I know you're the one Part 6

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I know you’re the one

Part 6

“What are you doing here Taylor?” I spat. Taylor was my older brother, he was a few years older than me but since I was about 14 I haven’t seen him. Why? No not because he ran away because he attempted to kill me. My mum chucked him out and we ended up going to court because of it all. Ever since I haven’t seen him, but I won’t be seeing him for much longer.

“Nice to see ya sis! Thought I might pop by and say hello, long time since I’ve seen you. ” He replied stepping in the door with an un-convincing smile on his face.

“Taylor get out now, I don’t need you here right now!” I said raising my voice slightly.

“Ohh! You scared I’m gonna hurt you and your precious little baby.” He joked.

“I don’t want you near me, Liam, our baby or any of the family.” I replied.

I placed my hand on my baby bump, I was getting scared now. What if Taylor did something to me that might hurt the baby? What if it was like that dream I had the other night?

“Well I better be careful then, don’t want anything happening to your precious little UN born baby.” He smirked.

“I don’t want anything happening!” I said my voice was getting louder.

“Oh don’t you worry, I’m still out to get you!” He smiled.

“GET OUT!” I screamed.

Suddenly everyone came rushing in to the hall way from different directions.

“Mollie, baby, is everything ok?” Liam asked worried.

“Taylor…” I said weakly as a tear escaped from my eye. Liam walked over to me a pulled me in for a hug.

“Taylor what are you doing here? You know you shouldn’t be anywhere near Mollie.” My dad said firmly.

“I just thought I’d pay a visit and see how her and her precious little family were doing.” He grinned.

“I know what you’re thinking Taylor; get out now before anyone gets hurt.” Mum said. There was a silence in the room, no one moved or said a word.

“Taylor, I don’t want you anywhere near my girl. She deserves everything she has right now and I’m sure she doesn’t want to lose the baby or anyone around her. Can you just leave before anyone gets hurt?” Liam asked.

“I’ll be back don’t you worry!” Taylor smirked.

He walked out the door and slammed the door shut. Everyone sighed of relief as I cried in to Liam. I was shaking violently still, I was just glad he was gone.

“Come on, lets sit you down baby girl. You’ve had enough of your hands these past few months.” Liam said leading me in to the living room.

“Is everything ok now?” Jenny asked.

“Yeah, I’m just glad he’s gone.” I said.

“Don’t worry baby girl, everything will be alright. I’ll serve up dinner, you sit and relax with the girls you deserve it.” Liam whispered. I looked Liam in the eyes and smiled at him.

“I love you so much!” I smiled. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips in front of everyone. I was lucky to have everyone around me right now <3

I Know You're The One - A Liam Payne FanficWhere stories live. Discover now