You have a nightmare

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Requested by MendesGrimes16
Your POV
I'm going over my best friend of 10 years house for a little sleep over, we are going to have a movie night and eat snacks. Knowing Shawn he will choose a scary movies and I'm gonna have very bad nightmares, but anytime hanging out with him is fun.

I just got out of the Uber my mom called for me, I walked up to Shawn's door and before I could even knock he opened it and crushed me with a loving hug. "Wow, someone is excited to see me." I said laughing. "Well duh, I haven't seen you in forever." He said smiling. "Shawn it's literally been 24 hours since we last seen each other." I said laughing again. "Exactly way too long." He said smiling even wider.

We made our way to the living room to his couch, "so what do you want to do first?" He asked me, since it's still early in the day and we need to kill time before we start the movie. "I want Starbucks and Jimmy John's." I responded to him and seen his face light up. "Did you just read my mind?!" He said giggling a little bit. "I guess I did, what can I say great minds think alike." I said giggling as well.

We made our way to the two food places and got the exact same order because like I said before, great minds think alike, also because Shawn is a copy cat.

We made our way back the house to start the movie, "so what scary movie do you want to watch?" He asked me already knowing the answer, "you know I don't want to watch a scary movie." I responded rolling my eyes. "That's why I asked." He said laughing, I just rolled my eyes again.

We ended up watching IT and Shawn knows for a fact that I absolutely dislike clowns, I don't like clowns more than Shawn doesn't like tomatoes. He just loves to mess with me.

We were in the middle of the movie where Pennywise came out of the refrigerator and twisted up creepy, I saw Shawn look over at me and laugh so I took a pillow and threw it at his head. "Ow what was that for?!" He asked loudly, "I saw you laughing at me you jerk face." I said pouting, he just laughed some more. The movie was finally over and I could try to go to sleep.

Nightmare section
I woke up and all I saw was a dark room with a very dim light I tried to move but I would not budge, I looked down and saw ropes tied around me and my legs. I started looking around the room and  saw Shawn on the other end of it. "Shawn, are you okay?!" I asked him.

"You have to be quiet so he won't hear you." He said just above a whisper. "So who won't hear me?" I asked. Then out of nowhere a tall ass clown popped in front of my face. "So I won't hear you hot stuff." Pennywise said doing that ugly ass laughing of his. "Whatever you do, do not hurt him."  I said.

He did his laugh once again, "you shouldn't have let me know you care for him, now I will have to kill him first." And with that he ran over to Shawn and started to eat his face, I just screamed and screamed for him to stop but he didn't.
Story line section
I screamed and shot up out of the couch, "Y/n what's wrong?!" Shawn screamed while holding me. I just hugged him and started crying, "thought you were gone." I said still crying. "No no I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." He said hugging me back right.

"I love you Shawn." I blurted out. He looked shocked at first, but then smiled. "I love you too y/n." He said back and kissed me. "Wow, you have no idea how long I wanted to do that." He said with a little chuckle. Who know a nightmare could get me the boy of my dreams.

A/n: Hoped you liked it Hannah💞

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