Sarah Walkins

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Sarah's outfit /\
Sarah's POV
Hi I'm Sarah, Aka the most sexy girl to ever Walk the Earth! I get everything I want and am the most popular girl ever! I get called an airhead and a slut but they are just jealous. I mean I'm drop dead gorgeous! I have platinum blonde hair (dyed) and blue eyes(contacts)👱🏻‍♀️! I have slept with every guy in the school except for one... Will Solace. We would be the cutest couple ever and would totes be prom king and queen! Today I plan to ask him out at Lunch!
So anyway, I like am like not listening to Mr Brunners Myths and legends class. Will is like.... totes the best so when he is my boyfriend he will do all my homework for me!!!!

Time skip to lunch:
Wills POV
I am sitting in the cafeteria eating my lunch whilst chatting with Annabeth(they only sent 2 demigods per school) and my mortal friends Archie and Lillian, When the school slut Sarah strutted towards us. She then purred, "Hey William, do ya wanna like, come to my house tonight, my parents are like always out!". Before I could realise what had just happened, Annabeth was yelling at her"You stupid slut! How dare you try take one of friends on a date! By the way, he's TAKEN! I hope that wasn't too much for your tiny brain to handle!"

Sarah's POV
OMG! How dare that Annabitch tell me off! I'm the queen bee of this school and no one argues with me! I have to ask will when he is on his own. I know! After school! Because he isn't taken, he would have like, told me about this girl. If it's Annabitch, I will get my daddy to sue the school for letting people steal MY boy! (I don't think you can do that gurl)
Timeskip named Zöe can see the Stars

5 minutes left until I score a date! Like this is totes Awesome! I have a detention tomorrow for my 'Skimpy Outfit', but it is worth it so I can get Will to be mine! "RING RING RING" YAY! School is Over! I strut over to Will, and Say in my most sexy voice(read nails down a chalkboard) " Hey Babe, my house at 7 Ok!" Will then says "No thanks, my friends are picking me up today!" I ask if I can meet them. He says I can. Maybe his girlfriend will be there and I can show him how much better I am!

Suddenly, I see a stretch limousine pull up. Annabeth and Will walk up to it casually. No way is this theirs! 7 teens exit the limo. A hot guy with shaggy black hair and sea green eyes goes to kiss annabeth, so annabeth is not his girlfriend friend. A blond with electric blue eyes walks hand in hand with a Cherokee girl. A slightly younger African American girl gets out with a larger Asian dude behind her. One more couple comes out, A Latino elf and a beautiful girl with chestnut hair and almond eyes. "Guys, where is Neeks?" So his girl friend is probably called Nicole or something like that. Then the Latino yells into the limo" Death Breath! You boyfriends looking for you!" A short skinny emo comes out and kisses Will. On the lips! I begin to yell at Will and the boy." How dare you kiss MY boyfriend! Will is not gay! He would never love an emo idiot!" The boy then calmly says"1. I thought Will was my boyfriend." Will agrees with him "2. Last time I checked, Will was gay." The boy is very angry now. " I am not an emo idiot. I am Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades. They then got in the got in the car, and drove off.
They never came back to school but more importantly, I never got my Date with Will. A few days later, the Greek gods and goddesses revealed themselves. I guess Nico really is a son of Hades.

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