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As requested by SolangeloFanGirl0117 . As I mentioned I a previous chapter, Will got raped and this is going into a bit more depth on that.

Wills POV
I ran my hands through my curly mess of hair as I pace back and forth. That bloody bastard made me scared of love. Me and Nico have been dating for a few weeks, but I'm still afraid of contact, particularly in private . I know it seems like it should be vice versa, but I still haven't gotten over what happened during the second year I spent at camp.
I was walking back from the communal showers when someone pulled me aside. I couldn't make out exactly who this camper was, but I knew it was certainly a boy.
"Wha....What are you doing?" My small twelve year old self asked.
"Shush boy....." said a voice I recognised all too well. It was Ethan Namaruka, the unclaimed demigod in the Hermes Cabin. I tried to back away but he only tightened his grip around me.
"Don't run, pretty boy...." All I could think of was how I didn't know what the older, scarier boy was doing. I tried to scream but Ethan clamped a hand over my mouth.
"Don't be loud pretty boy, or the harpies will get us." This guy was a creep. A creep who later turned evil too.
I wanted to run so badly, but I couldn't. All of a sudden, Ethan started stripping off my shirt. I looked down, he was hard. I gulped. I may not have been the sharpest tool in the shed but I was aware enough to know what the dick head wanted. I couldn't run and I couldn't scream for help.
I remember him stripping off the remainder of my clothes until I was standing there, in the middle of the night, behind the shower block, naked and cold, seeing things and being forced into things no child needs nor wants to have to live with.
End of flashback
The horrors of that cold autumn night replayed on my head, like a bad tape stuck on repeat.
I know that I should just tell Nico what happened, and why I'm afraid, but I'm scared. He'll most likely think that I'm weak. The boy has survived the impossible, walked through Tartarus in its full state of horror on his own and seen impossibly terrifying and frightening things, and he deals with it, yet I can't deal with the fact that The bloody Son of a Bitch named Ethan raped me. Weak. That was the only word needed to describe me. I break down in tears when one of my patients - A camper I've never met dies. Explain to me how that isn't weak.
I really need to tell Nico, and I am to fucking scared to tell him so I go to the one person who manages to keep me under control, and coincidentally is the only person to know about this ordeal. Lou Ellen. I honestly don't know how that girl deals with Cecil and I.
I go over to her and rant about my issue until she plainly says "Shut up." I try and continue, but all I get out is "W..." before she clamps her hand on my mouth.
"Will, shut the fuck up. Just go and bloody tell him. If he thinks that you are weak then you are to good for him. Now man up and tell him!" She yells.
"Her language is worse than a sailor..." I mutter as I slowly meander towards Cabin 13. Breathe in, Breathe out, I repeat in my head. He won't dump you. But will he? Before I know it, I am knocking on the door to the Hades cabin. Nico opens the door with a scowl on his face, but as soon as he sees me his face lights up.
''Hey sunshine!'' He says.
"Hey Neeks...." I nervously say.
"What's wrong Will?" He asks as we go inside the dark cabin.


I look at Will, concerned. The bright, bubbly boy I know is gone, replaced by a frightened one. And that frightened me.
"Umm.... I have something to tell you..."Will says.
''Ok, I'm all ears" I tell him truthfully.
He recounts the story of Ethan raping him, and he tells me that that is why he is scared of kissing me in private. I understand fully.
He stated sobbing, and we lay down on the bed, with him in my small arms as he slowly drifted of to sleep.
La Fin.
I just wanted to let you know that my updates may become even more nonexistent as I am getting extra homework on top of what I normally do and it is taking up most of my time. But anyways,
From Yasmin

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