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Your POV
Me and Shawn where arguing over dumb shit again. "I saw you with him and you looked like you were having a whole lot of fun." He said.

"Oh, so now I can't have fun with my friends now, u have fun with your friends, quick are girls and you don't see me like that." I said defending myself.

"Do you see be laughing and shit with them." He said. "You know what Shawn, I don't have time for this shit." I said. "Fuck you and your fucking friends." He said walking out.

My heart shattered, how could he say that, I can't even hang out with my friends ugh.

*2 hours later*
I was sitting on the couch watching TV, then I got a phone call. "Hello, is this Ms. L/N." "Yes this is She, who's this." I asked. "This is one of the nurses from the down town hospital." My heart stopped.

"What's wrong." I asked with worry. "Um your boyfriend Shawn Mendes was in a horrific car accident, he might not make it, we need you here immediately." She said. It felt like the whole world had froze.

This can't be true, he was just here a two hours ago. I jumped up and got my keys and bag and ran out the door.  When I got there I ran straight to the front desk. "I'm here for Shawn Mendes." I said. "Third floor room 3." After she said that I ran straight upstairs.

I got to his room and my heart broke even more, seeing him on that hospital bed it's just heartbreaking. I went to his side. He had a breathing tube on, cuts and bruises all over that beautiful face of his, over a stupid fight.

I broke down, he wouldn't be here if he just let me explain what happened. I knelt down to him, "Shawn, please wake up baby boy I need you here, I really do, just wake up so I can explain what happen, I would never hurt you and you know that, please get up." I said while tears dripping down my face.

I put my head down sobbing while holding his hand. Then I felt a squeeze on mine, I looked up and his eyes where open, those beautiful hazel eyes. "I know." He said faintly.

I jumped up and hugged him so hard. "I'm sorry y/n, it was stupid of me to accuse you of that." He said. "Oh baby don't worry about that right now, you just need to heal." I said. I called the nurse in and she checked Shawn up and gave him his pain medication.

Then she went out, a couple minutes later the doctor came in. "Hello Mr. Mendes, how we feeling?" He asked. "My ribs hurt and head." He said.

"Well I have some good news and bad news, you're going to have to stay about a week, and the good news is you only have one bruised rib." He said.

"Thank you." We said at the same. He nodded his head and left. "I'm so happy you're. " I said kissing him. "I'm happy I get to see my princess another  day." He said, I hugged him and we cuddled for the rest of the night.

A/n: This sucked 😂

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