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I was tagged twice by Fall_Out_Girl_16
TAG 1:
Relationship status?
Height? 5 feet, 4 inches
Birthday? June 18
Who's your best (girl) friend?
On Wattpad: hiorheyharold
Off Wattpad: a girl named Caroline
Who's your best (guy) friend?
No guy friends.
What was the last song you listened to?
Famous Last Words-My Chemical Romance
When was the last time you cried?
When was the last time you laughed?
TAG 2:
(13 facts about you)
1. I am Australian
2. I have one brother and no sisters
3. I hate all nicknames except Yas/Yaz
4. My favourite colour is black, maroon and purple. I also like yellow and aqua.
5. My favourite video game is The Sims 4
6. I hate all sports except for gymnastics and swimming
7. I am female, and was born that way
8. My favourite subject is Mathematics
9. I have a dog named Brooklyn

 I have a dog named Brooklyn

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10. I am a blue-eyed blonde
11. I hate stereotypes
12. I am extremely sarcastic
13. I am a Girl Guide.
Ok, I honestly struggled to come up with ideas for facts so that is why they are so crappy. I do have an update on the way, but I have a fairly busy schedule.

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