I know you're the one Part 13

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I know you’re the one

Part 13

The line went dead and I slid down the wall, tears pouring down my cheeks. I thought, for once, things might have brightened up after Taylor had appeared, but I was wrong. The one thing I found weird was how Lou, Harry, Afton and Kitty ended up in hospital the same day as Jo, could it be leading to me? I managed to wipe my tears and walk slowly back inside. When I walked back inside, I saw Liam standing looking in to Kittys room.

“Any news?” I asked, Liam shock his head.

“What was the phone call about?” He asked.

“It was the police; they found Jo beaten up in her flat. She is such a bad condition, there not even sure if she’ll make it.” I cried.

“Oh baby girl, come here.” He said pulling me in for a hug.

“Where’s Charlie?” I asked.

“Over there, I managed to get him to sleep.” He replied pointing over to the chairs behind us. Charlie didn’t seem to care about what was going on around him, that inside I was slowly falling to pieces.

Hours passed and we finally got some news on Afton, Kitty, Louis and Harry. The doctors had said they would be able to all come out of unconsciousness over the next few days, which was good. We had spoken to the police and they said they’d pop by the hospital later tonight, just to question us all so they could come to the conclusion of who might have done it. It wasn’t long before there was a police officer walking down the hall.

“Hello there, I’m looking for Mollie Allen.” He said.

“That would be me…” I replied my voice shaking.

“I’m afraid we have some bad news.” He said. I felt tears fill my eyes, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hear any more bad news or not.

“Say it…please…” I begged as a tears streamed down your face.

“Your mum has been knifed, we don’t know if she’ll survive or not….” He replied. My head dropped in to my hand, tears poured down my face. How could this be happening?

*Liams POV*

Seeing Mollie in tears like this was horrible. It was heartbreaking to see her falling apart, I just wanted to see her smile and know that everything’s ok. I held her close and let her cry in to my chest.

“Could we please interview you Mollie? We would also like to question the rest of you in a moment.” The officer asked. She pulled away, dried her tears and nodded.

“Can Liam come with me?” She asked.

“Of course he can.” He replied.

“Me and Rosie will look after Charlie for you.” Zayn said.

“Thanks mate.” I said as we both got up.

*Mollies POV*

Liam held me close as we walked down the hallway to be questioned by the police officer. I was so scared, I just hope everything worked out well. My heart raced as we entered the room, sitting down I started to shake.

“Mollie, we are going to ask you a few questions about your parents, Jo, Afton, Kitty, Louis and Harry. But before we start, may I just inform you that Taylor escaped from his cell this morning. We have decided to postpone the court case, people are out looking for him and we think this is how everything happened today.” He said slowly. It made me cry even more, how could Taylor do all this? The questioned piled in; I tried my best to answer. But for once things looked like they could be brightening up and maybe things could be better than expected!

I Know You're The One - A Liam Payne FanficWhere stories live. Discover now