---I Met Him

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He looked so nervous and at the same time excited. Was that how he should be feeling on the happiest days of his life?

His dark brown eyes sparkled and the curve on his lips just wouldn't go away. As much as I wanted to see they were not real, they were actually genuine.

Honestly, I tried to be happy for him too. I mean he's the luckiest man here right now. But, could you blame me for wanting to take away that happiness? Could you blame me if I couldn't be genuinely happy for him? Is it my fault to be so broken on this day?

Maybe, if we met in different circumstances then I would have been happy for him, happy to be standing beside this man on his special day. Honored even. But, this isn't that other circumstance and I could find no reason to be happy for him when my heart is actually bleeding because of him.

Now could you really blame me if I hate this man?

Then, her voice echoed in my thoughts, "Kier this is Ralph, he's..." I don't even want to remember who he was. It's just too painful to bear and it makes me want to kill him all the more.

[Flashback: 2 Days Ago]

"I know it was too much to ask." I was sitting by the tree on the hilltop, thinking and processing Alex's favor, when Ralph came. I didn't really want to talk to him so I didn't acknowledge his presence. But then, he sat beside me and continued, "But, thank you." And he really had the guts to rub it to my face?

I looked at him and coldly said, "I didn't do it for you." I looked through his eyes, looking for any hint of mockery, but I saw none. He was sincere. However, I still wanted to hate him. Hell, I hate him.

"I know, but when you agreed to what Alexis wanted I just felt so thankful because it was really important for her to have you there. It made her really happy..." I suddenly realize where this was heading. "...I know everything about you and her, Kier."

EVERYTHING. That was something I really wanted between Alexis and I. But the truth was, THEY were the everything and I was just the SOMETHING that was really close to NOTHING.

"Ralph, what do you really want?" I looked at him intently. I shouldn't have asked that and just told him to just shut up and leave, but then I already asked. I swallowed the building tension.

"I want to ask for you blessing." He slapped reality right to my face. Do I really have to go through this whole ordeal?

[End of Flashback]

I looked at him, he smiled. And though, I was already crying and dying deep inside, I managed to compose myself and force a smile. I had to, because I love her that much. I was willing to torture myself just for her, her dreams and her happiness. I am her best friend and I owe it to her to stand here on the best day of her life even when it felt like my worst.

I wonder how she's actually taking all of these. I wonder how she is actually feeling right now. Does she feel the same happiness Ralph was feeling?

And then the music changed, the orchestra started playing One Direction's "Little Things" It's her favorite song, which I never would have known if her cousin didn't tell me. I didn't even have any idea she started liking One Direction because we grew up liking only West Life Songs. She even told me she only wanted West Life from the beginning until the end of her wedding. But, I guess some things changed and had to be rearranged. And just like the West Life songs, I became part of the rearrangement.

"She's so lovely..." I heard Ralph say. But, he didn't have to tell me because I already knew that.

Slowly, regally and gracefully, Alexis walked down the aisle.

Author's Note: For those who read this before the revision, I actually added things.

Thanks for sticking around, hope I could hear from you.


himesamaC ♥

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