I know you're the one Part 4

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I know you’re the one

Part 4

“Good morning beautiful!” A voice called through the room as I opened my eyes. I looked at the clock it was 9am, I must have fallen back to sleep after being morning sick. As I sat up in bed, I saw Liam holding a tray.

“Thought I might bring you breakfast in bed!” He smiled.

“You know what? You are the best boyfriend in the world!” I replied. He winked and handed me the tray. I patted the space next to me as he sat down after handing me the tray.

“Thank you so much Liam!” I said as I tucked in to my breakfast.

“Anything for my girl!” He replied placing one around my shoulder then nicking my bacon.

“Hands of Mr!” I laughed.

A few hours later me and Liam started setting up everyone’s beds for the weekend. It didn’t take long, then there was a knock at the door.

“Liam can you get that?” I called from the kitchen.

“I’m going!” He replied. I heard the door creak open, then about 1 minute later I heard laughter. My only guess was that Andy and Maz had arrived. I went over to the fridge and got a few drinks out for the boys, as I did I hear footsteps behind me.

“Samuels, Listhrop, Payne, what ever you three are planning I wouldn’t take the risk right now.” I said closing the fridge door.

“Damn! Why does she always know its us?” Maz questioned.

“I know you boys to well.” I laughed handing them a can of Coca-Cola each.

“How are you any Mollie?” Andy asked.

“I’m very well thanks, how about you?” I asked.

“We’re both great, how’s the little one? Not long now ay?” Maz questioned.

“Yeah, only a few more weeks! Think I’m fit to burst any time soon!” I joked.

“Has Liam been a good boy?” Andy joked.

“Liam’s always a good man; he’s my favourite boy…for now anyway.” I giggled. Then there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it this time!” I smiled.

I walked to the front door and opened it. A huge smile appeared on my face, it was my mum and dad, with my sister Jenny along with Liam’s parents and sister Amy.

“Mum, dad, Jenny!” I smiled hugging them all.

“Missed you so much sis!” Jenny whispered.

“I’ve missed you more!” I replied as I pulled away.


“Did Andy and Maz get here alright?” Liams mum asked.

“Yeah there just in the kitchen.” I answered; suddenly Liam came out the kitchen with a big smile on his face.

“Mum, dad, Amy!” He smiled. He hugged them all then we walked n to the kitchen and I switch the kettle on.

“How you been then hunny?” Mum asked.

“I’ve been fine, Liam’s been a big help.” I said smiling at Liam.

“Has Liam been taking care of you then?” Liams dad asked.

“He’s been the best boyfriend ever, he’ll sure make a brilliant dad!” I giggled cuddling in to Liam with my cup of tea.

Later that evening, everyone sat down in the living room and got chatting. My best friend Jo had also arrived, she was running late because she missed her train. I’d known Jo for many years now and she’d always been there for me. She had blonde hair with blue eyes and was always up for a laugh. It was nice to have Jo around; she knew all my family, the boys, Liam, Maz and Andy, so she was like family. When everyone got chatting Liam and Maz got in a play fight on the floor, they were such kids. Liam started bleeding, so I stopped them.

“Come on, lets get you cleaned up Mr!” I said leading Liam out to the kitchen. Liam rested him self against the side as I dug out the first aid kit.

“Its always you isn’t it.” I said as I dabbed his lip cleaning away the blood.

“Ouch!” He mumbled.

“Yeah, I know!” He added.

“Having to patch you up like this reminds me of the day you asked me out in high school. Remember when you got in that fight and I stayed with you all day at the hospital while you got patched up.” I smiled.

“Always remember that, brings back memories.” He whispered getting closer to me. He pressed his lips against mine and I kissed back. I felt so lucky to have Liam right now <3

I Know You're The One - A Liam Payne FanficWhere stories live. Discover now