Reid Garwin

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Reid Garwin

Just because Spencer Academy was elite and high-class, that didn't mean it wasn't inhabited by normal teenagers. Though the students thought higher of themselves than most people and believed that they owned the world, they still had the same feelings and urges as everyone else.

And that meant that they still liked to gather in the library after hours with a bowl full of their personal belongings being passed around a circle of kids to determine who had to be locked in a closet with whom.

You were sitting at the far end of a plush leather couch, knees bent against your chest and your arms wrapped around them. A few turns previous, you had unintentionally chosen Aaron, and he had practically forced himself on you, claiming that you were too hot to be with anyone but him. The storage room that you had been locked in was too far from the rest of the group and the music was too loud, so no one had heard you yelling at him to get away.

You weren't interested in continuing the game, especially after Aaron sauntered back to the group with a smug smirk on his face, but you stayed with the group for the sake of your friends. The women were outnumbered, so you didn't want to leave them one short.

The bowl of trinkets passed to Reid, who stuck his hand in with a lopsided grin. His fingers looped around a thin chain, pulling it from the collection. Your eyes widened as the pendant your mother had gotten you for your birthday sparkled in the light.

"Reid and (y/n)," Pogue smirked, knowing of Reid's crush on you and your feelings for him. You were still shaken up about your time with Aaron, so Kate had to practically drag you from your seat. You semi reluctantly followed Reid to the storage room, biting your lip as Kate locked the door.

There was a dim light hanging from the ceiling, giving you just enough light to see the handsome face before you. He seemed to feel as awkward as you did, but he hid it better.

Gloved hands rested on your hips and your body stiffened. You'd had a crush on the broody blond since you first began attending Spencer, but you were shy, and part of you wondered if he would behave the same way Aaron did.

Reid sensed your hesitation and one of his hands grasped your chin, tiling your head up to meet his gaze. Under his brooding expression, you could see a softness in his eyes. Your own eyes widened and you chewed your lower lip. His thumb caressed your chin softly, allowing reassurance to wash over you.

He tilted his head and leaned in, and you stiffened again. He noticed and pulled away, a frown on his lips. Your hands fisted in his shirt, preparing for him to attack like Aaron had.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "I thought... Pogue said... I'm sorry." He dropped his hands, and your heart plummeted to your stomach.

"Reid, no, I just..." You crossed your arms over your chest and he raised a brow.

"What did Aaron do?"

You looked up at him in surprise. "He didn't do anything, he just... he tried to..."

His hand rested on your cheek and you couldn't help but lean into the warmth.

"I won't force anything," he murmured, resting his forehead on yours. "I hate him for hurting you like that."

You shuffled closer. "What did Pogue say about me?"

His eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"Earlier, when you apologized... you mentioned Pogue. Did he say something about me?"

He took in a breath. "He said that you had a thing for me and that I should just go for it and make a move."

You looked up into his baby blue eyes. "He was right."

Reid raised a brow. "Was he now?"

You nodded. "Especially the last part."

A grin split his lips and he leaned in, tilting his head. You leaned into the hand on your cheek as your lips connected. Sparks exploded in your mind as his arms slid around your waist, pulling you to his chest. Your arms wound around his neck, one hand tangling in his hair. He slowly walked you backwards until your back hit the wall, and you jumped to wrap your legs around him. He slid one hand down to rest on your ass, holding you against him.

He pulled back for a breath before kissing you again, more passionately. His tongue slid across your lower lip, silently asking for entrance. You obliged with a groan; all of your daydreams were now coming to life. You'd wanted to kiss Reid since the day you met him.

He gave you every opportunity to pull away, not moving further unless you allowed him. You were surprised and touched by his gentleman nature. While Aaron had made you fearful of contact, Reid made you feel safe and left you wanting more.

He pulled back and kissed your jaw before peppering kisses down your neck. Your head fell back against the wall and your lips parted with a pant. Your breaths came hot and heavy as Reid's lips danced across your skin. His hands rubbed at your sides, teasing the hem of your shirt as his kissed skimmed lower. Your hands tangled in his hair, having already knocked off his black beanie so that you had more to grab. You tugged just the right spot and earned a growl from low in Reid's throat, sending a chill up your spine.

His fingers danced under your shirt and his lips dragged across the swell of your breasts when loud banging sounded on the door. Your eyes snapped open and you were brought from your lustful mind, looking around the dark closet. Reid looked up at you, standing up straight and keeping his arms around your waist. He kissed you sweetly as the door swung open, revealing Caleb and Pogue.

"It's about time," Pogue grinned. Caleb elbowed him and quirked a brow.

"Where's your hat, man?"

You plucked it from the floor and slid it onto your own head, smirking up at the blonde. He grinned in response and took your hand in his, lacing your fingers. You spend the rest of the game sitting on his lap, refusing to relinquish custody of the black beanie, while he refused to relinquish his hold on your waist.

*Smutty sequel?

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