Reid Garwin SMUT

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Reid Garwin

Part Two

A/N: I normally don't take suggestions for this series, but Aaron needs a good punch in the face and I was glad someone else knew the fandom.

The game eventually ended with people coupling off and taking their leave. Aaron left with Kyra on his arm and that stupid, smug smirk on his lips. Reid glanced at you before glaring at Aaron, clenching his fist and approaching the egomaniac.

"What do you want?" Aaron groaned, looking at the blond. All he received in response was gloved knuckles slamming into his nose bridge, cracking it sufficiently. Blood dusted Reid's knuckles as he pulled his hand away, and more leaked from Aaron's nose like water from a fountain. Kyra screamed, partly out of anger and partly out of fear, while your hands clasped over your mouth in surprise. You could hear Pogue, Caleb, and Tyler laughing behind you.

Aaron growled and turned to take a swing at Reid, who ducked out of the way. He fell forward, tripping over his shoes and landing on his face. Laughter erupted from the crowd, save for Kyra, who was glaring at you as though you had tripped him.

Reid stepped away, throwing his arm around your shoulder. He led you out of the library and down the hall towards his dorm.

He unlocked the door and held it open for you. There were an odd number of students in his building, so he got a room to himself. You looked around, chuckling at the condition of his belongings. Clothing littered the floor, empty soda cans decorated the dresser. There was a scent in the air, a mix of woodsy cologne and personal musk, that made the room seem so... Reid.

He sat on the bed and patted the space beside him. You sat atop the rumpled black comforter, snuggling into his side.

"I know it's messy," he commented. "I don't have people over much."

"I'll have to change that," you smiled, looking up at him.

He grinned, resting a hand on your cheek and leaning in to capture your lips. You melted against him, turning so that you could throw one leg over his lap. He smirked against your mouth, his hands resting on your thighs as they straddled his lap. Your arms wound around his neck, tangling in his hair as his hands slid up under your shirt. A shiver ran up your spine as his cold hands caressed your bare skin.

Your own hands slid down his chest, fisting in his baggy shirt. His hands snaked further up your back, pulling fabric as he went. Your arms raised over your head so he could practically rip the shirt off before tossing it aside. A spark of confidence surged through you and you dropped your hands to the bottom of his shirt, tugging it upwards. He grinned at your enthusiasm and helped you pry it off along with the tank top he wore underneath.

His arms wrapped around your waist before he shifted, turning so that he could lie you down on the bed and hover above you. He pinned your hands on either side of your head, settling his hips between your legs. You whimpered at the contact, looking up at him with lustful eyes.

He leaned down to kiss you, full of passion and lust. A moan slipped through your lips before you could stop it, and the sound spurred him on. He rocked his hips against yours and your lips fell open to release a gasp. Holding both of your hands in one of his, he slid the other down around your back, unclasping your bra. He released your arms so that you could hold them out and wiggle of the lingerie, watching as it joined your shirt on the floor.

You reached down to fumble with his belt and he smirked, deciding to assist you. He sat up on his knees, looping the leather from the buckle before unbuttoning his jeans as well. You kicked at the fabric, trying to push it off with your feet. He wiggled out of his jeans, leaving him in his boxers as he leaned over you again, undoing the button and zipper of your jeans. You lifted your hips so he could pull the garment off, quickly followed by your panties.

A low growl emanated from his throat as his eyes scanned your naked form. You bit your lip at the hungry look in his eye, shivering beneath him. Pinning your hands again, he leaned down and smashed his lips to yours. You moaned at his possessiveness as his tongue slipped between your lips without waiting for permission. Your mouth opened, allowing him to explore all he wanted to.

