Felix SMUT

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Part two

Consciousness found you during the night, waking your senses just enough to remember where you were and whose arms were secured around your waist. A warm feeling if comfort settled in your chest at the memory and you scooted back, trying to snuggle against the broad chest behind you.
Something poked your lower back as Felix pulled you closer in his sleep. A blush dusted your cheeks at the realization and you rolled over in his arms to see if he was awake. You were met by the sight of a still sleeping Felix, blond curls splayed around his head and hanging in his face. His lips were parted as he pulled you closer, hips rocking against yours in his sleep. A whimper escaped your throat and your eyes widened, hoping you hadn't woken him.
That little noise was all he needed. Grey-blue eyes opened to peer sleepily at you before his senses awoke and he realized the position you were in.
"Hey," he murmured softly. You simply nodded in response, fearing what noise you would let out should you try to speak.
He glanced down at your intertwined legs and smirked. "Did I wake you?"
You nodded. "It's fine," you whispered.
He hummed softly, rocking his hips against yours. Your eyes fluttered closed and your lips parted to release a sigh. He grinned, rolling over to hover above you. Your eyes opened wide to look up at him, hands lying by your head. He pinned your wrists to keep them there, settling between your legs.
"Should we finish what the game started?" he whispered, dipping his head to pepper kisses down your neck. Your head fell back to give him more access, your mouth falling open in a silent moan.
"As much as I love that expression, it isn't an answer," he teased, rocking your lips. "Do you... not want to?"
Your eyes snapped to his face. "I want to," you replied a tad too eagerly. He grinned at you.
"I'm just... Nervous," you admitted.
"Focus on me," he murmured, claiming your lips. You nodded, returning the kiss and closing your eyes. He pinned both of your hands with one of his, his free hand tangling its slender fingers in your hair. You whimpered, lips parting to allow his tongue passage into your mouth. His tongue swirled around your own before he sucked the muscle into his mouth. You moaned into his mouth, knowing that if there was any light, he could see how dark your blush was.
He pulled back for a second and closed his eyes. A sound wave seemed to hit the tent and you peered up at him quizzically.
"Sound proof," Felix smirked. "I want to hear you. I don't want the entire island to hear you."
You bit your lip as he dipped his head and assaulted your neck. Your head turned to the side to allow him more access, which he gratefully explored. Thin lips danced across the skin, licking and sucking here and there. As his teeth latched on to the spot where your neck connected to your shoulder, you knew there would be a mark in the morning.
That thought turned you on more.
Your hips wiggled, bucking against his. He chuckled at your impatience, his free hand wandering under your tunic. His fingers slid under the fabric, the skin-to-skin contact drawing a gasp from your lips. He pushed the fabric up to your arms, which you raised so he could remove the garment. He then pulled that the piece of fabric that acted as a bra, leaving your torso completely exposed.
You resisted the urge to cover yourself, but your arms still twitched. Felix noticed and leaned down to kiss you reassuringly. "It's alright, lost girl. You're beautiful."
You stared at him. He'd never called you "beautiful" or "lost girl" before.
He kissed down your torso, causing your back to arch to meet his lips. His slender fingers hooked into the waistband of your pants, pulling them off along with your panties. Your legs tried to cross automatically, but he gently parted them by lying between them.
"We're uneven," you gasped, looking at his layers of clothing.
He smirked, sitting up on his knees. He let go of your wrists so he could pull his shirt over his head, and you bit your lip as you looked at his chest. You reached out, fingers running down his muscled torso. He hummed in approval, standing and kicking out of his pants and boxers.
You bit your lip as his nakedness settled atop yours, your legs spreading to wrap around his waist.
"Are you sure about this, my lost girl?" he asked, kissing just below your ear.
You nodded eagerly. "I want you."
That was all the confirmation he needed. He positioned himself at your entrance, smashing his lips to yours as he pressed inside. You whimpered at the contact, his arousal stretching you pleasantly. He gave you a moment to adjust before pulling out and slamming back in. Your head fell back against the pillows, your back arching in pleasure at the angle he hit. He brought one hand down to grip your breast, kneading and squeezing, rolling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. You whimpered softly, biting your lip to quiet yourself.
He shook his head. "I want to hear you." He ducked his head to bite your neck and a moan ripped from your lips.
He found a rhythm, pulling almost all the way out and plunging back inside you. You moaned shamelessly with every thrust.
Confidence surged through you and you tightened your legs around him, rolling over so that he was beneath you. He grinned up at you, his hands on your thighs. You rocked your hips, angling so that his arousal hit that perfect spot inside you.
You leaned forward, holding yourself up by placing your hands on his chest. The new angle allowed him to hit deeper, and he rocked his hips in time with yours, a loud moan ripped from your throat. You gave up on trying to suppress them, instead panting and whimpering as your pace increased.
You felt your climax nearing, and Felix could sense it as well. One hand remained on your hip, guiding your rhythm, while the other slid between your bodies. His skillful fingers rubbed at your clit, adding another layer of pleasure to your throbbing core. You moaned with every breath, eyed squeezing shut as your orgasm overwhelmed you. You whimpered his name, your legs beginning to shake from the stimulation.
He flipped you back over so that he could control his thrusts. He pounded into you relentlessly, still drawing gasps from your lips. He grunted as his own release came into focus, his head falling to your neck. You raked your nails over his hips to push him over the edge. He let out a moan that ended in your name, hips slamming against yours as fast as they could.
He pressed into you one last time, groaning into your skin. You brought a shaky hand up to rest in his mop of blond hair, panting softly. He pulled out and laid beside you, pulling you into his arms.
"I think we should play that game more often," you breathed, your hand resting on his chest and your head on his shoulder.
He chuckled. "Only if it ends like this."

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