Riley Louis

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Hi, I'm Riley! I run a daycare called 'Sunrise Daycare'. I love my job, and I get to work with some really cute little kids.
Today, I had a blond man come in, with two little girls, one had Blonde hair and brown eyes, whilst the other girl had Dark Brown hair and blue eyes. He introduced himself as Will, and the two girls as Michelle and Bianca. Will was what most girls would consider Hot, but I am lesbian and taken so... yeah.
Since it was uncommon for us to have new kids, we got all the Kids into a circle and got them to introduce themselves.
I asked for their names, ages, and something about them. Michelle spoke first "My name wis Michelle, I am thwee and a hawf and Bianca wis my Sista!"
Then Bianca said "My wame wis Bianca, I wam twee and I have two Daddies and wun sister!" I assumed that she was a bit confused, but maybe Will was gay?I thought nothing more of it though, and the girls continued to come for months, and they were well behaved and never got upset, until May 14, when I asked the 19 girls and boys to draw their mums. Michelle came up to me looking sad, meanwhile Bianca started crying. Michelle said "Wut Miss Riwey, Bianca and I downt have A mama!" I had worked with little kids long enough to know how to calm them down."Ok then Michelle, why don't you and Bianca come over here and tell me about your Daddies!"
They came over and started telling me about 'Papa' and 'Daddy'.
At 3:00 , I saw a black haired man come towards the  daycare. I couldn't help but wonder if he was Bianca and Michelle's other father. When he came in he confirmed my suspicions. He introduced himself as Nico Solace Di Angelo.
I became really good friends with the two men and later the introduced me to Nico's long lost sister London (she will have her own chapter), who is Pansexual, and my girlfriend. I also now know about the Greek gods, and am a descendant of Aphrodite.

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