Genderbent AU

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Will- Willow
Nico- Nicola (Really OOC)
Percy- Pearl
Annabeth- Andy
Jason- Jasmine
Leo- Leah
Hazel- Hank
Willows POV
I was skipping down the street, enjoying the fresh autumn air, earbuds in, when I ran into something, or in this case someone. I looked up, to check that I hadn't hurt anyone. When I glanced up, I saw a hella hot girl, leaning over picking up her groceries, that she must have dropped after colliding with me. Of course, me being the most lesbian person that you will ever meet, my first thought was, Wow, those skinny jeans really make her ass look good. Then, the doctor part of my brain kicked in, and my head went into overdrive. Although she didn't look like the kind of person that would usually accept help- particularly from a bright, bubbly person like me- I asked if she was ok, and if she needed help.
One minute, I had been walking home with my groceries, listening to My Chemical Romance boom through my earbuds, and staring down at my worn, black Dr Martens, Next I was scrambling around, picking up my groceries. I looked around for the reason as to why I'd fallen over, when a yellow-clad girl, no older than me - and she was admittedly, rather adorable- Was fretting, thinking that she had hurt me. I assured her that I was ok, but she insisted on helping me. I had worked out that the girl in yellow was most definitely two things; Persistent, and stubborn, and therefore there was no way of escaping the bright, bubbly girl's help. "If you wouldn't mind, could you help me carry one of these bags, they are rather heavy." I cursed under my breath. Whenever I get nervous,(e.g. When I am talking to an obviously stunning girl) my Italian accent (annoyingly) laces its way into my voice.
"Of course I'll help! Just, If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"
"Nicola, Nicola Di Angelo.And you?"
"Willow Solace. Please to meet you Nicola."
She seemed nice enough, and Hank, my brother, had been pressuring me to make more friends. A spark lit in my mind. Maybe, just maybe, we could be more than friends! I pushed that thought out of my mind as quickly as it came in. I didn't want another Pearl. It was so annoying. Just when I get over the fact that Pearl has Andy, I get a new crush. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear Willow calling my name. "Nicola!" She stated, waving her hand in front of my face.
"You zoned out."
"Oh sorry! Now let's get these groceries back so that you can get back on your way." I replied, suddenly feeling sorry for wasting her time, I mean, why would anyone want to help someone else, out of choice, in this day-and-age.
Ok, I have a confession to make. I liked Nicola, even if I had only met her five minutes ago. We headed down Elysium Avenue, Coles bags in hand. We took a similar route to the one that I would take to get home, but I thought nothing of it, until she stopped  in front of a large, grey, two story house, that looked remarkably similar to the one next door to my house. "Would you like me to help you bring these inside?" I offered, happy to spend as much time away from home as possible.
"If you're ok with that." She paused before continuing with "But don't feel at all obliged to!"
"I wouldn't offer if I wasn't happy to do it Silly Death Girl!" I exclaimed.
"Ugh...... You're just as bad as my friends. I imagine that you'd get along just great with them, particularly Jasmine, Pearl and Leah..." She groaned. "These friends sound great! I think that I need to meet them at some point!" I laughed, and Nicola hinted at a smile. "I think I can arrange that. How about you give me your number and we can organise a get together." Wow.... I thought, not even our first date! I thought as I entered my number into Nicola's phone. Then I looked at the time. "Shit! I need to be home in one minute! Bye Death Girl!"
Running off, leaving the bags on the front porch. As I entered the house next door, realising it was my family home, Nicola yelled out to me,
"Bye Sunny" obviously pleased with the nickname.

Nicola came in, dumped the red reusable bags on our marble bench, and then started ranting to me about "Stupid girls dressed head to toe in yellow" , to quote her precisely. I was lucky to understand even that much of what she was saying, as fifty percent of it was a language somewhere in between English and Italian. Another twenty five percent was rapid-fire Italian, and the rest was made up of rapid-fire English and cussing in almost every language under the sun. "Wait a minute Neeks, calm down a bit and then speak to me in ENGLISH." I added extra emphasis on english. "Oh yeah, a bit less cursing would be excellent." I added that bit on the end because Nicola's never ending swearing drove me mad, and she knew it. Then she explained to me that she had met a girl named Willow when bringing back the groceries. They ran into each other, and then they walked home together, because Willow insisted. Then she added on that despite only having been around her for approximately five minutes, she had a ginormous crush on her and that she had her number but didn't know what to do . Me, being the great younger sister I am, Snatched Nicola's phone, and dialed Willows number. After two rings, she picked up. " Hi, I'm Nicola's younger brother, Hank. I've heard so much about you!"
"Cool! Why are you ringing though?"
"Oh, me? I'm ringing you because Little Miss Death is too much of a scaredy-cat to ring you herself. She wants to know if you'd like to go out on a date with her?"
"Tell her that I'd love to go on a date with her. Also, tell her that there's no need to be scared of me!"
"Bye Willow!"
"Bye Hank!"
So I then repeated myself to Neeks multiple times, because she couldn't believe her ears. 
I hope you guys liked that. It was my first chapter with 1000+ words and I am pretty proud of it!
Bye guys, Yasmin, Daughter of Athena

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