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"The tracker has to be broken, there is no way she is in the middle of the bay." Marcus said in defeat.
"And we checked, there is no boat she could be on." Sitara said sadly. "Face it Wrench, we don't know how to find her." She said slumping with defeat.
"Guys I found something." Josh cut in. "The cameras around Sitara's apartment building suspiciously cut out during her dissapearance, so we can rule out an accident. But that's not all. I brought up the recordings of cameras around the location, but not in direct view of the incident. Two minutes and twenty four seconds after the camera cut out this unmarked black van can be seen heading toward the apartment building, and approximately three minutes and thirty seven seconds later the van leaves the same way it came. I ran the plates, they were registered, but it doesn't say when, by whom, or for what car." Josh explains In a hurry.
"Where does the van go after that?" Wrench demands.
"I don't know, I lost it. If I had more time I could continue to look." Josh responds. Wrench paced worried, as he tried to think of some solution. Meanwhile Sitara, Marcus, and Josh were busily typeing away on their computers checking security cameras.
About five minutes later Marcus spoke up."Guys, on a hunch I checked the bay area where the tracker thought she was, and I found the van pulling into a shipping depot. " He turned around with a somber look on his face. "Do you think they..."
Sitara shook her head. "No, she was way to useful to them."
Josh looked over from his computer. "Getting rid of a body in water is the worst thing you could possibly do, the corpse would start to bloat and rise to the surface. Even if you chained it to something decomposition would set in and it would break free." Josh said bluntly. Sitara and Marcus gave him a look that seemed to say 'we were trying to be subtle to spare Wrench's feelings'. Wrench just side eyed him angrily.
Ray, who had been sitting on the sidelines watching all the shit hit the fan, finally decided to speak up. "We need to leave, right now. If they knew where Tala was, then they were watching her. That means this place is compromised and we should destroy it and go to another HQ. Also Sitara would need a new apartment. Honestly if this was up to me I would suggest fleeing the city."
Wrench whipped around angrily and stomped up to Ray. "So your just giving up on her like that?! You're a piece of shit you know that!" He fumed.
"I was against letting her in from the beginning, but I didn't say anything because I've never seen you happy. Well except when you're blowing something up, or working on robots. Actually the second one really makes sense all things considered. But that's not my point. What I meant was that we should relocate, make a plan, then save your cyborg girlfriend." Ray explained.
Wrench backed off slightly. "Fine." He said through his teeth.

Wrench was restless the whole day that they spent moving all of their equipment out of the old HQ and into another one. They even cleaned out the garage, much to Wrench's dismay, and they moved Sitara's stuff to Marcus's place. The whole time Wrench felt on edge, like when you're reading a book and everything is going great, and all the loose ends are tied up, and there is like 100 pages of 'fuck you' left where everything goes to hell. The only thing keeping him sane was the fact that the tracker hadn't moved, but he couldn't tell whether that was a good or bad thing. Meanwhile Josh was following a paper trail that lead him to a shell company which had spent millions of dollars on 'renovations' to a building that doesn't even exist. On top of that all the workers had to sign wavers saying they would keep quiet about it. The most intriguing part of all? The building was supposed to be right where the black van went.

A/N Josheus ex machina XD. I'm sorry for not updating in forever, and for the chapter being so short. I would promise I will update again soon, but I'm a piece of shit with a English paper due Friday... (With my spelling and grammar you can guess what a shit show that will be)

You guys are great and deserve more than 688 words.

How would you guys feel about a Q and A? *if I do one it would be after a chapter because it's annoying when a story updates and its just a Q and A when you expected a chapter.*

Do you guys have any theories for what's going to happen? *wiggles eyebrows* (Its a theory a FanfictionTheory! XD I'm sorry! *no I'm not*)

Anyway I have talked (typed? Idk) for too long, goodbye, and thank you for putting up with me!
ヾ( ^▽^')ノ

-Abnormal- Wrench x OC (Watch Dogs 2)Where stories live. Discover now