---We had our one last dance

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I don't know why I came to the reception.

Maybe that was to subject myself to deeper wounds and to further my torment.

I sat at the corner and watched her smiling at everyone while she was in the arms of the man she loves, her husband. I watched as she danced with him, whispering and laughing like no one else was around.

That could have been me.

"Ugh This is stupid" I groaned to myself as I stood up and got a glass of scotch from a passing waitress.

I was a few steps out of this white tent, out to my freedom, when someone grabbed my hand. "You're leaving already and we haven't eve danced, yet." I did not want to look her way, but I did. She smiled at me.

"I shouldn't even be here." I sounded as bitter as the alcohol I've been drinking. Her smile was still plastered on her face, but it had lost its sunshine.

"Kier, don't say that..." I tried to pull my hand from her grasp, but she tightened her hold. This was not supposed to be like this. She was supposed to push me away, not pull me back.

"Why are you punishing me?" I breathed. I didn't want to say that out loud, but the alcohol pushed it out of me.

"I... Please Kier, just this last dance... I've missed that. I've missed you..." And just like an obedient little puppy, I let her drag me to the middle of the dance floor.

The music was slow. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I placed mine on her hips. Our bodies were pressed as close as it could get. This slow mellow swaying was torture. I should have said no, but then a part knew I wanted this torture too.

She placed her head on my chest just like she used to before, and I thought everything would magically go back to the way it was. Our hearts beating as one. But then, it did not and it could not. Ralph was already there and her heart was happily intertwined with his.

"I'm scared of losing you again, Kier..." She was silently sobbing. But we both knew that I was the one who lost her and not the other way around. She has Ralph now. "... I don't want to lose my best friend." I looked down at her and she looked at me. Sad green eyes pierced right through my soul.

I smiled painfully and kissed her forehead. "I'll always be your best friend, Al." 

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