Felix - Once Upon a Time

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Neverland was quiet as you and the boys sat around the fire, uncharacteristically calm. It was the first time you'd ever experienced boredom on the island, and you imagined the boys felt the same.

"How can we have run out of games?" Marco, one of the younger boys inquired.

"We've played everything," Devin groaned.

You chewed your lip. Surely there was something you could do with the boys to pass the time?

Pan sat on a log with the group, smirking at everyone. "There's a game we can play. Its called Seven Minutes in Heaven."

You raised a brow at him. "You want a bunch of boys to play Seven Minutes in Heaven?"

He shrugged. "Could be fun."

"What's Seven Minutes in Heaven?" Marco wondered.

"It's a game," you explained. "Two people get chosen from a bowl of names and they have to go into a closet or secluded area together for seven minutes."
"We don't have a closet," Felix reminded the leader.

Pan looked around. He waved his hand over a clearing in the camp, and a tent materialized. "We'll use that."

He snapped his fingers, conjuring a bowl full of paper scraps hiding the names of the boys - and you. He set the bowl in your lap with a smirk on his lips. "As the only girl on the island, you get to go first."

You rolled your eyes, reaching in and clenching your fingers around a piece of paper. Withdrawing it, you unfolded it to read the name hidden within.


You ignored your heart thumping in your chest as your eyes met Felix's across the fire. Pan all but shoved you towards the empty tent, magically locking the two of you inside.

The tent was empty - just walls sturdy enough to not be blown over by the wind. There was no furniture, though you were uncertain if Pan had intentionally left out a bed to discourage intimacy or if he had simply forgotten. He wasn't a very intimate person himself.

You looked around, chewing your lip. It was a habit you had when you didn't know what to say. Felix's features held their natural, neutral expression. He was either as nervous as you were but hiding it well, or he simply didn't care about being locked in a secluded room with you.

"Hey," you began, trying to break the tension, "were you there when Jake almost-"

Your nervous rambling was cut short by warm lips enveloping yours, much softer and kinder than you had expected. Whatever word was left in your throat melted into a hum of approval as you parted your lips to return the kiss. Your eyes fluttered closed of their own accord as warm, rough hands cupped your cheeks, a callused thumb gently brushing your skin. Your hands rested on his arms, unsure of what else to do with them. You were awkward and shy, and even Felix's mouth working against yours could only do so much to ease your nerves.

"Relax," he murmured between kisses. His hands slid down to your hips, pulling your torso against his. Your hands rested on his chest, clutching the fabric of his cloak. He ground his hips against yours, earning a gasp from your lips. His tongue took the opportunity to slide into your mouth, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You let one hand slide up to tangle in his hair, tugging at his dirty blonde locks. He groaned into your mouth, his hands sliding down to land on your ass. The movement pulled you closer, your chest flush against his.
The door of the tent blew open, revealing Pan and the boys. You reluctantly parted, looking up at Felix.
"Your time is up," Pan stated with a smirk. Felix led you out of the tent and returned to his seat on the log. You took your spot, watching as the other boys tried desperately to draw your name from the bowl.

A couple of hours later, the boys had all gone to bed. Pan was up patrolling the island, and you were sitting by the dying fire, gazing into the glowing embers.
A hand on your shoulder caught your attention and you looked up. Felix stood beside you, his expression softer than usual.
"Hey," you greeted lamely.
"Hey," he repeated. "Come with me."
You nodded, standing to follow him. He led you through the camp, piquing your curiosity.
"Where are we going?" you inquired. You soon realized you were heading towards his personal hut. He held open the door, allowing you to saunter in first.
"I was thinking we could finish what we started earlier," he explained. Before you could reply, his hands were on your hips, holding you to his chest.
"So it wasn't just because of the game?" you asked, looking up at him.
He shook his head. "The game gave me an excuse, but I've always felt something for you. I just don't know what it is. I've never felt it. You don't really get emotional on Neverland."
You nodded in understanding, arms snaking around his neck. "Do you get physical?"
He grinned, leaning in to kiss you. "We do now."
You stood on your toes to meet him halfway. He kissed you with more passion than usual, and you felt it through your body. Every fiber of your being sparked with excitement.
He parted your lips easily, not that you fought him on it, and slid his tongue into your mouth. He caressed your tongue with his before sucking it into his mouth, and it took all you had to stifle a moan. He shrugged off his cloak, revealing the simple tunic he wore beneath. You ran your hands down his chest, humming softly as you felt his chiseled muscles beneath the fabric.
You parted for breath, staring up at him. He kissed your forehead before resting his against it.
"Do you want to stay here tonight?" he asked softly. Your eyes widened. You'd dreamed about spending the night with the scarred lost boy but you'd never imagined it would be a real experience.
"I'd love to," you admitted. He smiled, taking your hand in his and leading you to the bed that sat against one wall of the tent. He gestured for you to sit, letting you get comfortable before he sat beside you. He pulled the blanket up as he lied down, opening his arms to you. You snuggled into his side, your head on his chest. His arms secured around you, head resting on yours. You fell asleep, cozy and warm in his arms.

*I'm totally down for a smutty sequel. Any votes?

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