Sick Baby

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Shawn's POV
The daily alarm went off and I groaned to turn it off but something felt different. I had this splitting head and I was hot and cold at the same time, I didn't want to wake y/n up because she looked so peaceful and cute, I just tried going back to sleep.

Your POV
I woke up to a very warm feeling Shawn and got a little bit worried, I turned around to see him sweating like there's no tomorrow and immediately woke him up. He groaned and opened his eyes a little bit. "Hey hun, you alright?" I asked him softly while stroking his hair.

He lightly shook his head no holding his little stuffed lion Leo, he look so cute like a giant little baby. " I think you gave the flu again love." I told him, he just groaned again and put his head in the pillow. "I'll go get you some medicine from the last time ok." I told him and he just shook his head lightly.

I came back with the medicine and a spoon and he poked his bottom lip out, I poured the medication in the spoon, "open up" I told him and he shook his head no. I gave him a stern look and he still shook his head no, I put the medicine down. "Ok fine since you won't take your meds, I'll take Leo." I said taking the stuffed lion from his arms, he had a face mixed with sadness and anger but I didn't care.

"You need to at least eat then, why do you want?" I asked him. "Muffin" He said blankly, "Nope, you don't want to take your medicine, so no muffins or Leo until you do." I said in all seriousness, he rolled his eyes. "But the medicine taste weird." He said, "You just gotta deal with it bub." I told him. "Fine, just give me the damn medicine." He said snatching the spoon from me.

"Sassy much" I said to myself, he took the medicine and made the cutest stank face, I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Now was that so hard?" I asked him, "Yea it kinda was." He said. I gave him back Leo and headed downstairs to make him some soup.

I came back up with his food and a muffin on the side to make him happy, when he saw the plate, his face lit up so much, boy was he cute. I gave him the plate and he ate up the food pretty quickly. When he was done I set the dishes on the nightstand and cuddled with my sick baby. A couple minutes later, he went to sleep.
Still your POV
I woke up to the sound of crying and whimpering, I looked over and seen Shawn tossing and turning in his sleep. Then it turned into screaming, I started to shake him so he came wake up, he shot up and started looking around and when he saw me he relaxed and hugged me tightly. "Baby what happened?!" I asked him in worry, "You died in my dream by getting hit by a car." He told him with his head buried in my chest.

"Aw hun, it was just a dream, I'm right here." I said trying to calm him down by rubbing his hair. He calmed a little and Laid back down. So did I, I also cuddled his head to my chest again so my chin was on top of his head. "I love you baby, thanks for taking care of me." Shawn whispered. "It's my job, we got each other's back." I said kissing his head once more before we both drifted off into another sleep.

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