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Requested by Shannon1300
Your POV
Shawn is going away in a few weeks to shoot a video for one of his new songs off his album, the song is called "Nervous", no pun intended but I am completely nervous to see this video come out because I haven't gotten over the "There's Nothing Holding Me Back" video.

I was trying not to be mean to Shawn after the video, but I haven't kissed him in three weeks when he came back from shooting it, he was upset but I wanted to make sure that girls lips was off of my mans.

Now that he's about to leave again for another shoot, I want to spend everyday with him, but by him being busy that's making it pretty hard. I love Shawn with all my heart, but his career makes it hard a points, but I will fight through it because I love Shawn and that is all that matters to me.

When he comes home he goes right to sleep, sometimes he cuddles me and other times he just sleep, that's what he's been doing for the last weeks I had left with him, it hurt my feelings a little bit, but I know he's tired.

*A few weeks later*

Today is the day that Shawn has to leave for his shoot and I'm really sad obviously, but I'm good at hiding my feelings. Shawn came down with his suitcase and guitar.

I gave him a week smile and he ran over to hug me, he picked me up and spun me around. "I'm gonna miss you princess." He said before giving me a long kiss. "I'm sorry that we couldn't hang out as much, but I promise you I'll call everyday." He said giving me another tight hug.

I smiled and nodded while trying to hold back some of my tears, but I failed poorly. "Hey don't cry, you're gonna make me cry." He said wiping my tears. I just hugged him tight one last time, "I'll see you soon baby." He said walking out the door.

Shawn's POV
It's been two weeks since I have seen y/n and it's killing me. Calling isn't doing enough for me anymore, I want to physically touch her and cuddle her.

I was about to call her but Andrew called me to set, it was the part of the video where the girl was rubbing all over my body and neck. We did this part multiple times and I'm hating it more and more as we go. They was she was rubbing me made me so uncomfortable, I wanted y/n to do this to me.

"Alright that's enough!" I screamed and stormed out of the room. I went to my dressing room. "Shawn what was that?!" Andrew asked pretty upset. "I'm not letting her touch me again." I said bluntly.

"Well we need you, your the main part obviously." Andrew said. "I want y/n to replace her or I'm not doing the video." I told him. "Why can't you just keep the actress." He asked me. "You hear what I said." I told him one again. He just walked off ( little does Shawn know, you were already on your way there)

Your POV
Andrew called me and told me that Shawn was being a baby when it came to the girl touching him, he asked me to come right away and play the role, of course I said yes. After the phone call I was dancing around while packing me things.

*Later on that day*
I just got to the hotel that Shawn was staying in, I made my way to the room and got ready to surprise him. I called Andrew and told him I was here.

He came and got me to surprise Shawn. We made our way to the set and I was so excited. "I'm glad you're here so he can stop babying." He said and I laughed. When we got there he snuck me past the set to Shawn dressing room.

I stayed in the dressing room til Shawn came in, he walked in and he must of didn't see me because he sat right in his chair, but the thing was I was sitting in the chair. I screamed and then he screamed, "what the fu-y/n!" He jumped up and hugged me so tight.

"Okay okay let go before I die." I told him he just laughed and put me down, I wiped tears he had rolling down his face, he just gave me the biggest kiss ever. Man I love this boy.

"What are you doing here!" He asked. "Well Andrew told me you were being a big baby and he asked me to come, so here I am." I told him. He just looked at me.

"Don't just stand there, let's get this video going." I said walking off. We got to the shoot and we did what we needed to do. When the shoot was over we looked through the footage and we looked good.

"You look snackish." I said looking at Shawn, he just smiled at me and picked me up. "We'll be back in a minute Andrew." Shawn said and Andrew just face palmed knowing what we were gonna do.

A/n: hoped you liked it, had to make a boring beginning so it could be long.

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