Spin the bottle

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"But Will...." Nico groaned, suddenly wishing that he hadn't gone to the annoyingly attractive son of Apollo.
Nico had been bored out of his mind, So he decided that maybe Will would have some idea of what to do.
Therefore, the brunette began to amble over to the infirmary. When he arrived, he saw the blond he had been looking for. That very same blond beamed when he saw Nico, as he had wanted to invite Nico to play spin the bottle with Jason, (who unbeknown to Will or Nico, was rigging the game), Leo, Percy, Piper, Annabeth and Calypso. Nico shuddered at the thought of playing such a game, because honestly, he had never had his first kiss, and didn't want it to go this way, but he couldn't say no to the blue eyed boy's puppy dog eyes. Will on the other hand, unbeknown to anyone at camp, had been raped, and had never kissed anyone after that. He wanted to kiss Nico and prove to himself that kissing wasn't just a way for people to break you down and to take advantage of you.
"C'mon neeks, how bad can it possibly be?" Will questioned. However the younger boy (Will is actually younger) had millions of possibilities of what could go wrong rushing through his mind.
"I-I-I just.... never mind, I'll go..." Concern filled the tall boy's eyes. The death boy that he knew would never give in that easily.
"Nico... it is completely up to you wether we go or not!" Will called out, but Nico was headed towards the Zeus cabin, determined not to show any fear because fear was weakness. He was a son of Hades, the almighty ghost king for god's sake! A ruler never showed fear or weakness, and he would have to toughen up and deal with that aspect of his role.The taller boy ran to catch up to Nico. By the time will had caught up to Nico, they were outside the son of Jupiter's far-from-humble abode. After a few knocks, Jason opened the squeaky door inwards and ushering the two boys in, eager to complete the plan he had spent months working on.
"YAY!!!!!" Jason screamed, sounding like an over excited toddler. "NOW WE'RE ALL HERE LET'S PLAY!"
Percy reached into a small looking back pack - which apparently was a lot bigger on the inside- and rummaged through it, pulling out some random items, including but not limited to, a Nemo plushy, a Miley Cyrus disk, a zebra striped vest (that one got a lot of laughter), and some home-brand sultana packs, before finally producing a empty, glass , water bottle as they all were minors in America.
The first few games were extraordinarily awkward, consisting of Annabeth and Jason kissing- which was more like- 'let's try and avoid touching each other's lips but still convincing the others- Then Jason and Piper making out, or they were until a certain Latino yelled out
"PDA ALERT! PDA ALERT!" All the players- bar Percy- had worked out by the small gust of wind at the end that that was Jason's doing. The next three were fairly normal, with not too much disgust, and they were Piper and Annabeth, Jason and Percy and then Calypso and Leo. As was earlier stated, Jason had rigged the game, and that explained why the two boys in question, Will and Nico, had not kissed anyone. The next turn however was Will, who when the seven found out about his crush on Nico, was invited (read; forced) into their small group. Will span the bottle, wishing that for once, his seemingly happy-go-lucky attitude and kindness might actually give him something in return, like the opposite of karma. For once, his luck did not seem to have worn thin. It landed on Nico, with a bit of help from Jason. The two boys slowly approached each other, looking deeply into each other's eyes. It was only a small peck on the lips, but that small kiss was the start of an incredible relationship.
Ok, Ok. I am 100% aware that it has been a century since I updated. I have had extreme writers block. Also, thank my friend hiorheyharold for this update, as she regularly updates her book, and that inspired me to actually get some writing done. I'd also like to encourage you to read my original book, Hope.

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