Senate Bylaws

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-First things first: an entry is an entry, and will be scored without consideration as to its author. I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but perhaps the ritual has its own significance by now.

-As competitors, I suppose you all will have some basic rights as well (sigh.) They are as follows:

1. A minimum of five days per task to write your entries, even though I know 90% of you will write it on the last day.

2. A minimum of 20 hours per round of voting, to ensure scheduling conflicts don't inhibit democracy.

3. No word limits, unless specifically spelled out by a ballot challenge. Even then, I prefer to use more creative torments.

4. One 24-hour extension, no questions asked. After you use it, I will become far nastier about deadlines. Plan accordingly.

5. Notes on the first task, submitted via PM upon request.

-Now, for my rights:

1. I am the host. My decisions are final. My scores are final. And I have zero qualms about reminding you of this.

2. If you cheat or manipulate votes, I will kick you out of these Games with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. You will not be invited back.

3. Please bear in mind that I have a life, and that life includes genomic analysis. I will try to post and score promptly, but sometimes things happen. Be patient.

4. If you are an asshole to your fellow competitors, I will take it poorly. Disciplinary action will probably ensue. Push it too far, and you will be removed.

5. I reserve the right to cheerfully ignore any entry that is not submitted to This includes entries sent over PM.

-Ballots: Using the system developed by that charming rogue TheCatKing, ballots here will not function as negative points. Instead, the tribute with the highest number of ballot kills will be given an extra penalty/requirement that they will have to work around. The precise nature of these will vary by task and be hopefully thematic and evil simultaneously.

-Scores in these Games will not be cumulative. I repeat, they will not be cumulative. However, I don't want to remove past performance entirely as a factor. As such, here's how things will work.

1. All entries will be submitted and scored. The average score will be determined.

2. Next round, entries will be scored again, and the average taken again. However, the difference between your last entry's score and the last average will be added to/subtracted from your score. 

3. Based on the new numbers, a certain number of tributes will go up for votes.

This is important to note: the boost or reduction from the past entry will not affect the average, only whether or not you go up for votes that round. As such, it will vary from round to round and is thus more responsive to your current performance. 

-I suppose this is the part with the password: if you read this, put your favorite color in the "Other" section of your character form.

-The scoring system proper has been borrowed from CAKersey, bless his soul. Scores will be out of 15. I will arrive at this score by examining your entry in terms of five categories: description, ideas, characterization, grammar, and style. Each category will be given a score between 1 and 10; the total will be multiplied by three and divided by 10 to give your score.

-Sponsorships! To be thematically aligned with the rest of the Games, sponsorships will be derived from the five colors of magic. One tribute will receive a sponsorship from each color, so five will be sponsored in total. Specific benefits will be clarified once the sponsored tributes are chosen.

Questions? Concerns? Send me a PM, and I'll do my best to resolve the issue. In the mood for glowing praise? Comment, or perhaps name your firstborn child after me. Either is acceptable.

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