminal profiles. She spread them across the table. "These targets are especially dangerous make sure you kill on sight." She said seriously.
Tala looked over the files and felt like she should remember who these people are, but she pushed the thought away and focused on her mission. She read over the files, and got to a particular one and stopped. "Wrench." She murmered. "That sounds like an alias, and he is wearing a mask. Do you have any idea who he is?" She asked simply.
M.M. shook her head. "It doesn't matter, since he always wears a mask  it shouldn't be hard identifying him with it." She responded.
Tala's heart rate increased every time she saw his photo, and she felt she wasn't getting the full story from M.M. She shook her head slightly, breaking her line of thought, and continued reading.
After a few minutes M.M. broke the silence. "We will return your wings after the mission, we wouldn't want to cause a public panic because there was a girl with wings flying through the streets." M.M. explained. "However, you won't be powerless, we have some fun gadgets for you to use. First we have 'nudle glass' they are a pair of glasses that we can talk to you through, and can project GPS locations of you, and the HQ of your targets onto the lenses. We also have a modified gun that shoots high voltage bullets, not only do they do damage, but they also can electrocute your target to death if you accidentally, for example, missed and hit their leg. The voltage also overloads circuits so you can destroy robots." M.M. said with a creepy half smile.
"I never learned how to aim." Tala pointed out.
"Not to worry, your brain subconsciously calculates trajectory for you, so you can't miss." She says reassuringly.
That's new, Tala thought to herself. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion.
M.M. checked her watch. "We should get going soon." She walked to the side of the room and opened the door, Tala following. They walked through a long empty corridor. At the end they turned left and went up four flights of stairs. When they reached the top M.M. was winded and whined about small budgets and expensive elevators. M.M. opened the door, which lead to a garage. "This is where I let you do your thing dearie. After they are dead come back here." with her statement she pressed the garage door opener and left through the door they came.

"The tracker is moveing." Wrench exclaimed as he starred at his phone screen.
"Not only that, the garage which the van entered is opening." Marcus said, looking at the video feed from his laptop. Wrench looked over at his laptop, just to see Tala leaveing the garage. He immediately stood up and ran out of the HQ. "Wrench wait!" Marcus called after him.
Sitara looked up from her laptop. "What happened?" She said, noticing the lack of a certain spikey human.
"Tala just walked out if the garage we were monitoring." Marcus said.
"Its a trap." Ray said seriously. Marcus suppressed a smile at the Star Wars refrance.
"No shit Sherlock." Sitara said rolling her eyes. "If were going to point out the obvious, Wrench already left." She said getting up.
"Let's go save their asses." Marcus said, closing his laptop and following Sitara out.

A/N Hooray another slightly filler chapter! I am still working on making the next chapter believable... Tala is like invincible so...

Q and A!
(no one said they didn't want one :3)

What is some general information about yourself?

I am 16 (too young to be playing Watch_Dogs 2 XD), I am a strait female (forever alone), and I am too weird for my own good.

What are some TV shows or movies you enjoy?

(Brace yourselves for a lot of anime and dated TV shows)
*deeply inhales*  Avatar the last airbender, Zack and Cody (suite life, and on deck), i-Carly, The Walking Dead, Pokémon (I missed the season before X and Y though, in total I've probably seen like 88℅ of all the episodes. There are like 900 of them ,you do the math.), Doctor Who, The Office, Leverage, Soul Eater, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Attack on Titan, Howls Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Danganarompara, Hetalia, Yuri on Ice, and probably more but I can't remember. *Gasps for air*

What are some of your favorite games?

This is embarrassing, but I only play a small amount of games I mostly watch YouTubers (like Seananners, GassyMexican,ChilledChaos, Vanoss, MiniLadd, The NerdCubed, Minx, and many, many more.) Although I am actually playing Watch_Dogs 2 (I haven't technically finished it, I got to the final mission and was like 'nooo if I do this it'll be over!' And then did like everything else.). The reason I didn't really get into gaming myself is that I only have an older sister (no brother to crush me at Mario Cart! Who am I kidding he would lose! *argues about the brother I don't even have*) I also just got an X-box this past Christmas and our computer is shit *blame my sister for that, we started playing Minecraft four years ago one she made like 200 worlds and it runs at like 15fps because of this. I'm getting off topic again* But I've played a fuck ton of DS games! *between my sister and I we own 4 DS's *includes a 3DS and a DSiXL*. I always buy DS's at garage sales. You haven't lived until you have played Mario Cart DS with seven of your friends (There was a lot of screaming //and blue shells//)!

I can answer more questions if you guys have any... I'm bad at coming up with them myself (I'll give you credit :3 *bribes shamelessly*)

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