Bucky Barnes

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Seven Minutes in Fandom

A/N: This is a Seven Minutes in Heaven series. That means making out with your crush in a closet. There's no real plot. There's no character development. There's no continuing story. I've taken many quizzes that had 10+ questions like what you wore to the party and what your personality is like and NONE of that is necessary for Seven Minutes in Heaven. I also got bitched at when I first began writing fanfic because there was no "character development" in the results of my Seven Min quiz, and that's retarded.

As much as I'd like to keep all of the fandoms together, I'm writing these as I get inspiration, so they're going to be mixed. Some of them will be open to a smutty sequel. The ones that I'm willing to continue will have a note at the end asking for votes. If it gets five votes, I'll write a smutty sequel.

Bucky Barnes

You sat on the couch, surrounded by your friendly neighborhood Avengers. Tony Stark had called together a party, for no apparent reason - not that he needed one. He was a billionaire playboy, and he loved to throw parties.

After hours of drinking and dancing, most of the sleazy girls and horny men had gone home, leaving you with the small group of people that you were actually comforting partying with. Everyone was gathered in the luxurious living room, no lack of seating in one of the many rooms of Avengers Tower.

You were between the arm of the couch and still-getting-used-to-being-a-good-guy Bucky Barnes, who had Steve on his other side. Tony was pouring drinks even for people who had yet to finish their drinks and everyone else was arguing over what to do to pass the time.

"Seven Minutes!" Clint smirked.

"Really?" Natasha rolled her eyes. "You're so childish."

You knew you were all doomed when Tony heard the archer's suggestion. A grin split his lips and he ceased mixing drinks, instead fetching a piece of paper, a pen, and a bowl. He scribbled down everyone's names and tore them up, tossing them in the bowl. He shook it side to side to mix up the names, looking around the room to target his first victim.

"(y/n)!" he shouted sloppily, thrusting the bowl in your face.

You groaned. "Of course." But you complied, closing your eyes and rummaging your hand through the pile of papers, catching one between your first two fingers and pulling it from the collection.

You opened your eyes and looked, finding a name that sent a chill up your spine.


Tony's stupid nickname for Bucky. Before you could react, Tony stole the name from your hand, barking out a laugh.

"(y/n) and Frosty!"

"Frosty?" Steve inquired.

"Stark's name for me," Bucky replied softly. He didn't sound terribly excited, and it made you nervous. Was he disappointed that you pulled his name? Did he want to go with someone else?

Tony pulled you off the couch and shoved you towards the hall closet which was unsurprisingly empty. Avengers Tower had so many rooms that there were plenty of guest rooms and storage closets with ample space and nothing to fill them.

After Bucky was inside behind you, the door closed and locked from the outside, leaving the two of you inside the darkness. There was enough light coming from under the door to see roughly where Bucky was and that there was nothing else in the closet, but you couldn't make out any details or read his expression.

"What's the point of this game?" he asked softly, his deep voice startling you in the darkness.

"You've never played?" you asked, immediately feeling dumb. Of course he hadn't played. It wasn't really around in the forties and he hadn't had much time to adjust since joining the good side.

You heard more than saw him shake his head, his long locks brushing against the wall behind him.

"Well," you began awkwardly, not really sure how to tell your crush that the point of being locked in a closet with him was forced kissing "Everyone takes turns. Someone picks a name out of a hat and gets locked in a closet with whoever's name they got."

"What do they do in the closet?"

"Usually, they're supposed to kiss... But we don't have to! It's whatever the people are comfortable with. The idea is that people will confess their secret feelings and get together."

He was quiet, and you were grateful that the darkness hid your blush. You felt like a complete moron, especially since you had fantasized and were now fantasizing again about confessing your love to the metal-armed soldier and him reciprocating your feelings.

"What if one person doesn't want to kiss the other?" he asked lowly, and your heart dropped. He didn't want to kiss you, but he didn't want to outright reject you.

"Then... they don't kiss, I suppose. It's not mandatory. It's just the main idea."

You heard his boots shuffling on the floor, growing closer to you. You looked up cautiously, unable to see him fully but knowing that he was standing before you. His hand came to rest on the wall by your head and you chewed your lower lip, wondering what his intentions were.

You had always tried to be friendly to the soldier. You didn't see him as a bad guy. You didn't see him as the Winter Soldier. You saw him as Bucky - Steve's childhood friend and the newest addition to the team. You had tried to converse and reach out but he was conservative. He didn't open up to anyone but Steve, and while you understood, you felt rejected.

His metal hand held his weight against the wall while his flesh hand grasped your chin, tilting your head up to meet his shadowed gaze.

"Can I kiss you?" he whispered, leaning in to rest his forehead against yours.

Your eyes widened. Words failed you, try as you might to form a response. You weakly nodded, eyes fluttering closed as he pressed his lips to yours. You sighed softly into his mouth, tilting your head to deepen the action. His left arm dropped to wrap around your waist, pulling you to his chest. Your hands fell on his shoulders, tangling in his shirt.

He pulled back for a breath, the hand on your chin sliding up to caress your cheek. "I've wanted to do that since I met you."

"Really?" you whispered, looking up at him.

He nodded. "You're the only one besides Steve that doesn't walk on eggshells around me. Everyone expects me to lash out and turn into Hydra's assassin again... You treat me like a person."

"You are a person," you said softly. "You're Bucky. You're Steve's best friend. You're the guy I've had a crush on for months but thought I had no chance with."

"You have every chance you want," he replied, leaning in to capture your lips again. He put more passion into this kiss, opening his mouth and working it against yours, tugging your lower lip between his teeth.

You gasped, melting against his chest. You slid one hand up to tangle in his hair, tugging at his locks. He growled into your mouth, sucking on your lip. You mewled softly, standing on your toes to reach him better. You heard the lock clicking, signaling that your time was up. Bucky kept his arms around your waist as the door opened, revealing Tony.

"Frosty, get some!" he grinned.

Bucky turned to glare at him, holding you to his side as you both left the room.

*Votes for a smutty sequel?

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