"You don't know how long I've wanted you," he groaned, parting his lips from yours so he could trail them down your chest.
Your teeth clamped down on your lower lip to suppress a moan as your chest arched towards his mouth. "How long?"
"Well," he murmured, taking one breast in hand and kneading out with just the right amount of pressure, "I've had a crush on you since the day we met." He took your other breast in his mouth, tongue swirling around your nipple until it was erect and then sucking on the bud. "But do you remember the homecoming dance last year?"
All you could manage was a nod as he continued his assault on your breasts.
"Do you remember the dress you wore?" He groaned, an indication that he recalled it clearly. "Low neckline to reveal this beautiful cleavage. A slit up the side to show off your gorgeous legs. I nearly took you right there at the dance, but I didn't think you liked me."
A whimper fell from your lips as his hands skimmed lower, dancing over your hips. "It's funny you say that, because I felt the same way when I saw you in that tux with the bowtie."
He chuckled, peppering kisses across your stomach. He slipped lower until he was between your legs, lustful eyes glancing up to gauge your reaction. Your head was pressing back into the pillows, teeth tugging at your lip in anticipation.
He hooked his arms under your legs, resting a leg atop each of his shoulders. His hands gripped your ass, squeezing as he kissed your folds agonizingly gently.
You rocked your hips without meaning to, pressing your heat closer to his face. He chuckled at your eagerness, diving in. His tongue slipped between your folds, licking a long line from your entrance to the top of your clit. Your breath caught in your throat, leaving you gasping for air as he repeated the motion. His lips wrapped around your clit and sucked hard, and all of your self control shattered. You moaned loudly, uncaring of how desperate you sounded. The blond between your legs groaned in approval, the noise vibrating against your core and adding to your arousal.
Your fingers dug into the pillows beneath your head as you tried to keep your hips still, but it was hard to manage when the hottest guy at Spencer had his tongue all over your lady parts.
He slid one hand over your hip, holding your lower half still. He kept his eyes on you as his tongue slipped into your entrance. Moans fell from your mouth like prayer, your toes curling in pleasure.
His tongue pulled out to swirl around your clit before sucking hard, his nails digging into your skin. You felt a familiar tingle in your lower abdomen, something you dreamed of feeling whenever you were around Reid.
Your moans came louder and less controlled, sound emanating from your throat with every breath you took. He could tell you were close, and he grinned against your heat. Both of his hands rested on your hips, keeping you still as he flicked his tongue over and over against your clit. Your wall broke and your orgasm overtook you, and he sucked the bundle of nerves until you were seeing stars.
"Fuck," you panted as he finally slowed down and pulled away. You were breathless, gasping for air, still clutching the pillow.
He hovered over you, propping himself up with one hand while the other pushed off his boxers. He grinned at the blissful expression on your face, leaning down to kiss you.
"I'm not done with you," he smirked, earning a whimper from you. Your hands trailed down his chest, nails scraping his skin, grinning as his eyes closed in pleasure. When you reached his hips, you glanced down, jaw dropping at his size. You looked back up at him, kissing him passionately. You didn't even mind the taste of yourself on his lips.
He rocked his hips against you, and you moaned as you felt his arousal pressing against your entrance. You spread your legs and he slid in easily, filling you perfectly. You moaned loudly at the feeling, taking a hand in his pale blond locks.
He pulled nearly all the way out before slamming back in, and you gasped in response.
"Do that again," you moaned, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He obliged, repeating the action several times until you were once again a moaning mess beneath him.
He found a rhythm, rocking his hips against yours, filling you repeatedly.
"Fuck, faster," you whimpered, that familiar tingle in your belly returning. The rope inside you was being pulled tighter and tighter, and with a couple more thrusts from Reid, it snapped, spilling moans from your lips. His name fell somewhere in the mix and he moaned in approval. His thrusts lost their rhythm as he chased his own orgasm, and you kissed him passionately. As your hands tugged his hair, his own dam broke and he moaned your name, thrusting faster until he finally stopped, resting inside you.
He kissed you gently, lovingly, before burying his face in your neck. He reluctantly pulled out, moving to lie beside you. He opened his arms, inviting you to cuddle into his side. You obliged, head resting on his chest with a soft sigh.
"You're mine," he murmured, kissing your hair.
You giggled softly. "All yours."

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