Ravi Chakrabarti

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Ravi Chakrabarti

A/N: I haven't written much iZombie so I was excited for this one.

A/N: I just want to let everyone know that I'm planning to incorporate a lot of characters I'm including Avengers, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Hobbit, iZombie, Covenant, and Almighty Johnsons. I won't use every character from every fandom because that's a lot, and I'm limiting it to who I'm comfortable writing makeout scenes for. So I'm not sure that I'll take requests. If you like, I can post a chapter that includes all of the characters I'm planning to write.

It was game night at your and Liv's apartment. You were Major's younger sister, and therefore like a sister to the blonde. After Peyton left town, Liv offered you to stay with her, since you two remained friends after her and Major's relationship fell through.

You had invited your friends over; Major, Ravi, Lowell, and even Blaine was on friendly terms now. He had given up his brain business now that he was no longer a zombie.

You worked with Liv and Ravi in the morgue, so you learned early on about the blonde's situation and how modern zombies worked.

The six of you were gathered in the living room, drinks in hand and snacks on the coffee table. You sat between Major and Liv on the couch, Lowell and Ravi had the recliners, and Blaine was stretched out on the floor. You had taken turns at Twister and a few rounds of Charades, challenged one another to Just Dance and had even resorted to Truth or Dare. Now you sat around trying to think of another game before someone passed out.

"Seven Minutes?" Ravi smirked.

Liv shook her head. "That's so pre-pubescent."

"So was Truth or Dare," you countered.

"Someone's on my side," Ravi replied proudly.

"What can it hurt?" Blaine asked with a wink.

Liv shook her head with a sigh, a sign that she was giving in. "Alright, fine. Seven Minutes in Heaven. I'll get a bowl; everyone write down your name." She handed you a notebook and a pen before getting up. You scribbled down your name, tore off the piece, and passed the book to Major.

She came back and collected the pieces, dropping them in the bowl and mixing them up. She then handed the bowl to Ravi because he had chosen the game.

The M.E. closed his eyes and thrust his hand in, fishing through the shreds of paper before selecting one.

"How about a twist?" Blaine offered. "The person choosing the name gets blindfolded and doesn't know who he's going in with."

"Sounds like fun," Ravi agreed. Liv rolled her eyes and grabbed a scarf to tie around his head. She then led him down the hall to the storage closet that still had room to stand in.

Blaine held the piece of paper that Ravi had chosen, and a grin split his lips. "You're up, (l/n)."

A blush stained your cheeks as he handed you the slip, proving that Ravi had, in fact, pulled your name. Liv smiled encouragingly as you headed down the hall to meet your fate.

Once you were in the closet and had closed the door, Ravi spoke up.

"I suppose it's against the rules for you to tell me who I got?"

"Probably," you giggled, knowing he would know your voice. There were only two women playing; it was you or Liv.

He seemed to relax upon realizing that it was you, and you figured that it was because you were a woman and not one of the guys. That would have ended awkwardly.

You couldn't think of anything to say. With friends or at work, the conversation never lagged. But since you began harboring a crush on him, any time you were completely alone your voice failed you and every thought that came to your mind sounded stupid.

"So... That John Doe we got yesterday... He was a real-"

Your nervous rambling was cut off as warm, scruffy lips pressed to yours. Calloused hands rested on your hips and you could feel the heat radiating from the man before you. You could barely believe your senses as you melted into the kiss, resting your hands on his chest, gripping the front of his shirt.

You had dreamed of this moment for so long, you couldn't believe it was finally real. You returned the kiss with as much passion as you could muster, tilting your head to deepen it and nipping at his lower lip. He groaned against your lips, pulling you closer by your waist until your chests were flush together.

He pulled back for a breath, resting his forehead on yours. You chewed your lower lip as you looked up at him, sliding your arms around his neck. There was just enough light in the dark closet for you to see the outline of his face.

"That was forward of me," he murmured.

"I didn't mind," you giggled.

"I've wanted to do that since we met," he admitted, kissing the corner of your mouth.

"Why haven't you?"

"I didn't know you'd be this responsive," he chuckled.

A grin split your lips and you leaned in, capturing his. He smiled into the kiss, one hand holding the small of your back while the other came up to cradle the back of your head. His fingers tangled in your hair, tilting your head to the side. You rested one hand on his neck, scraping your nails across his skin. He hummed in approval, holding you as close to his chest as physically possible. Your other hand stayed fisted in his shirt, afraid that if you let go, you would wake up as though this whole time had been a dream.

"How about I take you on a proper date tomorrow?" he offered between kisses. "After work?"

You nodded, nudging his nose with yours. "That would be amazing."

"Anywhere you want to go," he smiled.

"The diner down the road?" you asked with hopeful eyes.

He chuckled. "Perfect."

He kissed you again as the door opened, signaling that your time was up. Major stood there with a raised brow and a light smirk on his lips.

"Wanna explain why you're making out with my sister?" he grinned at Ravi.

"Because she's cute?" Ravi asked, pulling you closer.

You giggled. "Get over it, big brother."

You took his hand and left the closet, leading him back to the group. Liv smiled at your progress as Ravi sat in his chair, pulling you onto his lap. The others continued the game while you cuddled up with your new boyfriend and fell asleep.

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