Stay Grand { Re and Zayn }

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I kept on shifting my position as I waited for something, anything actually as long as its related to that beautiful golden ticket. No, its not for American Idol. Its for the ticket for those lucky girls who can spend a day with One Direction. Not like I was hoping, which I actually am. But there are thousands of girls hoping they would get one of the 25 people to be chosen and its a huge luck if I was a part of it.

I checked my email, phone and even our mailbox but its almost nightime and still nothing. I felt sad and a bit broken by my failed expectations. Why was I even hoping in the first place? 

The front door opens and Mom comes in carrying a bunch of shopping bags. I help her place them on the kitchen table. "Have you been up to some weird things lately?" she asked.

"Why say so? Because I look depressed. Don't worry Mum, I'm not doing drugs." I said as I took a peek inside the bags for something ready to eat and I found a coke can.

"Not that. Someone called me a while ago. Something about you winning something. I told them I wasn't info-" I just literally choked on the coke I was drinking.

"What did you just say? I won? Something? What is it? Tell me! Tell me!" I jumped up and down and she just rolled her eyes on me.

"Fine. Its something about a golden ticket. Congatulations. Blah Blah. For further information, contact this..." she held our her phone for me to see. My heart was going to jump out of my chest and do a happy dance. I took her phone and contacted the number shown.

It may be weeks from now but I can't help to feel excited. People might laugh at the fact that I can die after I see a certain group of british boys but they'll never understand what Directioners do.


I kept on shifting my position on the plane. Gladly, my Mom allowed me to go with my older brother Henry and not her, no offense but she is kind of a stage mom. It was a 3 hour flight to London and this is the first time I'm ever going to another country. I hope they could notice me but sometimes I doubt they will, dirty blonde hair that matches my brown eyes and freckles scattered around my cheeks that were covered in foundation.

I was more of the normal. But even if I just go home with their signatures on my deluxe edition albums and a picture, I definitely had the time of my life. This will indeed keep flashing on my mind till the day I die.

"We're about to land Re, put your seatbelt on," my brother told me. I had to do all the chores for the whole week just for him to come with me. Stupid siblings.

I felt my stomach get left out in the air as the plane descended. That feeling like you were in an elevator. When the stewardess opened the door out, everyone started to take their things and so did we.

My first step on London, pretty freaking cool. The same woman who contacted me regarding the golden ticket was there waiting for us. I know cause she was holding out my name in a piece of paper in the lobby. I went to her while my brother took our things. 

"Hello Ms. Re, my name is Stephanie Cale as you may know. This must be your brother." she shaked my brothers hand and I can see Henry stiffen. No doubt about that, Stephanie was just the same age as Henry's and she was a very beautiful lady.

"I can't wait," I said because I just couldn't. She smiled at me and we went to where her car was parked. As we walked, all could hear were squeeking shoes and a lot of british accents which I wasn't really familiar with.

"More of the participants are coming later tonight, I'm in charge of five of you so I couldn't stay with you for a long time. This is Horatio, he will lead you to where you will stay," Stephanie said and she muttered goodbye. I acknowledged the driver and we both went inside.

1D One Shots For You { Book 2 } openWhere stories live. Discover now