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Sorry that I've taken so long to update. I've been Interstate with no WiFi. BTW, this is based on the tweet above.
Wills POV
I hate mortal schools. Chiron decided that all the campers that where 14 or older needed to go to school. Me and Nico are attending two schools in Texas. I am at Texas high and Neeks is at The Texas school for Art (both made up ). Luckily, we share an apartment. 
The worst part of Mortal school is the bullies. They pick on me because I don't have a full on six pack like the bullies. Because I am a medic and not a fighter, I rarely get to train, and therefore have a bit of stomach. I am waiting for Jules Albert and Nico to pick me up, hoping that the bullies won't come, but sadly the bullies have just arrived.
Third Person
Joe, Ronald, Tom and Oliver (sorry if one of these is your name) approached Will yelling insults like "Fatty" " Faggot" " And then punching him. After 5 minutes of beating Will up, the gang left. A few minutes later, a pitch black Mini Cooper pulled up. Nico came out and walked up to Will.
Wills POV
Once we were in the car and driving back to our apartment, Nico noticed my bruises. He asked me "Who did this to you??" I simply told him that it was just the bullies and that I would be fine. He seemed reluctant to believe that but he did.
Nico has homework to do, so I go and lie on our bed and cry, hoping Nico won't hear me. I cry because I am insecure. Insecure about my weight, my sexuality, and even my lack of skills as an Apollo child. I can't sing, or Shoot an arrow at all. I'm a failure.  Due to me wallowing in self pity, I have only just realised that Nico is in the room. He walked up to me and wrapped his arm around me asking what was wrong. I kept saying it was nothing, but Nico knew better so he asked me "Will, seriously, what is wrong? I hate seeing you like this..."
"I...I.. I'm Fat..... and useless...."
"Sunshine... you are not fat, and are most certainly not useless. I would be dead if it wasn't for you! Just because you have a bit tummy, that doesn't make you fat."
Then he noticed that I was squeezing my stomach, as if trying to pull it off. He pulled my hands away and started massaging my stomach .
" Although I am not a medical expert like you, I do know that that can not be good for you. Anyway, I think it is cute!"
Nicos POV
From that day on, I made it my absolute mission to make Will feel better about his body.

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