Part 5

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Part 5

"She was haunting his dreams in the prettiest of ways"

Selena's POV

I quickly run behind Justin as he ignores my presence.

Ugh, he can be so confusing sometimes.

And I've known him my entire life.

Wow, I know unbelievable.

But this happened when your parents know each other, and you go to the same kindergarten.

And high school.

And after-school clubs.

I glance at him. "Selly, can you pick me up?" Jasmine asks, pulling the bottom of my dress and I nod, suddenly feeling weak myself.

Probably cause of the death glare Justin was giving me.

I scratch my neck. "Sure Jazzy" I smile at her and place her on my waist. I go to the kitchen seeing Mom and Pattie laughing with each other.

Wow, I wish me and Justin could get along like that.

Wait actually never mind.

I sheepishly smile. "Oh hey, Pattie was just telling me how adorable Justin was when he was a little baby" Mom coos as I look at Justin to him playfully glaring at his mom.

Haha, I can't really imagine Justin ever being adorable at all.

Yeah that's because you think he's hot. Whaaat, Shut up brain.

I giggle. "So what are we eating?" I ask mom as I hear my stomach growling for food.

Justin mumble. "Does it matter, you could eat a whole house worth of food" Justin whispers, pulling me towards him.

Well jokes on him because I totally would.

I roll my eyes. "Well, me and Pattie made pasta with Taco's" mom says and my eyes glance at the food.

I can already feel my mouth watering.

I let out a quiet moan, and I didn't realise Justin was glancing at me

"Yay" I hear Jazzy and Jaxon scream causing me to wince as they're really close to me. I place Jazzy on the chair while Justin does the same with Jaxon.

My mum and Pattie sat together and there're only 2 chairs left which are RIGHT BESIDE EACH OTHER.

I glance at Justin. "Well, I guess we're sitting next to each other, could life get any worse?" I hear Justin groan and sits on one of the chair.

Yep took the words right out my mouth.

I gulp. "Selena sit next to Justin" Pattie smiles at me and I sheepishly smile back with a hesitant nod.

I bite my lip."Yeah he won't bite" my mum laughs and I shake my head with a fake laugh.

Actually, I'm pretty sure he will. 

I mentally groan and sit next to Justin. He looks at me with a smirk then grabs a plate putting pasta in it.

Wait thinking about food....

Where's dad?

Suddenly a voice pops in. "Hey everybody.... oooo food" Dad says, walking into the kitchen and we all look at him instantly breaking into laughter.

We all look at his clothes. "Dad why do you look like you just had a mud slide?" I ask with a laugh and he frowns, looking down at himself.

I mean all of his clothes are just dripped in mud.

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