Draco Malfoy

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Draco Malfoy

When Christmas break rolled around, several students stayed behind to enjoy the peace and quiet of a nearly empty castle. You came from a rough background, so ever since your first year, you never went home for the holidays. You would either stay with a friend- the Weasleys were very welcoming- or you would enjoy the luxurious school housing a significantly small amount of people for the time being.

This year, you were joined by Draco, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Neville, and Luna. Part of you worried that the Weasleys and Grangers would want their children home for Christmas, and wouldn't Lucius and Narcissa want Draco home if only for the sake of their image? But they all insisted that they were fine, and you didn't say another word about it.

You all gathered in the Room of Requirement to enjoy hot drinks and play games. Harry had initially suggested the Gryffindor common room, but Draco whined about how he wouldn't be caught dead in Gryffindor Tower, so you suggested the Room of Requirement as it was neutral territory.

"We should play a game," Luna piped up as you all sat in a circle.

"What kind of game?" Hermione inquired, sipping her hot cider.

"Seven Minutes," Ron grinned goofily, turning to Harry for support. The brunet snorted awkwardly and turned his head.

"If everyone else is alright with it," he said.

No one really protested, but no one showed much excitement, either. Ron waved his wand, materializing a bowl that held trinkets representing each of you. You managed a few rounds without having to go into the closet – first was Ron and Hermione, then Harry and Ginny, followed by Neville and Luna. When it finally came to you, you reluctantly stuck your hand in, feeling through the random collection of knick knacks.

Your fingers wrapped around something small and metal and pulled it out. Examining it in your hand, it was a silver ring depicting the Slytherin crest. You bit your lip. There was only one Slytherin playing the game.

Draco scoffed. "Really?"

You rolled your eyes and stood, Ron ushering you to the closet. They weren't very happy about your unexpected partner, but it was just a game, and it would be unfair to leave him out.

Once the wardrobe was locked- and thankfully charmed to be sound proof- you turned to the blond, a grin on your lips. His arms found your waist, pulling you close to him as he swallowed your grin with his own.

"God I hoped you got me," he murmured between kisses. "I was about to enchant the bowl to make sure of it."

You let out a giggle, tangling a hand in his hair. "I definitely don't want to be here with anyone else."

You had been secretly dating the Malfoy heir for some months now. Neither of you told anyone, with him not wanting to kill his reputation by being seen with a Gryffindor and you not wanting to deal with the backlash you'd get from your friends by getting friendly with Malfoy. Neither of you minded the secrecy. Instead, it made your secret meetings that much hotter. The thrill of someone catching you spurred you both on, heightening the adrenaline.

Lips met in a clash of teeth and skin, hands pawing at clothes, pulling the other as close as possible. Draco's hands held your hips, gripping tight enough that there were sure to be bruises in the shape of his fingertips. You had one hand fisted in his shirt while the other pulled at his blond locks, keeping his face close to yours. Your heads were tilted to allow a deeper kiss, his tongue intruding into your mouth and dancing with your own. A battle of dominance occurred, neither of you wanting to give up nor truly caring who won. He sucked your tongue into his mouth, biting down on it, earning a moan from your throat. When he paused to take a breath, you seized his lower lip, catching it between your teeth.

He grinned against your mouth. "I've always liked your spark."

You let out a breathy laugh, looking up at him. "And I like your ego. That's why we work."

You rested against the wall behind you, keeping your hands on his shoulders. He leaned over you, his hands against the wall on either side of your head to hold himself up. He stole chaste kisses from your lips between breaths, resting his forehead on yours.

"I like this," he murmured, nudging his nose against yours.

You hummed in response. "What about it?"

He chuckled. "Secret rendezvous to do what I please with you. Being able to call you mine without dealing with the rest of this stupid school." He paused to kiss you lovingly. "Having you all to myself without interruption."

You smiled into the kiss. "Me too. I didn't think I would; sneaking around, lying to my friends. But it's exciting, having to be so careful."

He grinned. "I'm glad you approve. It shows what a great match we are."

You let out a laugh. "Or how barking mad we both are."

As he kissed you again, Ron pounded on the door. You were surprised they didn't magically open the door to see if they could catch Malfoy attacking you.

You pouted. "Time's up."

He grinned, a devilish twinkle in his eye. "Not quite, love." He wrapped an arm around you and waved his wand, and in a flash, you were standing in the Slytherin common room.

"This is much cozier," he commented, sitting on a large leather couch and pulling you down beside him. You rested your legs on his lap as he leaned forward, moving you to lie back against the pillow that sat against the arm of the couch.

"Much better," you murmured, wrapping your arms around his neck to continue what you had started in the Room of Requirement.

After two minutes of pounding on the door, Ron opened the wardrobe. His jaw dropped open when he found it empty, and the group spent the rest of the night wondering where Malfoy had taken you. Oh, they needn't worry... You were perfectly happy.

*Smutty sequel?

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