---You walked towards me

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I never got why she always liked watching  the bride's walk down the aisle during the weddings and why she actually loves this more than the I Do's and the kiss. The magic was supposed to happen in the I Do's, or so I thought. Now that I was actually here looking at her in her white gown, I finally understood why.  

At that moment, nothing else mattered but the bride.

Nothing  and no one else else really mattered in my life except Alexis. She's the most important person that had always been with me. 

And I allowed her to slip away from me.

Every step she makes towards me felt like she was stepping a hundred more steps  away. My heart was in a frenzy. Everything inside me was a  haywire. All the emotions danced inside me. Love. Hurt. Remorse.

I wanted to run to her and hug her tightly. Probably, kiss her and rewrite the ending to this fairy tale. But, I kept my composure, smiled and suppressed all the urges that rushed. 

I reminded myself, she was no longer my Alexis. A lot of things already changed. Part of it was the fact that she already has another important guy in her life now. 

I have already been replaced.

All I could do is look at her. Her eyes met mine, silent whispers exchanged between the both of us and then  she smiled. Innocent and sweet. My earth stopped turning, time stopped running and my heart started exploding. 

It brought me back to the first day we met, two kids who were strangers to each other, but somehow managed to create an unbreakable connection.

[Flashback: When we were 5 years Old]

It was my Uncle Drew's wedding and I was forced to wear a white suit that made me feel too uncomfortable and warm. I didn't want to be there, but I really had no choice. My uncle and my parents wanted me there.

I had to survive the ordeal throughout the entire ceremony thinking this will all be over soon and that I could go back to playing the new nintendo uncle Drew bought for me.

I sat in one corner alone. I really did not want to play with the other kids in the reception. My mother would be furious if my white tuxedo would get dirty. I don't want my mom or my dad furious cause that would mean, I'd not be able to play with my nintendo.

I was left counting the seconds in my mind.

But, then a girl with a long straight hair, who wore a pink flower crown and a white dress, approached me. I knew her. She was that loud kid who lived across our house. 

"Hi I'm Alex!" She smiled widely, showing off her teeth with one front teeth missing. She offered her chocolate-covered hand. Obviously she had a lot of fun with the chocolate fountain. She probably dipped her hands instead of the marshmallows and the fruits. 'I shouldn't try the chocolate fountain.' I noted to myself.

"Oops! Sorry." She saw me staring at her dirty hands and the next thing I know, her white dress was smudged with brown. "I'll do that again."

"Hi! I'm Alex!" She repeated with the same enthusiasm and giddiness. This time I smiled and took it.

"Hi! I'm Kier!" And I knew at that moment that  I was never letting go of this hand. Or so I thought.

[End of Flashback]

I really thought that connection was stronger than anything. That what we are was  more than just a platonic friendship. 

Probably, what we had was more than just friendship. There would have been something and there would have been an "us", if I didn't leave. But, I left.

I sighed.

I knew I could no longer run. I stood there, frozen, just looking at her.  I cannot run, for her I must not. That's too selfish. I've been selfish ten years ago. I thought I had a full proof plan and that I knew  where I was heading. But, look at where it has gotten me.

I was heading no where.

"It's almost done Kier..." That is what I've been telling myself as I kept on taking deep breaths. I just have to finish this. I just have to be there for her until the end of this.

Then she stood before me. She gave me that sweet smile. The smile that meant everything to me.  Alexis then hugged me and I hugged her back. I don't want to let her go because I know that if I do, there was no turning back. That once I let her out of this embrace, I'm already giving her up and I still don't want to give up. I want her. I love her.

Then she sweetly whispered my name, "Kier..." Is this it? Is this the time I had to let her go?


Author's note: Yessss...  The bride's entrance and the walk down the aisle will always be my favorite part of a wedding.  I just like watching the groom fall in love with the bride all over again as she walks towards him.  I know, cheesy, but I live for those cheesiness.

Want to tell me your favorite part of a wedding?

Anyways, thanks for actually reading this short story. It means a lot to me. If ever you have something to say, like comments, violent reactions, or just anything in your mind right now, would be more than happy to have them. You could also add this up to your Reading List and Vote for it. Thanks a bunch :*



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