It's me or Him

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Your POV
Shawn has been acting very weird lately and I don't know why. We have been best friends for four years and we talked everyday since. It all changed though when I met Nick, he would text me less, call me less, he even stopped coming to my house.

Nick is my boyfriend of four months and I love him dearly, but sometimes he could be a pain. I've have a huge crush on Shawn for two years but that all change because I knew he wouldn't love somebody like me, plus I didn't want it ruining our friendship.

Shawn and I used to go to the movies every Sunday to see what's out, we used to go to Starbucks every Monday to try new drinks. We'd also go bowling every Wednesday, but it all stopped when I met Nick.

Don't get me wrong I love Nick to death, he buys me nice things, he hypes me up, he'd even help me with my personal problems, but I feel like something missing in our relationship. He's very snappy sometimes and he screams at me a lot. Sometimes I feel like we are not made for each other.

I really miss my best friend, but he distance his self from me and I don't know why. Does he not like Nick? Is he jealous? Whatever the problem is I need to fix it fast.

I text Shawn earlier today to see how he is doing since we haven't really hung out since I started dating Nick and I hate that dearly. I didn't want him to feel left out and I told him that, but he said it would be best. He hasn't texted back yet and I'm really starting to feel hurt by this.

Does Shawn not like me anymore? Has he found someone better? I really just want my best friend back.

2 months go by

Nick and I are now six months in the relationship and I'm starting to begin to hate it, he is so mean to me at times, he calls me names, he looks at other girls body when I'm right in front of him. He even called me fat multiple times and said that he could do better.

To be completely honest I don't know why we are still dating. It feels like I'm trapped waiting for someone to save me, maybe Shawn can be that someone.

Shawn and I have been taking a little bit more and I'm very happy of that, but Nick doesn't like it. I still haven't seen Shawn yet. Going six months without seeing your bestie really freaking sucks. I really need to fix things between us.

When Shawn told he wanted to distance his self, I didn't know he met this. I have been very down lately without him in my life. I started to starve myself and delete lots of pictures off my Instagram because I hate how they look.

I want to break up with Nick so bad but I just can't, I don't have the freaking guts to. Maybe I could do something to make him break up with me. I don't think Nick loves me anymore anyways, he says he does but I think it's complete bullshit.

3 weeks later

I was at home watching cake off on Netflix when I got a call from Shawn, I got really excited because I haven't talked to him in a while. "Hello" I said very calmly but inside I was freaking out. "Hey y/n, I want you to meet me at the park tonight at 8 okay." With that he hung up. Okay that was really weird, but I have nothing better to do.

Nick is at a three week trip at Fiji with his job. I didn't want to go because I needed some space from him anyway.

Time skip

It's 8 on the dot and I'm making my way to the park right now. I see Shawn in the swing ad make my way over. "Hey" I said very faint. "Hey" He said back. This was very awkward because I haven't seen him in six freaking months. " I've missed so much." He said and got up and gave me a bone crushing hug.

I enjoyed it but I'm still upset with him for leaving me. "Well it's your fault that you left me." I said in a sad tone. "I know but I just that couldn't bare to see you with him, I knew he wasn't right for you from jump street, that's why I called you to come here." He said.

"So you called me to come to the park just to tell me how shitty my boyfriend is?" I asked him. "No, I came here to tell you that it's either me or him, I know it sounds selfish but I really love you y/n and it kills me everyday that your not mine, I want to show you that I'm better than him." I looked at Shawn in shock.

"So you're making me choose between my best friend and boyfriend?" I asked again and he shook his head. "I know I can treat you better than he can." He said looking deep into my eyes, his face inches away from him.

I leaned in and kissed him on the lips, his lips are so soft and sweet, I immediately felt a spark between us. "I'll choose you forever." I said and he just smiled and kissed me again.

Time skip

Turns out that Nick was staying in Fiji forever and he broke up with me over the phone, which was fine because I told him I'm with Shawn now.

Speaking of Shawn, our routine is back and I love it so much. We are obviously dating now and I feel complete. He was my other half all along.

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