---I reminisce our dream

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The church was full and everyone was wearing their best white attires. Everyone important in her life stood with me, getting ready for the march. They looked at me, probably wondering if I had any idea what this line was for. But heck I knew exactly where I stood and they have no idea how much I was hurting to be standing at this side.

It was too late to do that now, though.

She planned everything perfectly. I looked around and knew right away everything was how she had sketched this before. The Orchestra was in their place, ready to play her favourite pieces. Pink peonies and white lilies were lined at the side of the red carpet. The chairs were gold and everything else in the church was white. This was her dream coming to life. She must be so happy. And I couldn't bear the thought of ruining that happiness.

"The bride's finally arrived." Her mother squeezed my right arm as she stopped in front of me before heading out to her. "We're about to start, Kier. You could still run if you want." She made it sound like a joke, but I heard the concern behind it.

"She'd kill me if I run. I'd probably just walk, Auntie. Thanks though." I gave her the best smile I could muster right now. She just nodded and hurried out of the church. I watched her head to the bride's car, but before I could see the bride the doors of the church were closed.

Then the church bell rang... Ding-Dong-Ding-Dong-Ding

My heart rate suddenly peaked up, suddenly beating faster and it felt like any second it would reap itself out of me. My emotions were bursting inside and I could not really explain what I was feeling. It even felt like I wanted to vomit air out of me.

"I want my wedding to be magical, Kier..." That was what she'd always say. And today they cease to be just words.

Petals of white roses rained as the Orchestra played Taylor Swift's "Today was a Fairy Tale" and the wedding march started moving slowly. I don't know how I managed to move, but I was able to. Even when it felt like it was an eternity of walking with misery. Every step I made felt like an added distance between us. As I got nearer the altar, I dragged myself farther from you.

Sorrow. Regret. Longing.

And then Hollowness.

I took a deep breath. I didn't know breathing would be this painful. I closed my eyes, trying to be blind even just for this wedding and hoped that I would not have to see everything unfolding before me.

I still could not believe this is happening. I never thought this day would come even if I have dreamt of it every single day. No, it was never like this.

<Flashback: 13 years ago>

After dancing a few songs at my cousin's wedding, we decided to head out to the beach to walk and to escape all the adults that were there. I even snuck out a glass of champagne while she was stuck with her orange juice. She was not a fan of alcohol. She seemed to be drunk right now though, dancing with the hum of the ocean and wind colliding. Her auburn hair danced with her. She was beautiful.

Then she stopped and looked at me. Her green eyes were glowing. She was so happy. "It was the most romantic scene Kier, specially that time when Jenny finally appeared and walked down the aisle. Her groom just couldn't take his eyes off of her. It was as if she was everything that he ever dreamt and everything that he will ever dream about. It makes me wonder what my wedding would be, how my groom would be." She always wondered and when she wonders her eyes would start to twinkle. Then she starts to talk about how her bouquet should be or the songs she'd want to play. She actually had sketched her gown. And I could not help, but stare and wonder with her, wonder if the groom in her thoughts was me.

Then my eyes caught something shining. An idea came to me. I got her hand and dragged her to follow me, scooping up whatever I saw. Two round shells, with holes that would fit our fingers.

"Where are we going?" She demanded. I know how much she hated following me around without knowing where we were actually going. But still, I dragged her.

"Trust me." I told her. She just pouted and allowed me to drag her.

Soon we were out of the sand and into a grassy meadow. This was a familiar place for both of us. Wild flowers were everywhere. From the where we were I could finally see the big oak tree, our big oak tree. I smiled.

Finally, we were on top. "Why didn't you just tell me you wanted to come up here you idiot!" She whined as she took her heels off and immediately trashed them by the trunk. "I could have at least taken them off, you know." Then she slumped herself on the trunk, letting the wind kiss her cheeks.

I knelt in front of her, making her brows meet in the middle. Then I took her right hand, "Alexis Griffin, take this ring as a sign of my love, faith and hope of eternity with you." I saw her face crease into a deeper frown as I slipped the shell into her ring finger.

"Woah... Hold it right there, Kier... What the heck are you doing? What is this?" This made her stand up. She looked at her finger then she looked at me. She probably thinks I'm crazy and she's right. I have been crazy over her for a long time.

"It's a dry run for your dream wedding." I smirked and gave her the other shell as I stood up.

"And you think the groom would be you?" I simply smiled. We both knew what the answer was.

Then she sighed, "Kier Knights take this ring and remember that no matter what, I will forever love you and will grow old in your arms." She slipped the ring into my ring finger, giggling. I couldn't explain how happy I was when she did that.

"And you may now kiss the bride." I smugly grinned. I inched closer to her and just before our lips touched, she slapped me.

"Oh don't you dare!" She said, gritting her teeth and blushing furiously. I just laughed. She looks silly, but she still managed to look cute.

"Okay, I'll reserve that for the honeymoon." I winked at her, teasing. She blushed all the more and slumped herself back to the tree trunk with her arms crossed.

I sat beside her. She placed her head on my shoulders like she always does. I looked at her and saw that her gaze was looking far and deep. I took a deep breath and gathered all the confidence I could. "Someday we're going to get married the way you want to." She didn't look my way, but I knew she heard me. I felt her hand slipped to mine like they were meant to be moulded there. That was when I realized that Alexis and I had the same dream.

But, it would remain as that. A fourteen-year old's dream.

<End of Flashback>

I took a deep breath just before I took my place by the altar. Beside me was Ralph. I looked at him and knew that he felt the same way as I was. Nervous. Anxious. The only thing different between the two of us; he was happy, I was not. 

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