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Your POV
I was sitting on the couch waiting for Shawn to come back from hanging with the guys. It's been like 9 hours and he's still not here.

I'm starting to get worried, shawn walked through the door and went straight upstairs. I followed him into the room. "Why did you come home so late." I asked.

"Because I felt like it." He said rudely. "You dont have to be rude." I said. "Well then dont ask me questions." He said raising his voice. "You don't have to yell." I said getting a little pissed.

"You don't have to fucking question me all the time!" He yelled. "I do that because I care about your safety and if you yell at me again you're sleeping on the couch." I yelled this time.

"I'm not sleeping on the couch,you are." He yelled. "No I'm not." I said. "You know what fuck you, you dumb bitch I'm leaving." He said walking a out the bedroom door and the front door.

The words he said hurt me so much, I laid down on the bed and cried myself to sleep.

~2 hours later~
I woke up to arms around me, I turned around and saw shawn with tear stained cheeks. I tried to get out of his grip but it got tighter. "Please don't leave me." He sobbed hugging me even tighter.

"Those things you said really hurt me." I said tearing up a little from the sight of him crying. "I k-know and I'm s-sorry baby please don't leave." He said between breaths.

"Shawn chill, I'm not leaving." I said rubbing his back to calm him down. "Baby, I'm so sorry." He said calming down a bit. "It's okay just don't do it again." I said. "Okay I won't." He said kissing me hard.

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