I know you're the one Part 14

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I know you’re the one

Part 14

2 weeks past and things seemed to be getting better than they were.  Afton, Louis, Harry and Kitty had all pulled through and were back on there feet, Jo was back home as well but was still covered in a few brusies and my mum…she was the luckiest person alive. It was nice to see everyone back on there feet and alive, even if mum was in a wheel chair! But today, I had to go to court. I was dreading it, but it was for a good reason.

I felt someone lightly shaking my shoulders, I rolled over to Liams side of the bed and saw him sat there smiling with Charlie snuggled in to him.

“Good morning sweetie!” He smiled.

“Good morning!” I replied sleepily.

“Some ones still tired!” He said.

“It’s not my fault Charlie kept me up crying last night!” I groaned.

“Well he’s up now, so he won’t cause you as much trouble.” Liam replied, then Charlie started to cry.

“I think some one wants a cuddle with there mummy!” Liam smiled handing Charlie to me.

“Liam, could you get his bottle for me please?” I asked.

“Sure, anything for you!” He replied kissing me on the cheek.

“I love you Liam!” I whispered. He winked, then wondered out the room.

A few hours passed and we arrived at court for Taylor’s court case. It scared me so much not knowing what was going to happen, I just wanted to get it all over and done with. After arriving, we were soon called in to the court. I was called up first to be questioned. Questions poured in from Taylor’s lawyer and I was so close to tears. But it was soon Taylors turn, I gave him an un convincing look as he approached the stand. He answered every question with a lie, I couldn’t stand it. I was so close to walking out, when I had the guts to get up.

“I object!” I said standing up.

“Why is that?” The judge asked.

“Everything Taylor is saying is lies, every sentence, every answer and every word.” I replied getting closer to Taylor.

“Continue….” The judge said.

“Taylor…how could you lie! Do you see what you’ve done? Who you’ve hurt? What you’re doing?” I questioned. There was a silence between everyone.

“When you look out to that crowd right now, who do you see?” I asked him

“Friends, family…” He said.

“You know what I see…my friends, my family, that have been knifed, beaten and close to death because of my own brother. My brother, who I looked up to, cared for me, understood me. But you know what? That’s not the person standing here right now. The person standing in front of me, isn’t my brother, he’s a killer. You, yes you Taylor, attempted murder, threaten people and even tried to kill your own family.” I said slyly.

“Taylor, where’s that person I thought was my brother? The one that was there for me when I was upset, when I need help…” Tears filled my eyes, I couldn’t take it anymore. The pain was just to much. I raced out of the court and out of the building, sitting my self on the steps outside the court.

I sat there in silience, waiting for something to happen, watching the world go by. It was heartbreaking knowing that Taylor did all this, he could have broken our family apart. After a while I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey…” The voice said, it was Liam.

“What happened there?” He asked.

“Things just got a bit to much for me, it was heartbreaking seeing Taylor up there.” I replied.

“Mollie, he’s here for a reason…but he wants to talk to you, Taylor that is. After you walked out, he got a bit upset. He needs to see you.” Liam said.

“This better be for a good reason.” I answered standing up.

We both walked back inside and in to the court room. Me and Taylor were taken out to a private room in the court. We sat opposite each other, there was a silence between us.

“Mollie…” Taylor started.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said out there. I think its about time I changed.” He added.

“You don’t say, its not like you’ve tried to kill any one!” I replied sarcastically.

“Listen, please Mollie.” He begged.

“I was quite touched by what you said, it made me want to change and be the person I was. The judge spoke to me for a moment and said that if I could go back to the person I was, where nothing was like this, then he would shorten my sentence.” He added.

“How?” I asked.

“I’ll do at least 3 to 4 years in prison and 1 and ½ of community service. And if I change, I might be able to visit and go out on days. I want to do this for you Mollie, to prove I can change. Things were never meant to be this way. All I want to do is see you grow up, I want to see Charlie more and be able to spend time with him. I want to watch my sister and her family grow and see my sister become an adult.” Tears filled my eyes and streamed down my cheeks.

“You would do that for me?” I asked through my tears.

“Yes I would, I want to see my sister become a women, an adult, just like she has done. All I’ve done was wrong and now I just want to prove to people, I’ve changed and I deserve this punishment.” He cried. I stood up and hugged him tight, that was the Taylor I knew. For once things were getting better.

I Know You're The One - A Liam Payne FanficWhere stories live. Discover now