Ron Weasley

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Ron Weasley

All of your friends gathered in the Gryffindor common room. It was late and most of you would have normally gone to bed by now, but no one was tired and everyone was bored and enjoying each other's company.

"How about Seven Minutes?" Fred inquired.

"In Heaven," George added.

Hermione's jaw dropped and Ginny blushed a hundred different shades of red. You chewed your lip in thought as all of the boys cheered in agreement.

Everyone wrote their names on pieces of paper and placed them in a bowl to pass around. Fred waved his wand and conjured a wardrobe for the actual game, enchanting it so that it was soundproof.

The bowl of names passed around, everyone taking turns and coming out of the closet horrified and embarrassed. It finally came to you, and when you plucked a scrap of paper from the bowl, the name you read made you blush.

George took it from your hand with a grin. "(y/n) and our own little brother!"

You were pulled from your seat and shoved into the wardrobe, immediately followed by Ron.

The wardrobe was dark; another enchantment from the twins. You couldn't even see your feet when you looked at the floor. As you thought about how you ended up playing this game with the one boy you'd been harboring a crush on, you couldn't help but think that Fred and George had set it up. They could have charmed the bowl of names to ensure that you pulled Ron's. But how could they know?

They were Fred and George – they knew everything.

But that didn't mean Ron would want to be in here with you. Wasn't he infatuated with Lavender, or whatever her name was? You tried not to think about it.

"So..." he began awkwardly.

"So?" you countered.

"I can't believe we're playing this."

You let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, me either. I mean, it makes sense. It's a teenage game for people to get together when they would otherwise be too shy to make a move."

He blew out a breath. "So... it's an excuse to confess your feelings?"

"Yeah, basically."

You heard shuffling and wondered what he was doing. Before you could ponder, you felt his presence before you, close enough to feel his breath on your chin. You tilted your head up, your nose brushing against his. Your hands reached out to find him, landing on his chest.

"Ron?" you whispered.

"I like you," he murmured.

You bit your lip. "I like you too."

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, one hand resting gently on your cheek.

Your heart melted at his consideration. "You don't have to ask..."

He leaned in slowly, his warm lips brushing against yours. You melted against him, your hands fisting in his shirt. His arms came to wrap around your waist, holding you to his chest. His lips molded perfectly against yours, adding just enough pressure to ensure that you weren't just a dream. He was gentle and hesitant, not wanting to push you too far. But he had the confidence to lead the kiss, tilting his head to deepen it.

You slid your hands up to wind around his neck. One hand rested on the back of his head, tangling your fingers in his ginger locks. He gently walked you backwards until you were pressed against the wall, pulling back for a breath.

"Wow," you breathed softly.

He smiled against your lips. "Yeah."

Your approval ignited a spark of confidence inside him and he kissed your chin. His lips trailed down your neck, peppering your skin and causing your head to fall back against the wall. He paused just under your jaw to nip at the skin, effectively seeking out your weak spot. You gasped and your knees buckled, and you tightened your arms around his neck so you wouldn't fall. He grinned in realization and sucked on your skin, leaving a bright red mark.

You could tell he was trying not to push you too far as he kissed his way back up your neck, finding your lips once more. You hummed into his mouth, jumping and wrapping your legs around his waist. His hands held your thighs, keeping your body close to his.

You tugged his lower lip between your teeth, earning a gasp in response. You grinned as you slipped your tongue into his mouth, taking control and tangling your hands in his hair. Groans of approval emanated from his throat, spurring you on further. You sucked on his tongue, causing him to grind his hips against yours, pushing you further against the wall.

"I never knew you had a dark side," you gasped when you pulled back for air.

"I never thought I'd get to show you," he countered, taking both of your hands in one of his and pinning them above your head. His other hand was set on your ass, squeezing every so often as he kept you pinned. He kissed down your neck, nibbling and licking as he went, until he reached your collarbone. The rest of your torso was covered by the long sleeve shirt you wore, and he was too much of a gentleman to take it off while you were in a dark closet for who-knows-how-much-longer. He instead settled on biting your collar bone, low enough that your shirt could cover it should you feel embarrassed later.

"Tell me one thing," he said suddenly, resting his forehead on yours. You could hear sincerity and a hint of worry in his voice.

"Anything," you panted in response.

"Tell me this isn't a one-time thing," he murmured, sounding very scared that you were going to walk out the door and pretend the last six minutes hadn't happened.

"I don't want it to be," you admitted. "I want it to continue."

"Good," he replied, and that was enough confirmation for him to return his lips to yours.

When the wardrobe door swung open, he was still kissing you, but he had lowered you to the ground so that you were simply standing before him, his hands on your hips and your arms on his shoulders.

"Aw, Ron's in love," Ginny giggled.

You blushed as you broke apart, glancing up at him before leaving the closet and returning to your seat beside Hermione. Ron followed and sat beside you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you to his side.

*I've never written HP smut... Any votes for a sequel?

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