Chapter 5

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It was Harry.

He came by fast and I worked quickly in pretending I didn't notice him. At least we didn't meet eye to eye.

"Lesley. This your boy toy?"

I was shocked by his choice of words. Did I honestly seem or even look like the slut type? I don't think so, I think.

Before I can muster up a no, Zayn hurriedly defends me," No we are friends. But you want a chance in line, go to the back. She's too good for you, bro."

I was cracking up inside but forced a scowl on to my face, Way to go Zayn! Whoo!

"Oh is that so? Why you don't seem to be all good yourself, mate," he shot a wink at him.

"Well just stay away, she don't need you shit in her life."

They were fighting about or over me. A post ion I should be used to but this was drawing a large crowd. It was embarrassing. Turning my attention back to the angry boys in front of me, they were both glaring at each other, but something else was hiding in those pools of dark green and almost dark brown eyes, turning darker from the amount of anger caused by basically an arguement. It ran deeper though, I sense it. it was as if they were having an unspoken conversion.

Liam, finally arrived, " Woah guys, what's going on?"

"I was leaving, and I'm taking Lesley. "

"No your not," Harry growled.

We knew each other one day. I am so confused. They didn't even seem to acknowledge my presence, which I kept hidden behind Niall  and Louis, who also were looking at them weird.

"I'm staying with Liam!"

Everyone in the room looked at me. Harry looked absolutely annoyed with me decision. Zayn, on the ther hand, seemed just a bit relieved, knowing I wasn't going with the curly haired boy. You could year a pindop. The ferocious breathing oy the boys was all the was heard. I bit my lip.

"No, I'll take you home," Zayn offered but came out as if he was gonna force me anyway.

"Okay," I say timidly, putting my hand around his wrist and hoping the stares go down.

I basically dragged him out of the house and was greeted by the cool air. Smelly but nevertheless, much better than the hot, thick air in the overcrowded house. I waited to hear a familiar clicking sound before open up the car door and hopping in.

Three minutes into the drive, I decided to break the horrid silence, " what was that about?"

He sighed,  "what?"

"The arguing. It seems stupid, no offence. I mean, it was about him asking if you were my boy friend. Even if he did like me, you said no. Then arguing who takes me home? I am not mad but I just want to know it seemed like you were about to hit him," I say calmly.

It's true, I am not mad, not even close. I'm am just utterly confused.

"Look, and try to see this from my side of the story, Harry isn't good. Neither am I. But he isn't someone you she be around. I'm not saying you have to avoid him but it would be best not t get in the way of some things he might have going on. As for me, do the same. I'd hate for you to he hurt."

The car cane to a stop and I realized it was my house. He brought me into his arms and hugged me. I don't know, but this high felt like it would be our last. I savored his warmth and his scent. He squeezed me once more before letting me go and a wave. I get out, gently closing the door shut.  He sped off down the road. My eyes shut as I release the air I had not realized I've been holding, but me eyes soon opened to hear a raspy voice.

"So, what did he say about me?"

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